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Everything posted by vitor

  1. Welcome @twei, It has to do with the file system layout introduced in Catalina (see the comments).
  2. You seem to want (Language /bin/zsh in a Run Script): if [[ "${alfred_preferences}" == '/Volumes/DB/Dropbox/AppPrefs/Alfred.alfredpreferences' ]]; then open '/first/directory/path' else open '/second/directory/path' fi
  3. Welcome @JorgeArauca, You can use Alfred to search for a file, then click and drag it from the results into that box. There’s also a Workflow to do it without dragging.
  4. Connect a Dispatch Key Combo to your trigger. Make sure it’s positioned below the Show Alfred on the canvas. A more proper way would be for the original Workflow to have an External Trigger, but you’d have to ask the developer to add it.
  5. Welcome @JustKristin, Connect your Keyword (or whatever trigger) to a Show Alfred Utility (right-click → Utilities → Show Alfred) and type the bn there.
  6. If you’re using /usr/bin/python3, it should just work if the user already has the Developer Tools (DT) installed. If they have Homebrew, they have the DT. If they don’t have the DT, that shebang will trigger macOS to show a GUI prompt to install them in two clicks. There’s a rare chance that the user will instead get a variant of xcrun: error: invalid active developer path. The cause seems to be a macOS update breaking the previously installed DT. xcode-select --install in the Terminal fixes it.
  7. Welcome @KopperHead, Those Workflows don’t use Python. The one that does is fixed simply by reinstalling Python 2. For the others you may need to brew install php. It’s possible that some of them are broken because they are a decade old and the external services they used are dead.
  8. @alvint Did you ask about this on GitHub as well? If so, the answer has been there, waiting for a reply. If you’re not the same person, answering here which version works for you would be helpful.
  9. Are you sure it isn’t already installed? This suggests it might. Anyway, to try again: restart your computer, then remove everything and follow the instructions to reinstall Python 2 again. Paste the Terminal output, preferably in the other thread. Also, are you on Intel or Apple Silicon?
  10. @LKolbasz That one is so simple, this should be enough: Open the Workflow in the Finder.Open background-image.py in a text editor.Change the first line from #!/usr/bin/python to #!/usr/bin/python3.Save and you’re done.
  11. Updates. When generating the email, it will be pasted to the current input field in addition to being copied to the clipboard.The email provider tab will open next to the current tab instead of at the end.Removed teleosaurs.xyz.Added guerrillamail.com.Removed Firefox support. It truly is an inferior experience without AppleScript support. To update, download the latest version (same URL) or wait a few days and it’ll prompt you to on next usage, since it uses OneUpdater.
  12. Separate the groups into two sections, each triggered separately. Keep the first the same as you have now. For the second group, make it trigger with a Hotkey and make it paste from the clipboard. So instead of having an arbitrary paste trigger the rest of the action, you have the action trigger the paste.
  13. Replace "{query}" with q and it will work. But your code has redundancies. You can simply do: on alfred_script(q) tell application "System Events" to keystroke q end alfred_script Also, look at the text above the Run NSAppleScript. Unless you specifically know you need it (you don’t for this case), you should use a Run Script with /usr/bin/osascript (AppleScript) instead. But even that you shouldn’t be doing in this case. Typing with AppleScript is finicky. The proper way is to connect your Keyword to a Copy to Clipboard Output and tell it to paste to the frontmost app. It’s way simpler, faster, no code needed, and works better.
  14. @vsrixyz You have to look under releases.
  15. Well, yes, because it assumes you have installed pyenv for the purpose of using Python 2. If you were already using pyenv for your own reasons, then the error should be related to your own setup and you’ll have to be the one to fix it.
  16. Do you mean multi-factor authentication codes? A CAPTCHA is something different, it doesn’t text you.
  17. No need for /usr/bin/env in that context; just python script.py will work the same. You can if you have exported PATH in the calling shell (which you should). You can also set it from inside the Python script: import os os.environ['PATH'] = '/opt/homebrew/bin:/usr/local/bin:' + os.environ['PATH'] Good advice in general, though worth expanding (for anyone interested in the intricacies) that this only matters if you call the script as External or as ./myscript. If you python myscript, the shebang is ignored. Which applies to Homebrew itself, even! Binaries are installed in different places on Intel and Apple Silicon.
  18. Intel or Apple Silicon? Restart your computer, then remove everything and follow the instructions to reinstall Python 2 again. Paste the Terminal output here, with the commands. @giovanni I think @xilopaint may agree a good rule of thumb when submitting a PR is to think “is this a change the author would have done themselves?”. Ultimately a PR ends up as code in their own repo, under their name and reputation. You still get credit in the commit history and as a contributor. Some repos also have an explicit document. If you make a fork and continue to develop in a different direction from the original and are not submitting your changes back, then it makes sense to change the bundle ID because they become two different tools. When you make a PR you’re contributing for there to only be one good tool most can agree on. PRs are generally preferred to forks. The latter comes into play when there’s no reasonable way to proceed with the former (e.g. the original developer has abandoned the project and does not want to transfer ownership).
  19. Python 2 isn’t relevant to that script. Just reinstalling PHP is enough. If you just want to paste {time:short} to the frontmost app, why not use a Copy to Clipboard Output directly? The documentation shows it in the screenshot.
  20. When reporting issues, please include your exact installed versions of: The Workflow.Alfred.macOS. In addition to:The debugger output. Perform the failing action, click “Copy” on the top right and paste it here.Details on what you did, what happened, and what you expected to happen. A short video of the steps with the debugger open may help to find the problem faster. Thank you. Accurate and thorough information is crucial for a proper diagnosis which allows me to help you better.
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