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Everything posted by vitor

  1. Welcome @Dracula (a sentence I never expected to write on this forum), That is exactly how SequentialPaste works.
  2. The file appears to be base64 encoded, so you can read it with: base64 --decode "${HOME}/Library/Application Support/Alfred/usage.data". That doesn’t give you the whole picture and you’d have to decipher what each segment means. You’d have to be saving that file regularly. The GUI only shows statistics os the past 28 days so it’s likely that’s what’s stored.
  3. Reasonable assumption. Apps without a bundle ID are rare and they tend to cause problems to other apps who interact with apps (like Alfred) but issues may crop up in regular usage of macOS as well. There’s likely a workaround which can be applied in Alfred, but I’d recommend you contact the developer of the app and let them know of the missing bundle ID. When I do that, I suggest one or two which would make sense for them, to not make the developer have to learn what a proper one looks like (which would increase the burden of doing it, lowering chances that it would be fixed).
  4. In case someone stumbles here during a search, this is likely possible (and easy) in current versions of Alfred (at the time of writing, 4 is the major version).
  5. Copying over the ~/Library/Application Support/Alfred/usage.data file should be enough. I haven’t tried it, but deleting it does reset the statistics.
  6. Not an accurate assumption, I’d say. Alfred has many non-power users, wherever you want to draw that line. Plus, being a power-user doesn’t mean you always type fast. The current implementation of that Workflow is based on the previous PHP versions, with some tweaks. It has already been juiced for speed without compromising usability, but they (including the Amazon one) are short and simple. If you want to do some changes / tests and suggest specific code improvements, they will be welcome for consideration.
  7. From experience, dealing with RTF programmatically is not pleasant indeed. Check Markdown Transform. It might already do what you need, but if not maybe you’ll get a clue (can’t check your Workflow right now, as I’m not on the Mac).
  8. The Workflow already has a File Action separate from that. That is specifically addressed in the very short instructions.
  9. Ah, right, I didn’t look at the code.
  10. It’s deprecated in favour of Shortcuts. End result is the same, since shortcuts can be used as Services. We can add a Service which calls the Workflow via External Trigger.
  11. You’re still thinking in terms of Excel. Forget about that. Don’t describe your steps, describe the data you have as input (where you get it from) and what you want to have in the end.
  12. Only if you can’t see the files in your Google Drive with the normal Alfred file search (which means Spotlight also won’t see them).
  13. This can easily be done with Alfred and a bit of coding, yes, but if you only need to do this once… Select all files → right-click → Rename… Then choose Replace Text on the dropdown and Find spaces to Replace with nothing.
  14. Welcome to the forums, @Itman, You can’t in that window, but you can enter Universal Actions (go back with Esc) or press ⇧ (or ⌘Y) to Quick Look the file.
  15. Released updates today. Use lazy find to build cache.Use epoch when unable to get atime.Add !gddiagnostic.Better checks for cache rebuild in progress.
  16. Alfred Preferences → Advanced → Syncing. Set it to the directory where your old preferences are and Alfred should pick those up and use them. What does that mean in practice?
  17. Got no reply but updated the Workflow to that version anyway. I’m confident it’ll work.
  18. Their website is down and they have been excluded from The Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine, which is not something I’ve seen before (and I use that a lot). They don’t have a Wikipedia page, the iOS app has mediocre ratings, and every mention I’m finding of them is from shady download sites. It is not inspiring a lot of trust right now, but I’ll take another look when the website is back up.
  19. That image is from your text editor, right? But what you’re asking is for that type of suggestion popup to show up across every app, is that correct? Do other text expansion apps do that? I somehow doubt it. That looks like a feature which would consume considerably more resources and is unlikely to work in every text field. If dedicated apps which only do text expansion don’t have the feature, it probably wouldn’t be feasible for Alfred to implement it either. If I am wrong, an example of a general text expansion app which does this might be helpful.
  20. Welcome to the forum. It helps if you explain where “Squirrel” comes from. Is this it? https://github.com/rime/squirrel
  21. Why do you need two Script Filters? Why do you need Script Filters at all? You considered using AppleScript dialogs to requests the input, so it sounds like two Keyword Inputs would suffice and be simpler. While we’re at it, why two? Depending on the input, you may just get them both in one go if you separate them with a comma, or a space, or another character and split it right after, either in your code or with a utility.
  22. You do not. That’s what the Workflow Keyword Input checkbox in the Universal Actions preferences is for. Neither does yours. You specifically asked for: Which is only one item. That solution wouldn’t work with multiple items anyway, unless there was some kind of file buffer for clipboard items. As you described it, as soon as you pressed the shortcut Alfred would switch from Clipboard History to the main search bar. What you seem to be asking now is not for Alfred to add the text to the previous typed command but to invisibly add it and auto-run it, which would be antithetical to Alfred’s design. What you’d need for that are External Triggers. You can’t have it both ways. Right now, what gets you closer is the solution above and/or SequentialPaste. As to your initial idea, its interface isn’t clear at the moment. You explained in detailed steps what you do right now, but not how your desired feature would work from a user’s perspective, exactly what one would do and see.
  23. You’ll need to do some coding. Either make the metronome yourself or grab a ready made tool. Place the code in a Run Script Action and trigger it via a Keyword Input. To stop it, add another Keyword Input to kill/terminate the process. From your other posts I recall you can code, so I’ll leave the exact implementation to you, though we can assist with particular details which pertain to making it fit into Alfred.
  24. Look at your own post, specifically the Console.app output: Alfred is trying to show but is being stopped. And that is happening because of something you have installed/configured, as evidenced by the fact it doesn’t happen on a fresh account. If you are trying to drive down a road but can’t proceed because there’s a barricade in the way, is it your car’s fault? No, it’s the fault of whoever blocked the road, which is why it’s important to figure out exactly who that is. Which app(s) is causing this to happen and in which circumstances? After finding that and getting a consistent way to reproduce, perhaps Alfred can implement a workaround or we can file a bug report with the source of the problem.
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