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Everything posted by dfay

  1. Yes, it’s all keyboard-driven. TBH I’ll probably stick with Benzi’s workflow which still works for me (may be b/c I haven’t updated it?). But I love the idea of expanding the feature in Alfred. Here’s an attempt at a video: https://share.icloud.com/photos/0FFDw0ntGuGKyJLjIITKOIBVQ
  2. Really Moom is the best for that aspect. I haven’t really looked at Bunch but you could always have it call Moom at the end.
  3. On iPad OS 15 (PB 1), you hold the Globe key or hit Globe-M to bring up the global keyboard shortcut and menu viewer, and hold command or for app-specific, and/or you can hit command-? to go straight to the menu search. I’m not having much luck finding a video demo, but it’s a really nice UI that I’d like to see ported to the Mac. See https://sixcolors.com/post/2021/06/think-globally-the-ipads-new-universal-keyboard-shortcuts/
  4. My only concern would be that since (something very similar to) this is native in iPadOS 15 it might be coming to the Mac, too….
  5. I've just posted in your GitHub repo a possible implementation for a new feature to move selected notes into the folder returned by the workflow. I'd also love it if Alfred could learn the folder search results to facilitate moving batches of notes to the same set of folders.
  6. This is great - I hadn't updated in ages so I missed the linking capabilities until now... I love that it can search for Monterey / i(pad)OS 15 hashtags on Big Sur, too.
  7. That’s correct. Alfred is a user interaction-driven tool — for what you describe you’d need an app like Hazel, or MacOS folder actions, which are set up to monitor background activity.
  8. take a look at It can’t do exactly what you’re asking but the raw material is there.
  9. Alfred 4 came out in May 2019. I don’t think version 3.x is supported on Big Sur.
  10. Unless Shortcuts can do Script Filters or the equivalent, I don’t see this happening. See
  11. Is there any chance of extending this or making it user-extensible? Right now I have a hotkey set to act on the current selection on Mail & pull up a List Filter with some workflows & actions but this would be better I think. I have no idea if NSUserActivity could be deployed here but it seems interesting as a possibility. https://developer.apple.com/wwdc21/10264
  12. @Vero is there anything in particular that needs testing? & will there be full release notes available soon? thanks
  13. Thanks - runs great on Big Sur. I added Universal Action triggers to my case converter workflow and it was trivially easy to do (though my muscle memory is such that I'll probably stick with hotkeys for that one ). Now available here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3k2lh21g5wnqrkp/Case Converter 2.alfredworkflow?dl=0
  14. All of these are easily recreated in Alfred by setting up hotkeys that act on the current selection - see most recently:
  15. Unfortunately there’s no standard way to input into a text field in a newly-opened app - you’ll need to use UI scripting in AppleScript or some other capabilities related to the app to input it. Without knowing what app it is, it’s going to be hard for anyone to offer any further help.
  16. https://forums.macrumors.com/threads/macos-12-all-the-little-things.2299706/page-5?post=30019997#post-30019997 > PHP is completely removed.
  17. https://forums.macrumors.com/threads/are-the-scripting-languages-still-here.2300956/ short answer again is yes, but….
  18. Amazon seems to keep changing the output format, and it's inconsistent depending on the book, unfortunately. What errors do you get?
  19. I worry about losing the scripting languages….
  20. Have you set values for the hotkey triggers? Alfred clears them on import to avoid unintended conflicts.
  21. You need a snippet trigger in a workflow.
  22. I'd like to say it's by design but it's actually an artifact of the crazy regular expression in rpn.py line 42: ops = map(lambda y: y.replace(' ',''), re.split('\s|(?<!\d)[,.]|[,.](?!\d)',query))
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