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Everything posted by Andrew

  1. I'm moving the file cache into Alfred's App Support folder from the next release, as this will work around the cache folder being deleted when Alfred needs it. I would also highly recommend against clearing out the cache folder unless you are very tight on disk space as all apps store info in there to speed up their operation. By clearing out this folder, you are almost certainly slowing every aspect of your Mac down. Cheers, Andrew
  2. This is indicative of you deleting or clearing your OS X caches folder, which is removing Alfred's file cache while he is using it. Do you have some auto cleaning software which could be doing this?
  3. This looks like a corruption in the download or unzip. If you could download again and if you used a 3rd party tool to unzip, just unzip normally. Cheers, Andrew
  4. The error which pops out is when Alfred has an issue persisting the actual individual preferences to disk. This could be a permissions issue, or an issue with syncing on a non sync-able device. Try setting your sync folder to a different [absolute] folder. Also, repair permissions in OS X's Disk Utility. This article may help: http://support.alfredapp.com/kb:persisting-preferences
  5. I've just tested this again and it is working fine. Do you have two instances of Alfred running (check Activity Monitor). Also, maybe try restarting in case OS X has stopped reporting back to Alfred which is the visible and active app (info Alfred needs to know if an app should be hidden).
  6. I'm going to have a bit of a think about this for a future release - the issue is you never actually action a script filter placeholder which is why it's never prioritised.
  7. In Alfred's Workflow preferences, take a look at some of the workflow templates (from the [+] button bottom left), maybe the "Launch file group from hotkey" one
  8. This is because a parent item is never actually actioned, and as such, never makes its way to the knowledge. I've moved this to noted as it's something which could be thought about in the future, but would need some pretty significant rethinking.
  9. Could you try installing dev build 180 which has a small fix relating to Application spotlight comment resilience which may help: http://cachefly.alfredapp.com/Alfred_2.0.2_180.zip Cheers, Andrew
  10. Try typing 'reload' into Alfred to clear his caches
  11. Not at this point, but duplicate workflow is coming pretty soon to v2
  12. You can't reconfigure them, but you can setup new global hotkeys for the iTunes hotkeys using Workflows. Check out some of the iTunes templates off the [+] button in the Workflow editor
  13. Be sure to activate your Powerpack on the secondary Mac first, then the sync folder button will enable
  14. David is quite right, there wouldn't be enough to warrant a sub-forum, so post any feature suggestions for the website in the Alfred v2 Feature Suggestions forum.
  15. Unfortunately, this is an issue with iTunes 11. See my response here: http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/1400-unexpected-behavior-in-itunes-player/ As soon as it's fixed in iTunes, I can fix it in Alfred
  16. At the end of your Run Script, just use the open command (or similar) to open the URL instead of passing it into a separate Open URL action.
  17. In the Workflow prefs, there is actually an example for this. Click the bottom left [+] > Examples > Filter for folders in Home
  18. The launch at login is actually a completely separate preference, not stored with the standard preferences. If this isn't being stored, you may need to repair your permissions. Try step 1 of this guide: http://support.alfredapp.com/kb:persisting-preferences Cheers, Andrew
  19. Take a look in iTunes' Advanced preferences to see where it's storing the "iTunes Media folder location", the XML should be in the same folder as that. I'm going to move this into the help forum to see if any other users can shed some light on this too!
  20. You need to point to the xml, not itl... so try something similar to: ~/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music Library.xml Then reload your library
  21. Thanks for your help! If anybody else has this issue, you can grab the fix in this build: http://cachefly.alfredapp.com/Alfred_2.0.2_180.zip Cheers, Andrew
  22. Very interesting indeed! I can see where this might be happening in code, but am unable to reproduce the issue. Could you please pop an email to info@alfredapp com so I can send you a build which may fix this issue for you?
  23. It's also worth mentioning, you can save your automator workflows as apps, then just run them directly with a "Launch Apps / Files" action instead of a script action.
  24. I'm going to be adding an Automator workflow action to a v2 release in the not too distant future - I just ran out of time before v2 was released As for your workflow, you need to escape the spaces in the filename e.g. rename\ to\ action\ folder.workflow Cheers, Andrew
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