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Everything posted by deanishe

  1. You can simulate a tab keypress with AppleScript: tell application "System Events" to key code 48 Not sure how that's faster than hitting TAB yourself.
  2. Please post in that workflow's thread then, not in here. There's little chance that anyone that can help will see your post in this thread.
  3. Script says it found no contacts. You can try running the workflow's update_contacts.py script directly in Terminal or iTerm2. See what it says. Might just be that you didn't grant it access to your Contacts when it asked.
  4. Google Maps API is gone. I have a working replacement using the Google Places API, but you need an API key to use that one. Version 2 in the develop branch has working Google Places, but doesn't support many other engines yet, as I still haven't decided on the right data model/JSON format. Install at your own risk.
  5. That's not possible, I'm afraid. You could make a feature request for it. I think in this case you might have to go with "Indiana Pacers 123 : 109 New York Knicks | final" or pad to a fairly low maximum length. It is possible to precisely align the text yourself, but it isn't simple.
  6. Could you check the log file for errors? (Open it by entering mailto workflow:openlog) The contact data is updated in a background process, so its output doesn't appear in Alfred's debugger.
  7. I guess I phrased that wrong. The .scpt extension is for compiled scripts, .applescript for text files. Otherwise bad things happen.
  8. Connect your external trigger to the action you want to run, not the input.
  9. .scpt files are compiled scripts, i.e. they're not text files. If you save an AppleScript as text, you should use the .applescript extension, not .scpt
  10. Did you edit the script in Script Editor?
  11. ? That's a great tip regarding f.lux. I've updated the script to default to themes present in Alfred 3.2.
  12. Doesn't ⌘⇧4 save screenshots to your desktop? ⌘⇧^4 saves to clipboard. Or have I changed my shortcuts?
  13. If you have a question regarding a particular workflow, please post in that workflow's thread. It's the best way to ensure the workflow's author sees your post, and it keeps the forum tidier. It's not even clear which workflow you're talking about.
  14. Yeah, I think you've misinterpreted how Alfred's options work based on how other snippet expanders behave. In Alfred, "expand mid-string" doesn't mean when the trigger terminates mid-string (i.e. without a trailing space/tab/line break etc.), but when it starts mid-string. AFAIK, Alfred never waits for a trailing delimiter (e.g. space/tab/line break etc.) before expanding, which is what other snippet expanders do by default (well, at least the ones I'm familiar with), and thus what many people would assume the "expand mid-string" option means.
  15. You're not supposed to delete all the mentions. Just the bit that generates the feedback for Alfred
  16. That's most likely it. You can delete the history from the workflow by entering ssh workflow:deldata. I'll have to have a look and see if I changed the history format. I mean, I know I did, but I thought I'd changed it back again before releasing the workflow…
  17. In the xml.scpt and xml-paste.scpt files. The simplest thing to do is probably to edit the xmlItem() function so it doesn't add uid to the output.
  18. Hmm. It looks like there's an entry the workflow doesn't like in one of the files. Could you try turning off the different sources to see if you can track down what the workflow is choking on (/etc/hosts, ~/.ssh/config etc.)?
  19. You can simulate the keypresses with an AppleScript and launch that with Alfred. http://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/36943/how-do-i-automate-a-key-press-in-applescript That can be unreliable, as there's no way for the script to know if the keystrokes worked. You'll have to build in delays to give Safari time to load each page before firing the next keystroke.
  20. You shouldn't need to use sudo. The error is most likely because you used sudo. The temp file is now owned by root, so your user can't overwrite it. Deleting the file manually should do the trick.
  21. Time to get passive-aggressive and submit a tutorial on how to convert smart quotes to dumb ones.
  22. Yeah, no. You described it perfectly. But I managed to misunderstand it all the same. My bad.
  23. Oh, sorry. I got confused. Alfred uses NSTask to run workflow scripts. Don't know which method it uses to launch applications.
  24. I think you haven't quite apprehended The Alfred Way. You'll get the best results from Alfred by keeping your default result scope small (to keep searches fast and relevant), and then adding File Filters for specific types of files and/or specific directories. So rather than adding your Calibre library to your default Search Scope (and ePub/mobi filetypes via the Advanced… button), you should create a File Filter pointed at your Calibre library configured to find .epub, .mobi, .pdf etc. files.
  25. To always have the actions in the same order, you need to edit the workflow so it doesn't give the actions UIDs. The UID is how Alfred identifies actions and remembers what you selected in the past. Without UIDs, results are always shown in the same order they're emitted.
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