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Everything posted by dfay

  1. If you have a script that can paste an arbitrary image into an arbitrary app, setting up a list filter to choose from options is trivial in Alfred. But the underlying functionality you’re looking for isn’t something built in. See https://forum.latenightsw.com/t/how-do-i-copy-image-file-to-clipboard-and-retain-format/590/9 for some approaches to scripting images on the clipboard.
  2. I get this periodically on a machine where my preferences are in an external drive with a bad cable that ejects occasionally….are the rest of your iCloud Drive files available when this happens?
  3. Just to be clear, you’re talking about the little hardware Apple Remote that comes with the Apple TV etc. right, not using the Alfred Remote app. to do this correct?
  4. Awesome - just updated the main app on the beta channel with the promise of new remote compatibility
  5. I get this issue occasionally but I don't think it's actually related to Big Sur. I just ran it on an old scanned book & it came out fine. But then when I ran the resulting PDF through OCRKit it was doubled up as you describe. Switching the sequence (OCRKit 1st then split) worked.
  6. In any case here's the code (from the workflow linked above) - it's a pretty trivial bit of AppleScript - the function call is just there b/c I had it lying around. on alfred_script(q) click_menu("Finder", "Window", "Merge All Windows") end alfred_script on click_menu(app_name, menu_name, menu_item) try tell application app_name activate end tell tell application "System Events" tell process app_name tell menu bar 1 tell menu bar item menu_name tell menu menu_name click menu item menu_item end tell end tell end tell end tell end tell return true on error error_message return false end try end click_menu
  7. importSnippets.py is looking for a csv with the snippets in it - it sounds like you expect it to act on your .textexpander file, which it won't do by itself. If you run it on the blank file you created with touch, it won't create any output - that's expected. You should use https://github.com/derickfay/te-to-alfredCSV or the like to convert your TE files to csv first.
  8. This is still available at https://web.archive.org/web/20140112221120/http://tedwise.com/files/Running.alfredworkflow though after playing with it, I'd recommend this instead:
  9. Given that the OP wanted to know I'd recommend typing out the full unicode number for every character....
  10. Alfred's search interface is designed to not act until you hit return - you can get finer grained results through filters but you'll need to hit return to trigger an action at the end. I requested something similar but no interest apparently.
  11. Unless you're going to be regularly producing new templates and really need to search dynamically, I'd use a List Filter.
  12. Here's what I use - called from a keyword with space & argument required, in a Run Script object set to osascript (AS) with input as {query} on run set theQuery to "{query}" tell application "HoudahSpot" search theQuery template POSIX file "/Users/username/Library/Application Support/com.houdah.HoudahSpot4/Templates/templatename.hstemplate" activate end tell end run
  13. Nice - it evens finds my custom AppleScript applet for adding backlinks from Ulysses to BibDesk (not really surprising, assuming it's reading the LaunchServices database, but cool nonetheless):
  14. Sorry OT but has Quicksilver been maintained in the last decade? I thought it had been abandoned long ago.
  15. This thread started out with a complaint about an issue which does not actually exist. Yes, the UI is old and probably predates the widespread use of URL schemes on MacOS, and hence might be confusing if you haven’t tried calling a URL scheme from Alfred. But why not try it and see what happens before posting criticism? I suspect that’s what put people off.
  16. No, the OS handles it (via LaunchServices), and sends it to the registered app for the URL type. You can test this by typing craftdocs:// into Alfred and then into Safari - when you call it directly from Alfred the app opens straight away, when you call it from Safari, you need to confirm that you want to allow a web page to open the app. More details here: https://kaihao.dev/posts/Make-your-own-custom-URI-scheme-resolver
  17. Thanks Vero. The tagging approach in the link you posted also works - I had tagged all the app libraries with UsedByApps to enable easier sorting in Finder, and realized that if I search tags u, all the corresponding Document folders appear in Alfred: and you can then action them as ordinary folders.
  18. But the contents are, at least in my setup, which has ~/Library/Mobile Documents in the search scope.
  19. One alternative I just figured out is to create an alias to the folder App Library. The alias will be found by Alfred even though the original will not. Update: on further testing this works with native searching, but not with workflows that act on folders.
  20. If you look at the metadata the kind of these is “App Library” not “Folder”. But I’m not sure if that will help with a solution - I set up a targeted workflow as you describe for ScanBot & it still works despite the app name changes. I just tried dragging one into a file filter and its kind is as if it’s a folder even though it’s not.
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