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Everything posted by dfay

  1. Here’s an existing workflow that allows both keyword (to script filter) and triggers:
  2. Catalina flags this as unable to check for malware. Same with the latest version from GitHub. Contains an unsigned binary.
  3. But the example you posted is from a Run AppleScript object...
  4. Click the Alfred menu item (the bowler hat) and you can open Alfred's preferences. Alternatively hit command-comma from the dialog box.
  5. For something this complex, UI scripting is going to be pretty fragile. I’d recommend using a scriptable browser like Fake ( http://fakeapp.com ) instead. Or this approach: https://www.alfredforum.com/topic/11833-solved-how-to-write-an-alfred-workflow-to-go-to-bottom-of-github-page-and-click-commit-changes-button/
  6. No worries I’ll sort it out and post updated version. @done(2020-07-26)
  7. ummm it might be the spelling of your query term...
  8. “the minute I start typing it becomes a google search? ” That’s a sure sign of an error somewhere- what shows on the workflow debugger? https://www.alfredapp.com/help/workflows/advanced/debugger/
  9. I’d say go ahead and try changing the json in your active theme and see what happens. I’ve never tried but have added and altered json snippets with no problem.
  10. Thanks for this note - I know next to nothing about PHP but hopefully can fix the BibDesk workflow which has also died under Catalina.
  11. Post below has details - still no script filter equivalent though, but it’s a lot closer than iOS has ever gotten before. https://talk.macpowerusers.com/t/ios-14-favorite-features/18248/14
  12. dfay

    macOS Big Sur

    Off topic but how is Big Sur working for you overall?
  13. You should use a list filter. https://www.alfredapp.com/help/workflows/inputs/list-filter/
  14. Does the "This is me!" item need to respond to the script filter or is it going to be fixed regardless of the search? If not you could create a new trigger with a name which is a subset of or the same as your existing keyword. Then if you trigger it a couple times it should always appear before the filter.
  15. This doesn't answer your question directly, but one approach which i've used is to set the subtitle of items to display additional info. Another trick I've used is to create multiple items with the same keyword. I use both in this example:
  16. This is Catalina blocking it. You can follow the second set of steps (under Note:) on this page: https://support.apple.com/guide/mac-help/open-a-mac-app-from-an-unidentified-developer-mh40616/mac That worked for me with another workflow with a Swift binary included.
  17. seems ok in BS dev 1 https://forums.macrumors.com/threads/are-the-scripting-languages-really-gone.2242387/post-28592374
  18. Catalina blocks all third party searches from access to Mail.
  19. Just curious what people think based on their experience. I don't have any 32-bit apps that I'm concerned about - are other issues still remaining? It sounds like I will just be barraged with security questions but are there other considerations to be wary of?
  20. A lot depends on what you’re trying to do. For some apps (e.g. DEVONthink, BibDesk, FileMaker, the iWork and MSOffice suites, etc.) AppleScript lets you automate stuff you couldn’t do otherwise. But for a lot of tasks, I agree, it’s not the most suitable language.
  21. Hmm...I'm not on Catalina so there may be some issue there.
  22. Hmm I have this working as part of The only difference I see is that I don't have the scope specified.
  23. It's a workflow, with snippet triggers, so you'd need the PowerPack & to install the .alfredworkflow file linked in the first post.
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