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mixterdee reacted to marlon in Link For All My Themes
So I created this neat document that anyone can view to house all of my Alfred themes and keep them organized and looking sharp. Bookmark the link if you want as I will be updating it.
Go here -> Alfred Themes
mixterdee reacted to marlon in Gruvbox Inspired Theme (Alfred 4.2)
Download the theme here.
mixterdee reacted to Chris Messina in 8 Accent Color-aligned Monterey Themes for Alfred
I made them! Check it out: https://chrismessina.gumroad.com/l/alfred-icons
The theme changer is from @AlexMartinFR. I still want to work with him to update what he has to support more themes.
mixterdee reacted to Chris Messina in 8 Accent Color-aligned Monterey Themes for Alfred
I spent the weekend making eight Monterey-inspired themes that are designed to be used with the system Accent Colors based on this request from @hootle.
👔 Download here
My intention is to fork @AlexMartinFR's Mojave Alfred Accented Themes workflow to make it possible to change Alfred's theme from command palette. I looked into this process and it's more involved than I had hoped due to the obscurity of Apple's APIs for changing both the system appearance (easier) and the AppleHighlightColor (hard). If anyone wants to help me with this, let me know!
Here's a quick video with instructions for syncing your Alfred theme with your System Appearance:
mixterdee reacted to biati in Calculate Anything
Calculate Anything is a workflow for Alfred 4, that uses natural language and is able to calculate multiple things like currency, time, vat, px, em, rem, percentage, and more.
There are several conversion workflows out there but I wanted a workflow that worked naturally. For example, you can open Alfred, type `100 + 9` and get a result. No need for keywords or hotkeys -- it just works. With Calculate Anything you can do the same, simply type `100 + 16%`, `100 euros to usd`, `100km to cm` or `100 years to hours` and many more.
- Natural language - type 100 euros to dollars, 100 euros in usd, 100€ to $, 100eur usd, 100 euros a dolares -- it does not matter, the same result will be displayed It includes support for English, Spanish and Swedish
- Currency - Up to 168 currencies
- Cryptocurrency - Support for up to 5,000 cryptocurrencies
- Units - 100 kilometers to meters or 100 km to m or simply 100km m
- Data Storage - 100 gigabytes in megabytes, 2 gb to mb, 400MiB to kib, 2tb gb, etc.
- Percentages - 100 + 16%, 100 - 16%, 40 as a % of 50, 20 is what % of 50, etc.
- PX,Em,Rem,Pt - 12px or 12px to em or 12px pt
- Time - time +15 years, time now plus 6 hours or convert a timestamp
- VAT - value added tax calculations, we all need this
- Translations You can create your own translations to display results in your language
- Keywords Extend the natural language in the queries so you can type 100 dolares a pesos and the code will see 100usd to mxn
You will always find the latest version, changelog and updated documentation on Github as is difficult to use the forum to keep track of updates and support.
Requirements for Mac OS Monterey Users and up
Starting from Mac OS Monterey Apple removed PHP so you have to install it manually, that can easily be done with Homebrew, just open your terminal and paste the commands below:
1.- Install Homebrew
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"
2.- Install PHP
brew install php
That's it, you need to have the latest version of Alfred and will automatically find the PHP version that you install.
Mac OS Big Sur users and below do not need to do anything, your Mac OS already includes PHP.
Download directly from Github releases page, make sure to download the latest release. Download here
You can configure the workflow using the new Alfred 5 Workflow Configuration window.
You can use natural language or a few characters -- that's all! For example:
100 us dollars in mexican pesos 100 canadian dollars in argentinian peso 100 euros to dollars 100 euros in dollars 100 euros as dollars 100 euros a dolares (you can also write it in your own language) 100 usd to mxn 100 usd mxn 100usd yen 100€ to $ 100 ¥ in € 100¥ € 100eur (if no target the currency will be converted to the base currencies that you configured)
You can set a base currencies so if you type for example 120 euros it will be automatically converted to the currencies that you configured.
All these examples just work. You can add spaces between the value and the currency or not.
Currency Modifiers
When a result is displayed you can use action modifiers to copy the value in different formats:
Return - Press Return to copy the value with format, for example 2,376.54 Command + Return - Press Command + Return to copy the value without formatting, for example 2376.54 Option + Return - Press Option + Return to copy the value of a single unit, for example 23.76
Currency API Key (Not required)
By default the workflow will use exchangeratehost api to make the conversion. exchangeratehost only support 32 currencies; if you need support for additional currencies supported by Calculate Anything, you need to get a FREE API Key from https://fixer.io -- it takes less than a minute. Then simply add the API Key in the workflow configuration window.
Currency Symbols
You can also use currency symbols in your query for example 100¥ to € will be converted to 100JPY to EUR, here is a list of available symbols.
Please go to the repo description on Github for a full list of supported symbols it's really difficult to write them here in the forum. View Currency Symbols
Calculate Anything can convert between 5,000 cryptocurrencies and 168 currencies. Again, you can use natural language or simply pass the currency symbol.
2 bitcoin to dollars 0.1 bitcoin in dollars 5 bitcoins in ethereum 1 ethereum to ¥ 10 ethereum in mxn 1eth btc 1btc (If no target the currency will be converted to the base currency that you configured)
Cryptocurrency Modifiers
When a result is displayed you can use action modifiers to copy the value in different formats:
Return - Press Return to copy the value with format, for example 2,376.54 Command + Return - Press Command + Return to copy the value without formatting, for example 2376.54 Option + Return - Press Option + Return to copy the value of a single unit, for example 23.76
Cryptocurrency API Key
You need to get a FREE API Key from https://coinmarketcap.com/api/pricing/ it takes less than a minute. Then simply add the API Key in the workflow configuration window.
You can write your query using natural language or just a few characters. Either way works!
100 kilometers to meters 100 km in meters 100 km m 100km m 100 miles as meters 100miles in meters 100 miles to m 100 ounces to kilograms 100oz to kg 100oz = kg 100oz kg 10 years to months 10years to seconds 1 year to sec 1hr s 10 días a horas (use your own language)
If you don't remember the unit abbreviation just simply type the name for example instead of "oz" you can type "ounce" or "ounces" or even use words in your own language for exaple "onza" or "onzas" in spanish.
Please go to the repo description on Github for a full list of units it's really difficult to write them here in the forum. View Units
Units Modifiers
When a result is displayed you can use action modifiers to copy the value in different formats:
Return - Press Return to copy the value with format, for example 2,376.54 Command + Return - Press Command + Return to copy the value without formatting, for example 2376.54 Option + Return - Press Option + Return to copy the value of a single unit, for example 23.76
Data Storage
You can write your query using natural language or just a few characters. Either way works!
100 gigabytes in megabytes 100 gigas in megas 100 Mebibytes in Kibibytes 100 gb to mb 100gb to kb 100gb mb 400MiB in kib 2tb gb 1b kb
Please note, this workflow follows the IEC Standard (International Electrotechnical Commission) as it had been adopted by the IEEE, EU, and NIST. That means that if you type `1MB in KB` you will get `1000 KB` but if you type `1MiB in KiB` you will get `1024 KB`, you can read more about it here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Byte#Multiple-byte_units
Do you prefer 1 MB = 1024 KB? No problem, you can configure it in the Workflow configuration window.
Data Storage Modifiers
When a result is displayed you can use action modifiers to copy the value in different formats:
Return - Press Return to copy the value with format, for example 2,376.54 Command + Return - Press Command + Return to copy the value without formatting, for example 2376.54
You can easily calculate percentages for example:
15% of 50 = 7.50 //7.5 equals to 15% of 50 120 + 30% = 156 //120 plus the 30% of 120 120 plus 30% = 156 //120 plus the 30% of 120 120 - 30% = 84 //120 minus the 30% of 120 120 minus 30% = 84 //120 minus the 30% of 120 30 % 40 = 75% // 30 is 75% of 40.
Translations and natural language can also be used
120 más 30% = 156
Open Alfred, type `12px` and you'll see the value converted to em, rem and pt. It's that simple. Check the examples below.
12px 12px to em 2 rem 2rem 2rem to pt 12px in em base 17px (use a custom px base or configure it in the workflow)
Given its less frequently used, time conversions require the use of the keyword time
Gives you the current time
Converts the timestamp to a regular date
time 1577836800
Gives you the time from now plus anything you want
time +15 days time now plus 3 days
Number of days until specified date
time days until 31 december
The start date of current year
time start of year
The start date of specified year
time start of 2021
The end date of current year
time end of year
The end date of specified year
time end of 2021
It also works in your language
time inicio de 2020 time fin de 2020 time dias hasta 31 diciembre
Get information about date
time 31 December, 2021 18:00:00 time 31/12/2021 18:00:00 time 12/31/2021 18:00:00
Calculate the difference between two dates
time 25 December, 2021 - 31 December, 2021 time 31-11-2019 - 21-11-2019 time 11/31/2019 - 11/21/2019
VAT (value added tax)
With this you can calculate the VAT for a given amount. Like time, VAT is also triggered with a keyword. By default, the keyword is "vat" but you can change the keyword in the workflow.
Given the following query
vat of 400 (with a 16% VAT configured, a percentage you can configure)
Calculate Anything will provide the following conversions:
VAT of 400 = 64 (the VAT amount) 400 plus VAT = 464 (the Amount plus VAT) 400 minus VAT = 344.82 (the Amount minus VAT, useful if you have a final amount and want to know the VAT applied)
The workflow stores some data about currency in the workflow data folder. You can delete the cache by opening Alfred and typing `_caclear`.
mixterdee reacted to wtellier in Search IMDB
Because the previously shared workflows for IMDB-integration didn't work anymore I made my own. This is my first publicly shared workflow and this is also my first python-script. Probably things could have been programmed better, but it works for now.
So its not really fancy, but I think its workable, as long as IMDB doesn't change the API. Hope this workflow is some use for you all.
mixterdee reacted to Mr Pennyworth in GIF Search: Workflow for Searching and Browsing GIFs
Alfred GIF Search
Download: Gif.Search.alfredworkflow
Up-to-date README (this post is outdated)
This workflow lets you search GIFs on Tenor from Alfred.
Here's an example of searching and inserting a GIF in a google doc:
Download the latest release. In Alfred, run .setup-gif-search.
In Alfred, enter gif keyword followed by search query. Press ↩. Use arrow keys or mouse to browse the GIFs. To copy the selected GIF to clipboard: either ⌘↩ or ⌘-click To drop the GIF into apps that support it: drag from Alfred and drop into that app
Firefox and Chrome don't support pasting GIFs from clipboard. That is, if you copy a GIF to clipboard and paste it, it shows up as a static image, not an animated GIF. This is not a bug in this workflow, but rather just the way these browsers have decided to handle GIFs.
Both Chrome and Firefox support drag-n-drop. If you use either of these browsers, sorry, you gotta use the mouse!
mixterdee reacted to Vero in Every app search results in doubles
@wealthychef Type "reload" into Alfred to refresh the app cache first. If the issue is with Alfred having cached the old and new location, that'll resolve it.
If you still see two at that point, then macOS may have got itself into a more serious muddle, and is actually providing duplicate results to Alfred.
Which version of Alfred and which macOS build are you using?
mixterdee reacted to Boris in Bluetooth manager - Connect and disconnect a bluetooth device easily
Github: https://github.com/bmunoz89/alfred-wf-bluetooth-manager
🚨 Supports Alfred 3 & 4 🚨
💻 Installation 👾
Run this command on a terminal:
brew install blueutil Now download ⏬ the last release and open it 😎. That's all!!
📸 Screenshots
🔑 Keywords
bset: Set the default device bc: Connect the default device bd: Disconnect the default device bcs: Select the device you would like to connect to bds: Select the device you would like to disconnect to bm: Allows to turn bluetooth on and off, and the same for updates of the workflow
Besides that, you can add shortcuts into the preferences 👌🏽
mixterdee reacted to cands in Bluetooth manager - Connect and disconnect a bluetooth device easily
Useful workflow, thank you! I wonder is it by any means possible to get battery levels of connected devices?
mixterdee reacted to Boris in Bluetooth manager - Connect and disconnect a bluetooth device easily
sure, I'll add that ASAIC 👍
mixterdee reacted to pmullins in Arkham Dark
Arkham Dark is a new theme I created based in part on the terminal colors in System76's Pop!_OS Linux distribution. Hope you like it! 😁
GitHub Link: Download
mixterdee reacted to Appu Mohan in IMDB Search Suggest
Is the workflow dead ??
"No Suggestions Found" !!
How to make it work ??
I am using the Movies & Tv show search workflow, which works great. Still i would love to search directly in imdb.
mixterdee reacted to vitor in Start Recording — Shortcuts to record your Mac’s audio, screen, or webcam
Initiate a QuickTime Player recording of you Mac’s audio, screen, or webcam, via the audio rec, screen rec, and webcam rec keywords.
Configure the Hotkeys for faster triggering.
⤓ Install on the Alfred Gallery | Source
mixterdee reacted to mickaphd in Clear Safari + Safari Incognito
Clear Safari: this simple workflow launch an AppleScript to clear Safari history/cache/cookies/etc.
Safari Incognito: this one enable private browsing in Safari by opening a new private window
mixterdee reacted to sheferd in Crisp Bliss - minimal light & dark themes
A minimalistic theme - light and dark
a theme (light) I created and have used since I first started using Alfred 3
Get the Light theme: http://pastebin.com/HHx821bh
Get the Dark theme: http://pastebin.com/x2thqfL0
Font used is "Source Sans Pro" available for free from google fonts:
Click "Select this font" (top right), Click the black bar that appears (bottom right), Click the download button in the top right of that popup window
mixterdee reacted to Colin in Dual Finder windows
I dislike have to manually resize and position Finder windows, so after a little research I came up with this solution
This workflow produces two Finder windows side by side, any size any position.
Modify the script to suit your needs. Hope someone finds it as useful as I do.
mixterdee reacted to hanieldanson in Easily share snippets (possible to export/import snippets only)?
Any updates on this with the release of Alfred 3 and expanded snippets functionality? I'd love to convince my company to switch from TextExpander to Alfred 3, but it would be a much easier sell if we didn't have to rewrite our script to keep snippets updated across the entire team
mixterdee reacted to ramiro.araujo in Transmit 4 Favorites Workflow, FAST
Transmit 4 Workflow for Alfred app
Workflow for searching and opening Favorites in Transmit 4 App. It's really fast, because it reads the SQLite Database or XML datasource in latests releases of Transmit 4.
There are already at least 2 Transmit workflows, but one is incompatible with latests Transmit 4 and the other, although very good, uses AppleScript to do the searching, and thus you need to wait for Transmit to open to get feedback. This is particulary slow on non SSD machines.
Type the keyword (default ftp) and start typing the name of the favorite to search; dead simple.
For OS X 10.9 Mavericks, Download the alfred-transmit.alfredworkflow and import to Alfred 2.
For Previous OS X Versions, Download the alfred-transmit.alfredworkflow and import to Alfred 2.
Source Code
Clone or Fork the Workflow: https://github.com/ramiroaraujo/alfred-transmit-workflow
2013-12-16 - Released 2014-01-02 - Added support for previous OS versions, using System Ruby 1.8, tested up to Lion 2014-01-03 - Search in both Favorite name and host 2014-01-20 - Added support for Favorites.xml 2014-01-30 - Rebuilt XML search to use different Ruby xml parser Note: I updated the original description to match the project readme file
mixterdee reacted to joewilliams998 in Surf
I made a theme with slight transparency, designed to be unobtrusive but visible over light or dark backgrounds.
Here's the download link: http://is.gd/GZfmDU
mixterdee reacted to matias in AlfredBullet: Send links or text to your devices via PushBullet
I didn't really like any of the existing Pushbullet workflows, so I made my own. Say hello to AlfredBullet:
Pushbullet is an app and service that lets you send links, text and other content between your devices (iOS, Android, Mac, Windows, etc).
The workflow is available for download on GitHub and (experimentally) Packal:
Github (matiaskorhonen/alfred-bullet) Packal: AlfredBullet
mixterdee reacted to rice.shawn in Battery - view summary stats about your laptop battery
Opening Google search is just the "fallback" search, which means that the workflow failed to produce any usable results for Alfred.
This happened to me as well at some point with some upgrade. To fix it, just open the file battery.sh in the workflow and, around line 81, change
<title>$TEMPERATURE° C</title> <subtitle>Temperature</subtitle> <icon>temp.png</icon> </item> to
<title>${TEMPERATURE}° C</title> <subtitle>Temperature</subtitle> <icon>temp.png</icon> </item> So, probably some Yosemite upgrade changed a version of Bash, and that version of Bash chokes when the degree symbol is next to a variable.