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Everything posted by vitor

  1. Apps with AppleScript support have dictionaries. You can access them via the Script Editor app (File → Open Dictionary…) or the AppleScript Dictionaries Workflow. You can change the language on the top right. For this case, it might be something like Application("Moom").listofSnapshots(). Glad it’s sorted!
  2. If it supports AppleScript, it should support JXA as well.
  3. I can’t reproduce, but Spotify also doesn’t run properly on a Virtual Machine (and I don’t trust them to install it on my main one) so no idea what the heck they’re doing. All the Workflow does is ask (not tell) apps to quit. You haven’t posted the result of the command you quoted. Does Spotify show up as Spotify or something else?
  4. Had a suspicion which I just confirmed; your Pinboard API token is probably wrong. Run :pinplusresetapitoken to fix that. Pinboard’s error message isn’t the best, though.
  5. Which API problems? I can’t help without specifics. Is it still the internal server error? Which macOS version are you on?
  6. I’m only changing how the Workflow behaves, not touching the API. Also, it’s not broken for me, I was able to add two bookmarks today. Do you still get the same internal server error?
  7. @GusBerco Have you seen the post right before yours?
  8. Press ⌘O and it will open the contact in the Contacts app, so you can edit it.
  9. Any general purpose language would do. It’s a web service so you’d be doing http requests.
  10. Update. Automatic cache builds are turned on by default. Disable the behaviour by changing the auto_refresh Workflow Environment Variable to 0. To update, download the latest version (same URL) or wait a few days and it’ll prompt you to on next usage, since it uses OneUpdater.
  11. Updates. Only recheck bookmarks for updates if cache is over one hour old (previously was 10 minutes). Removed variable to manually set recheck frequency. Automatic cache rebuilds are turned on by default. Can be turned off by changing the auto_refresh Workflow Environment Variable to 0. To update, download the latest version (same URL) or wait a few days and it’ll prompt you to on next usage, since it uses OneUpdater.
  12. Update. With the February 27th update, another shortcut change makes sense. Now, on nview, ↵ opens the note in your text editor; ⌥↵ copies it; ⌘↵ copies and deletes it. To update, download the latest version (same URL) or wait a few days and it’ll prompt you to on next usage, since it uses OneUpdater.
  13. @kenanmike That’s a different question and the answer depends on WebCatalog. Their apps have to support some automation, in this case a URL handler, to allow it. Skimming through the documentation, it doesn’t look like they offer that.
  14. It’s covered at the bottom of the repo (second footnote) that a few of these may be missing modules which used to ship. That’s something that needs more interventions and is best to ask the developer. Please don’t create new threads for this, use the repository or the forum post.
  15. What you’re looking at is the Clipboard History feature (right above Snippets in the preferences). That’s the Viewer Hotkey you want to turn off. The reason you’re seeing a snippets-related entry is that the Show "All Snippets" at top of Clipboard History checkbox is ticked.
  16. No harm done. Just please take it into consideration for future posts. I certainly understand you logic, but doing it this way (all posts relating to a Workflows in their own thread) ends up being more effective to everyone. Thank you for understanding. That’s the correct approach. When there’s an official update, reinstalling Python 2 no longer applies to that specific Workflow.
  17. You can check the macOS release notes, but I doubt this will show up there. Apple will probably either leave this unfixed or address it silently. The most common cause seems to be using Migration Assistant from an Intel Mac to Apple Silicon, which won’t be common forever. From your standpoint it doesn’t really matter: it’s working now and (presumably) by the time you need another migration this specific issue may not affect you.
  18. @kenanmike AlfredTweet uses PHP, not Python. brew install php.
  19. @pankajsz That’s an issue with the Workflow itself, not Python, so you’ll have to ask its developer.
  20. I see this is already getting solved on GitHub. Please avoid posting the same question to multiple places simultaneously, or at least let every party know so we don’t waste duplicate effort.
  21. Again, those are the wrong instructions. They are not related to Alfred. Follow the links I posted, in particular the second one which links to the Workflow.
  22. That doesn’t help to figure out the issue. What exactly were your steps? What happened? More importantly, what does the debugger say?
  23. @SMN That’s the wrong page. See Alfred Integration instead and click “Numi Workflow”.
  24. If you need a loop, do it inside the JXA code. If you need to paste an image, try for example keystroking ⌘V.
  25. @kenanmike I can’t say with that information if you installed Python correctly, only that the link isn’t correct. Try this: rm /usr/local/bin/python ln -s "${HOME}/.pyenv/versions/2.7.18/bin/python2.7" "/usr/local/bin/python" If that doesn’t work, remove everything and try again. Make sure to copy and paste the commands exactly. That link isn’t possible if you follow the instructions, so it has to be something unrelated you did.
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