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    cands reacted to dfay in Create new task in OmniFocus inbox   
    Not until OF3 ships.  I poked around in the SQL and the tag data isn’t being synced to OF2 even though it’s obviously there in the cloud.  Until we can read the SQL there’s no way to tell what to look for.
  2. Like
    cands reacted to vdesabou in Spotify Mini Player: Control your Spotify library at your fingertips   
    Yesterday, Spotify has made major changes in their API related to Spotify URIs.
    The workflow was broken, and version 7.16 should fix the issues, see http://alfred-spotify-mini-player.com/blog/Version-7.16/
    Please report any issues, see how
  3. Like
    cands reacted to pawelgrzybek in Div — simple windows manager   
    Ps. I am still working on support for multiple screens. It turns out it is harder than I  thought to do it via AppleScript only.
  4. Like
    cands reacted to xilopaint in Urban Dictionary   
    I had to create a new Urban Dictionary workflow as my previous one was broken.

    It's available on GitHub.
  5. Thanks
    cands reacted to dfay in Date Snippets - insert upcoming days (next Monday etc.) - updated for 12.3   
    Dynamic snippets to insert the date corresponding to the upcoming day.
    d.nm - next Monday
    d.nt - next Tuesday
    d.nw - next Wednesday
    d.nr - next Thursday
    d.nf - next Friday
    d.ns - next Saturday
    So given today's date 2018-07-30, the snippets in sequence produce
    d.m+ - first day of next month
    And dt.n to add the next business day in prose, e.g. Tuesday, June 4, 2019
    v. 1.2 
    - added first day of next month
    - added external triggers for M of next week and 1st of next month
    - updated so snippets will paste in Alfred (using the trick here: https://www.alfredforum.com/topic/11765-snippet-triggers-triggered-in-alfred-dont-paste-to-alfred/?tab=comments#comment-61652 )
    v. 1.3 2022-03-31
    - updated to use Python 3 for compatibility with MacOS 12.3
  6. Like
    cands reacted to Kirill Maltsev in Cheatsheet - shortcuts for your tools   
    Recently I've added some new features to the workflow:
    App icons for all apps and their shortcuts. Search among all shortcuts without selecting an app first (use cheatsheetg keyword for that). Hide or show only specific apps in the search results. To customize that type cheatsheet keyword, select Customize your cheatsheet, then list needed apps in settings.json (sorry for not implementing a GUI for that). Check also README.md for the settings format.
  7. Like
    cands reacted to deanishe in ZotQuery: an Alfred workflow for Zotero   
    I've (finally) officially released v1.0.
    I added the "all" field to the search, @cands. Also a Snippet Trigger and better configuration handling.
    @Damoeire: If you'd like to spread the word now, that's cool. Please refer to the workflow's own thread, not this one (or better yet, its GitHub repo).
  8. Like
    cands reacted to deanishe in ZotHero — Generate Zotero citations in Alfred   
    Added Snippet Trigger in v1.1. Using the Snippet Trigger pastes the citation directly in the active application.

    Note: You have to assign your own trigger—Alfred strips Snippet Triggers on install.
  9. Like
    cands reacted to deanishe in ZotHero — Generate Zotero citations in Alfred   

    Rapidly search your Zotero database and copy citations.


    Perform full-text search across your Zotero database, including only searching specific fields Copy citations using any CSL style you have installed in Zotero Copy citations either in citation/note style or bibliography style Copy citations in any locale supported by CSL Citations are copied in multiple formats, so the right data are automatically pasted into the application you're using Trigger search while you type using the Snippet Trigger (you must assign the snippet keyword yourself in Alfred Preferences)

    Download & installation

    Download the ZotHero-XYZ.alfredworkflow file from GitHub releases, and double-click the downloaded file to install.

    Basic usage

    These are the workflow's default keywords:
    zot <query> — Search your Zotero database (common fields). zot:[<query>] — Search a specific field. zotconf [<query>] — View and edit workflow configuration.

    See the README on GitHub for full instructions.

    Pasting citations

    When you copy a citation, ZotHero puts both HTML and rich text (RTF) representations on the pasteboard. That way, when you paste a citation into an application like Word, the formatted text will be pasted, but when you paste into a text/Markdown document, the HTML will be pasted.

    Licence & thanks

    The workflow is released under the MIT licence.

    The Zorro icon was created by Dan Lowenstein.

    Citations are generated by citeproc-js (AGPLv3).

    Workflow stuff is taken care of by Alfred-Workflow (also MIT licence).
  10. Haha
    cands reacted to vitor in Can I import Textexpander .csv files to Alfred 3 Snippets?   
    Bah! Bunch of weaklings, what you all are, with your fancy apps and your files in a cloud. What if it rains? Have you thought of that? True scotsmen don’t need backups, they memorise the binary representation of every file, and if they ever lose one they type it out. And that only if they’re in a hurry, because everyone knows the proper method is to forge the words on a metal plate inside a volcano, and read it back by holding it high to be struck by lighting.
  11. Like
    cands reacted to Carlos-Sz in Evernote Workflow 9 beta 4 (Alfred 4)   
    Evernote workflow 9 beta 3 released with minor code optimizations and updated workflow preferences.
    Download Now
    If your search (ens keyword) is not returning any results please make sure to trigger a full index rebuild in Evernote app: Option-Key Help > Troubleshooting > Recreate
  12. Like
    cands reacted to Neberheim in ZotQuery: an Alfred workflow for Zotero   
    Dude, how are you so awesome? Trying to get Zotero to work better for me is what led me down the rabbit hole to finding Alfred in the first place. I’m ecstatic that there’s some active development on this front, and out of altruistic intentions at that. Python is installed and I’m learning a bit at a time. I hope I can help contribute to this in the future; I’ll certainly be using this workflow until then.
  13. Like
    cands got a reaction from deanishe in I Sheet You Not: Plug Excel into Alfred   
    Just wanted to say thanks (and I bought you a beer) for this powerful and simple-to-use workflow! I recently needed to send a large amount of emails based on an Excel-sheet with relevant information in several columns. It was pretty straightforward to extract the needed data with your workflow and create the text for each email. 
  14. Thanks
    cands reacted to designandsuch in Workflow: Units - convert currency length temperature weight and more   
    @Tsunami is correct. In the case of @greenamit I was able to confirm that the server did not block the specific IPs. 
    It's hard to figure out how many users have issues with this, since there are still a lot of people using Units without any problems. 
    Anyhow just wanted to let you all know that I checked with my hosting provider and they confirmed that there where no blocks or problems on their side.
  15. Like
    cands reacted to vitor in SandwichTimer — Run pomodoros and other timers   
    This workflow is officially deprecated in favour of Shrieking Chimes.
    Control SandwichTimer from Alfred, to run pomodoros and timers. If you don’t have the app installed, invoke :sandwichtimerupdateapp to get the latest version. See the linked page for screenshots of the app in action.

    Call pomo or set a keyboard shortcut to start a pomodoro timer. If another is already running, it’ll be aborted.

    timer will let you set as many timers as you want, for the specified amount of time. Text after the number of minutes will be used as the timer’s title.

    With both options, actioning with ⌥ will quit all instances of the SandwichTimer app.
  16. Thanks
    cands reacted to GuiB in Cardhop Workflow   
    @Mightymuke , you are right, I did this node too fast while adding the unicode normalization this week...
    Here is a new update with this bug fix: https://nofile.io/f/TocAqvK7JJJ/gbCardhop.alfredworkflow
    However, now I have a bigger problem since Cardhop 1.1 added localization and English actions doesn't work when you are in another localization. So, I'll see what could be changed to make it works for everyone (extract all the localized strings from Carhop or maybe ask the Cardhop team if it would be possible to keep the English actions word working in other language (as I think I would prefer this since I'm used to write those kind of actions in English than in French: I'm used to write "mail personName" than "écrire personName", but not sure they would want this))
    @cands, you should update to this one to have this bug fix
  17. Like
    cands reacted to deanishe in ZotQuery: an Alfred workflow for Zotero   
    Give me a day or two. I need to update the workflow library now Alfred has a real way to change options.
    But first, I need to upgrade a machine to High Sierra, as GitHub have changed their SSL settings, breaking Python on El Cap and Sierra.
  18. Thanks
    cands reacted to vitor in Make clipboard text preview bigger   
    Do ⌘L on the relevant item and it’ll show as Large Type showing the text in full, scaled to fit the screen.
  19. Like
    cands reacted to Acidham in Rsync Folders   
    Rsync Folders for Alfred
    Keep a set of folders in sync with their target folders via rsync. 
     executes all rsync configurations  add a new entry to rsync batch  delete an entry from the batch file  
  20. Thanks
    cands reacted to vdesabou in Spotify Mini Player: Control your Spotify library at your fingertips   
    Version 7.11 is out http://alfred-spotify-mini-player.com/blog/Version-7.11/
  21. Like
    cands reacted to Warren Pena in Move Forward Through History   
    With a newly opened Alfred prompt, one can press the up arrow to cycle back through previous inputs to Alfred (like you would on the UNIX command line). However, I often overshoot, and need to move back in the other direction. On the UNIX command line, one just presses the down arrow for that. This doesn't work in Alfred, though. Is there a keystroke or some other way I'm overlooking to move forward in history in Alfred? So far as I can tell, all I can do is escape out, open a fresh Alfred prompt, and be more careful this time.
  22. Thanks
    cands reacted to vitor in New Path — Make new files and folders in the current Finder location   
    Added Path Finder support. Thank you to xDevThomas for the initial code.

    To update, download the latest version (same URL) or wait a few days and it’ll prompt you to on next usage, since it uses OneUpdater.
  23. Like
    cands reacted to Andrew in Hotkey to quickly edit existing snippet   
    This is now in the b901 pre-release. I've been meaning to add this for quite some time!
  24. Like
    cands reacted to deanishe in solving the icon bottleneck - ideas?   
    I'm crap with icons. I have a set of colours I tend to go back to, and just grab a bunch of appropriate icons from my icon server.
    I usually use this script to fetch icons for my workflows (if they have several). It reads this config file and fetches the icons defined in it. I tend to use a lot of the same icons across workflows (for warnings, links, docs etc.).
    The same workflow automatically downloads icons for your events in the appropriate.
  25. Like
    cands reacted to vdesabou in Spotify Mini Player: Control your Spotify library at your fingertips   
    Version 7.8 is available http://alfred-spotify-mini-player.com/blog/Version-7.8/
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