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Everything posted by Andrew

  1. There could be some dropbox clashing going on - could you try syncing to a different Dropbox folder just to 'start fresh'?
  2. I think you're probably right. I've re-opened the ticket to have a think about this before 2.0.4 is released
  3. The UID is used internally by Alfred and is stored in the knowledge, so I definitely don't want things like cdata in there, just a simple and short string. Remember that you can leave the UID out all together if you want Alfred to leave results in the passed order.
  4. 2.0.4 is now available as a pre-release (in Alfred's Update prefs). If you grab this, let me know if you have better behaviour. [i'm moving this to investigating for now]
  5. Yes, I left the second one regarding snippets / clipboard. I removed the 3rd one which was a mix of these two topics. As for image hosting, you don't need a server or a website, just use any image hosting service such as Tyler's suggestion above. I use Dropbox for hosting my images. Alfred can't host those images for you as he is local on your Mac, and we don't host images (and other media) on these forums for liability / bandwidth issues.
  6. I deleted your testing topic in the help forum as you spread this same topic over 3 separate posts which is unnecessary. You can't just expect pasting an image into a medium such as a forum to work and post that image... in the same was as if I had an image in my clipboard right now and used cmd+c to paste that image into this post reply, it wouldn't work. This is why the image needs to be hosted somewhere for you to display it. Cheers, Andrew
  7. Making things faster by reindexing will fix the source of this issue. File results with a fresh index should be pretty much instant. All results can't arrive at once as then Alfred's ultimate speed would be based around the lowest common denominator, which could be a very slow, web based workflow.
  8. Alfred shows the results within a fraction of a second of OS X returning them to him. You may find reindexing your metadata helps this (shortcut in Alfred's advanced preferences), as I see no delay with bookmarks. [Moving this to the help sub-forum as Alfred is showing the results as fast as your Mac allows]
  9. This may lead to a bit of inconsistency or confusion in the UI, especially as the person using the workflow may not understand why this is happening.
  10. You need to pre-encode anything outside of the {query} string as Alfred treats the URL as verbose. In this case, replace the tick with %E2%9C%93 and things should work as expected [moving to Help forum] Cheers, Andrew
  11. You have two options. Firstly, you could create a workflow to perform the pre-processing on the phone number (you can post a request in the workflow help forum if you need a hand with this). Alternatively, you could contact Blink and ask them to strip the formatting as I would imagine that their app should do this as it's quite normal for phone numbers to contain formatting. I'm going to move this to the help sub-forum as Alfred is working as intended by passing data verbosely. Cheers, Andrew
  12. Sounds like you simply need to reindex your OS X metadata - there is a shortcut for this in Alfred's Advanced prefs [moving to help sub-forum]
  13. For this particular example, you may find this solution which brings Chrome bookmarks natively into OS X and Alfred better: http://blog.timschroeder.net/2013/04/15/Bring-Brow-to-Alfred/
  14. This shouldn't cause an issue - just make sure you have [folders on] your second drive added to Alfred's default search scope and that this drive is indexed by OS X (i.e. Spotlight finds things).
  15. I have identified and fixed (worked around) a few issues relating to this stack trace for 2.0.4 which should be in pre-release within a week. This stack trace is related to bad metadata being passed back to Alfred via the metadata query which Alfred is defending against.
  16. All of those are hacky workarounds which simulate selecting menu items. Alfred avoids these for stability and future-proof. I'm still hoping for direct control over shuffle back into the AppleScript.
  17. The easiest thing to do is open OS X's "Users & Groups" preferences, select your user, then the "Login Items" tab and remove Alfred from there Cheers, Andrew
  18. Hi Victor, The hotkey / combo still works, it's simply displaying differently in Alfred. If I setup a cmd+shift+4 hotkey, it works as expected when I use it. Cheers, Andrew
  19. If you need a hand, pop a question in the Workflow Help sub forum, there are plenty of amazing Alfred users willing to help put together workflows in there
  20. You can use Alfred's 'in' keyword, but it may be better to setup a Workflow file filter to specify the pdf file type and perhaps a narrowed search scope. This way, you will be able to more accurately find your files. From the [+] button in the Workflow prefs, take a look at the "Filter folders in home" workflow example, or "File filter from keyword and open" template
  21. If you don't have syncing setup, it's in your home folder: ~/Library/Application Support/Alfred 2/Alfred.alfredpreferences/Workflows/ You can get to this folder quickly by selecting a workflow in Alfred's preferences, right click and select "Show in Finder", then go up one folder
  22. Alfred simply asks OS X to open a URL - this hasn't changed in many versions. Could you quit both Safari and Firefox, then use Alfred's built in Google search to see if just your default browser opens? If a workflow is opening a URL using its own methods (David mentioned using Python to open the URL), then this will be outside of Alfred's control. Cheers, Andrew
  23. Alfred has two ways of learning, overall knowledge of usage and latching. Latching allows specific typed keywords to be attached to the actioned result allowing for quicker relearning of selected results. This is why the youtube keyword [placeholder] wouldn't latch as you never actually action the 'youtube' keyword for the typed phrase 'youtube', it is always e.g. 'youtube car'. That's why we recommend just typing through your query instead of waiting for youtube to come to the top. As soon as you start typing the subsequent search term, the youtube search will be at the top anyway. Cheers, Andrew
  24. Alfred 2 will need to be listed in the security prefs and ticked. Try resetting OS X's Address Book access in Terminal then restarting your Mac: tccutil reset AddressBook [Moved to Discussion & Help forum]
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