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Everything posted by TomBenz

  1. I found answer to this. If the Value_Col returns null value, then the record is skipped. In the environment variables, I changed value_col to 1 which always have a value instead of the earlier column that sometimes had blank values. In debugger log, I found false for such records and then used it to troubleshoot. In the sample demo there is a Liverpool example with 7500 records so I realised there is no max records limitation. This workflow is amazing but just takes time to understand and use!
  2. Is there any solution to it? It would be great to have a workflow that can spellcheck and suggest sentence corrections. Even Grammarly desktop is difficult to use as there is no accept all features and it keeps basic things that can be auto-corrected (like double space replaced with a single, sentence starting with Capital). It will be great if you can share workflow and other tools that can help in document editing and updating. I convert video / meeting to the transcript for reading through this fast and hoping to have a tool that does regular corrections automatically. Open to AppleScript and related Alfred workflow to achieve this.
  3. Tried https://github.com/zakyum/alfred-notification-dismisser and some scripts but there are not very reliable. Perhaps will live with notification as it is instead of clearing all.
  4. Is there a solution to this? I tried the AppleScript at the link https://super-unix.com/askdifferent/macos-dismiss-macos-big-sur-notifications-with-keyboard/ but with no success.
  5. @giovanni Are there max records that can be retrieved? In the debugger log, I see " [truncated]" towards the end. If I reduce the number of columns retrieved, data from more rows can be returned but incomplete. My dataset has 350 rows and it can retrieve up to 200. Beyond those rows, the workflow doesn't give any result or error message in the prompt or log.
  6. Yes, this is the design and expected behaviour. I have been using this workflow but it doesn't give a prompt for update. i.e. On my machine, the auto-updater doesn't work. I don't know if there is a pre-requisite that I need to follow or if I can run any diagnostic log that can help you to troubleshoot it. I am an end user and not doing any modification of workflow.
  7. Comfortable to use both approaches. Just wanted to comment that this command line auto-updater needs to be installed separately.
  8. Thanks @godbout I upgraded to v2.1.0 manually but still see following: xattr -d com.apple.quarantine WooshyWindowToTheForeground >/dev/null 2>&1 ./WooshyWindowToTheForeground "$1" Auto-updater code line is missing. Should I add it manually? The auto-updater used seems to be different from the usual that I have seen with other workflow from Vitor or deanishe.
  9. @godboutI use this workflow and it is fast and good. Is screen recording permission safe to give? Can you please explain how it is used? I don't see auto-updater available? Do you have plans to add this? @vitor have you checked or used this workflow?
  10. For now, just the ability to search bookmarks, search for the bookmark folder name and open multiple URLs from it. It will be great to hear from any active user of this workflow.
  11. Thanks @vitor I went thru the post. I will try Firefox assistant but then it is confusing to use so many browsers. which one do you use? Are they a good alternative to safari assistant that you can recommend or can this workflow be maintained/updated by another power user here?
  12. @deanishe @vitor Is this workflow still maintained? I see last update in 2019. Also is @deanishe still active on these forums? I love his workflows. In safari assistant workflow, I use bm keyword to search bookmarks and usually get the one that I am searching for. However I observe that it gives lot of other bookmarks that really doesn't have the search word. Has anybody else observed the same? Any explanation for this behaviour? Perhaps the word can be modified to search only url title, description etc.
  13. Any feedback from your research on this?
  14. Wox is not in the list above but has some basic functionalities of launching application and custom search. I also use Parallel and some Alfred functionalities works in windows environment like universal control. Even menubar search works but for parallel application itself.
  15. @vitor is there an alternative for stopwatch type functionality?
  16. https://github.com/deanishe/alfred-safari-assistant/blob/master/README.md I use safari browser and above workflow to open all urls in bookmark folder using keybword bmf. Perhaps this can be adapted for Chrome.
  17. Any update on this based on new automation tasks available in Alfred 5? @vitor - kindly suggest My goal / objective : open two files say one word and other video file from finder using universal action and select "Open in split view" regards.
  18. I read it briefly and will try. Is there a option to set sync option such as Two way, one way? How does it resolve conflicts? How much resources it consumes during syncing? For office files, I use onedrive but it takes lot of resources - ram, battery etc.
  19. thanks @xilopaint The merge worked well with v4.2 and I am happy to get bookmarks of individual files!
  20. Is it a new component used in new version? The link above says "Pycryptodome cannot be loaded on M1 macs" Alfred PDF older version v3.0 works fine on my ARM Mac.
  21. https://we.tl/t-kZRNCw2xCg Two pdf files, diagnostic log and !diagnostic keyword attached
  22. Tried v4.2. I get error following error message for merge and other actions such as encrypt. Let me know if there are pre-requisite that I am missing. Can't interpret the message below. I am using macos 12.4, Alfred 5.0.1 [2067] on m1 max. would really like to use this workflow. [06:16:19.102] Alfred PDF Tools[File Action] Processing complete [06:16:19.103] Alfred PDF Tools[File Action] Passing output '( "/Users/xyz\U0259rbaycan Filial\U0131 \U018fsasnam\U0259.pdf", "/Users/xyz\U0259rbaycan Filial\U0131 S\U0327\U0259had\U0259tnam\U0259 .pdf" )' to Arg and Vars [06:16:19.104] Alfred PDF Tools[Arg and Vars] Processing complete [06:16:19.104] Alfred PDF Tools[Arg and Vars] Passing output '' to Keyword [06:16:22.419] Alfred PDF Tools[Keyword] Processing complete [06:16:22.419] Alfred PDF Tools[Keyword] Passing output 'New' to Run Script [06:16:22.556] ERROR: Alfred PDF Tools[Run Script] Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/xyz/Downloads/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.F5626124-7D80-45A1-A349-E413ADB69042/alfred_pdf_tools.py", line 48, in <module> from PyPDF2 import PdfReader, PdfWriter, PdfMerger, PageRange, PageObject, errors File "/Users/xyz/Downloads/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.F5626124-7D80-45A1-A349-E413ADB69042/PyPDF2/__init__.py", line 10, in <module> from ._encryption import PasswordType File "/Users/xyz/Downloads/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.F5626124-7D80-45A1-A349-E413ADB69042/PyPDF2/_encryption.py", line 60, in <module> from Crypto.Cipher import AES, ARC4 # type: ignore[import] File "/Users/xyz/Downloads/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.F5626124-7D80-45A1-A349-E413ADB69042/Crypto/Cipher/__init__.py", line 27, in <module> from Crypto.Cipher._mode_ecb import _create_ecb_cipher File "/Users/xyz/Downloads/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.F5626124-7D80-45A1-A349-E413ADB69042/Crypto/Cipher/_mode_ecb.py", line 35, in <module> raw_ecb_lib = load_pycryptodome_raw_lib("Crypto.Cipher._raw_ecb", """ File "/Users/xyz/Downloads/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.F5626124-7D80-45A1-A349-E413ADB69042/Crypto/Util/_raw_api.py", line 309, in load_pycryptodome_raw_lib raise OSError("Cannot load native module '%s': %s" % (name, ", ".join(attempts))) OSError: Cannot load native module 'Crypto.Cipher._raw_ecb': Not found '_raw_ecb.cpython-39-darwin.so', Cannot load '_raw_ecb.abi3.so': dlopen(/Users/xyz/Downloads/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.F5626124-7D80-45A1-A349-E413ADB69042/Crypto/Util/../Cipher/_raw_ecb.abi3.so, 0x0006): tried: '/Users/xyz/Downloads/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.F5626124-7D80-45A1-A349-E413ADB69042/Crypto/Util/../Cipher/_raw_ecb.abi3.so' (mach-o file, but is an incompatible architecture (have 'x86_64', need 'arm64e')), '/Users/xyz/Downloads/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.F5626124-7D80-45A1-A349-E413ADB69042/Crypto/Cipher/_raw_ecb.abi3.so' (mach-o file, but is an incompatible architecture (have 'x86_64', need 'arm64e')), Not found '_raw_ecb.so'
  23. Have you resolved it? I also don't get reminder -- is it to do with some reminder app setting?
  24. Tried that. I request @deanishe and @rknightuk to consider this and guide. thanks in advance
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