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Everything posted by vitor

  1. Like you’d do it in an empty shell without startup files: export PATH="/opt/homebrew/bin:/usr/local/bin:${PATH}" /path/to/script.py
  2. Welcome @Boofeast, Alfred doesn’t read your shell’s environment, so you’ll need to tell it where to find the language. Either by using the full path as you used to, or by populating your PATH before invoking the script.
  3. No, but there’s a feature request for that which you can follow and add a “like” to show your support and possibly comment a link back to this post to share your use case. I’m on a phone so it’s harder to look for it, but perhaps @nikivi will be able to link you (it’s originally his request).
  4. Connect whatever kind of trigger you want (Hotkey trigger; Keyword Input) to a Copy to Clipboard Output. On the latter, paste the exact text you have in your example. Done.
  5. Welcome @Charles Garrison, The percent sign already has a special meaning in Alfred’s calculator, for the modulo operator (available in the advanced mode), so changing it to mean percentages might be confusing or cause breaking changes. There could be a settings toggle, but I’m not sure it would be worth it when the point solution exists.
  6. Update. Detect mpv installations even when only the CLI is installed. It only searches Homebrew default paths (/usr/local/bin/mpv and /opt/homebrew/bin/mpv). To update, download the latest version (same URL) or wait a few days and it’ll prompt you to on next usage, since it uses OneUpdater.
  7. Yes, it’s trivial. But forget {query}, that’s something specific to Alfred and with input as {query}, which you’re not using. You’re (correctly) using with input as argv. To do what you want, it should be something like "arg": sys.argv[0], (don’t forget to import sys).
  8. Connect a Hotkey Trigger to a Show Alfred Utility (Argument: the keyword for your Workflow) and a Dispatch Key Combo Output with ⌘⇧←. Like so: Then use your new Hotkey to invoke Alfred. It will call Alfred with your Workflow but its text selected, meaning you only need to start typing to overwrite it.
  9. @chris_arceneaux This should help you support most browsers:
  10. Remain. That continues to be the default location on Intel processors, the new location is for ARM. Both can be installed at the same time. Correct.
  11. I went to take a look and noticed /opt/homebrew-cask/Caskroom is part of the defaults. That no longer makes sense, @Andrew, as anyone with their Caskroom on that location has a really old and unsupported installation which I doubt even works. And I agree /opt/homebrew/Cellar makes sense to add. @mfisher Does Spotlight find that Emacs? Alfred depends on it.
  12. Welcome @bo123x, Are you already in contact with support, or do you mean you still haven’t gotten an answer? Keep in mind Alfred’s team is just two people, only one of them does the development part, and it’s Valentine’s day on a weekend. That should explain the delay. As to your question, to reset everything you’ll want to delete: ~/Library/Application Support/Alfred (Note the space; do not forget to escape it or quote the path) ~/Library/Caches/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred ~/Library/Preferences/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred.plist ~/Library/Preferences/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-Preferences.plist ~/Library/Saved Application State/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-Preferences.savedState Also note this will delete preferences from your installed Workflows.
  13. Welcome @d32bus, You haven’t told us what the Workflow is. We don’t even know which email application it searches from, or if it uses IMAP for direct searching. It’s impossible to answer your question without details.
  14. That sounds like your problem isn’t yet solved. If you want to try to do it yourself (no coding required), look at File Filter Input.
  15. Click the [𝑥] in the top right. You’ll see it on the right of the panel that opens. It doesn’t. It’s not particularly complex, either, it’s just versatile: it has four different sorting methods and can do different things to the files, but in practice you’re only going to use one (that’s what I do). Either rdn or rda, in your case.
  16. Thank you. There’s a typo. You made it “Aout Mac”. Seems like it will only do so for the startup disk, though. Not if one disables the percentage or hides battery information. Plus, it doesn’t show information such as charging state (which may be “on Hold” when Optimised Battery Charging is on). But I don’t want to bother you further, I’ll look into those. Thank you again.
  17. Moving this to “Workflow Help & Questions”. This isn’t related to Alfred Remote (the iOS app) and is unlikely to be built directly into Alfred.
  18. Welcome @Timbo2000, There are already Workflows for that. I made one, which despite being called RecentDownloads works on any directory you choose in the Workflow Environment Variable.
  19. Most likely cause is that Spotlight hasn’t finished its indexing (which Alfred relies on). The first time can take quite a while to complete.
  20. When asking for help with a Workflow, please upload it. We shouldn’t have to manually recreate it from a plist. On the top right of your Run Script, you’ll read “running instances” which will be set to “Sequentially”. Change it to “Concurrently”.
  21. If I saw that out of the corner of my eye I’d think it was a bug on the screen! Agreed it should never get that small. Should that be a setting in the theme builder, somewhere else, or just have a new minimum which isn’t configurable? The third one would be easiest to implement, and I don’t imagine anyone complaining of lack of configuration on that regard. But maybe. Perhaps there’s a fourth option: Make it a checkbox: if off, it doesn’t constrain the size; if on, it constrains it to the fixed amount of (example) a third of the height of a row (according to your theme). Fifth option! Make it a slider! “Smallest scroll bar size, in relation to result row height”: ∞ → ¼ → ⅓ → ½. No preference on the option (thought the fifth is the most fun. Are there any other slider in Alfred, even?), just thinking of solutions out loud. But I agree this one makes sense to implement. It’s excellent that Alfred is so performant that the scrollbar can get so tiny, but it can impair readability at such small sizes.
  22. I have one note and two feature requests. Note: You should write “About” in the Placeholder Title of the Script Filter. Why? Here’s the difference when typing “abo”: The difference? The second one has the Placeholder Title. That means that with that feature I’ll be able to type “a” and press ↵ to: Feature Requests: Add battery information and disk space information of the internal hard drive and any connected drives. Example outputs: Title: Root: 663G free Subtitle: 67% of 995G Title: 76% Subtitle: Battery Power, Discharging Thank you for considering it. I’ll understand if you decide not to add it; you may want to keep the Workflow simple.
  23. I’d say the issue might be the amount of back and forth. There are three Alfred veterans trying to help on this thread (and in your others, there were multiple as well). In general, one of us is enough and the others move on to help someone else or only make a small comment for completeness. But since you continue to argue back (not a criticism), the others will try to further clarify the points already made and fill any gaps, which makes it so you have more people to respond to (while we still only have one each—you). Yes, but to be honest the example answer you gave is to me the one which feels patronising. It’s essentially what’s already been said but with a “good job, here’s a cookie” in there. I wouldn’t enjoy receiving it, and I wouldn’t feel genuine giving it unless I were truly impressed by the idea (admittedly a high bar). It may have made sense to make such a comment at the start of the conversation, but I entered late into it—when specifics are what matter. Frankly, I need to be direct to be efficient because I assist a crap ton of people daily, both here and on Homebrew Cask plus other projects. The vast majority of people I interact with in this manner find it perfectly fine, so I know it works for me. Everyone has their style, so perhaps ours clash. I’ll pay attention on the next chance we have to interact, and perhaps deliberately pass on it. Again, I understand how you may have found my comment insulting (and I apologise for that) but I expected the previous rapport to have made it less probable to have been interpreted as such, not more. Surely none of us imagined we’d spend so much of a Sunday discussing this. I understand and accept your side of it. I expect you accept mine. Have a great week!
  24. I have a rule for internet communication (honed over a decade of maintaining a popular open-source project): assume good intentions. Unless someone is unambiguously rude, I act as if they were nice. Similarly, I avoid writing when I’m not calm. I know I didn’t intend to be rude—quite the contrary, I was trying to convey “approach these differently”—but rereading I understand it can be taken that way.
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