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Everything posted by deanishe

  1. It doesn't hang, but it also doesn't work as it should. It's now working the same as my NSTask test: it opens a temp file with the data read from STDIN (i.e. an empty file). It should only activate the Sublime Text application.
  2. Nope. The workflow has an out-of-date version of a library that doesn't get along with Sierra. That is almost certainly what was preventing you from selecting Airmail. Here's the solution. Run that workflow and it will fix MailTo and any other workflows you have that are affected by the bug.
  3. Because the downloader it integrates with doesn't support fetching audio instead of video. I already have browser bookmarks and Pinboard for saving URLs for later (both of which sync to my other devices), and an unwatched tag for files. Instead, I save the URLs to Pinboard with a download-audio tag, and pipe my bookmarks through jq to youtube-dl.
  4. I can't do anything with a screenshot. Please post an actionable description of your issue. Open Alfred's debugger (to turn on debug mode), run Force Reload from MailTo's settings screen (keyword mailto), then open the log file with mailto workflow:openlog and post the log messages from the update_apps.py script.
  5. Nope. Node projects are basically Alfred's kryptonite, due to the lack of a useful blacklisting feature in Alfred and the absolutely insane number of files npm dumps in a non-hidden directory within your project folder (a small Vue.js project I'm working on contains 205 files called readme.md!) If you want to use Alfred's native search with node projects, your only real option is to add each and every one of your node_modules folders to Spotlight's Privacy pane in System Preferences. If you use git with your projects, you might find this workflow better than Alfred's built-in search, as it's tuned for working with git repos. If not, your best bet is to write a simple Script Filter that only returns directories that are immediate children of ~/Code.
  6. Screenshots are not enough to diagnose issues. Please open Alfred's debugger, run vpn workflow:update, and post the debug output.
  7. It finds Airmail 3 just fine. Do you still have Airmail 2 installed? If so, you need to uninstall it. If you have multiple applications with the same bundle ID, the system will only recognise one of them.
  8. On a related note, the first line in Clipboard and Snippets in the changelog for build 837 reads:
  9. Alfred MPD Control MPD from Alfred. Installation Download the latest version from GitHub releases or Packal. Usage mpd [<query>] — View mpd status and search for tracks On actions: ↩ or ⌘+<NUM> — Perform action On tracks: ↩ or ⌘+<NUM> — Queue track ⌘+↩ — Play track ⌥+↩ — Clear queue and play track ^+↩ — Queue album On albums/artists/playlists/types: ↩, ⇥ or ⌘+<NUM> — Search within albums/artists/playlists/types Licencing, thanks This workflow is released under the MIT licence. It is based on the Alfred-Workflow library, which is also released under the MIT licence. Changelog 0.1.0 First release
  10. Handy. I found a bug and have a couple of suggestions. It doesn't work if there are spaces in the filepath, as some of the variables/arguments in the script aren't quoted. FYI, Alfred removes keyboard shortcuts when a user installs a workflow, so it doesn't work "out of the box". The user has to set their own keyboard shortcut first. Have you thought about adding a File Action as an alternate way to run the workflow? That way, you can use it from Alfred's file browsing mode, and it's also helpful for old people like me who can't remember all their keyboard shortcuts. Also, I think I found a bug in the bash script: Isn't there an "echo" missing here?
  11. Wrong? That sounds pretty crazy. Why would you consider using a very large application server and a web-scale RDBMS for such a small, simple problem? How would you populate the database in the first place? All you need is a relatively simple application that handles message:// URLs (which is the standard way to do this on macOS). It extracts the message ID from the URL, then runs the AppleScript/JXA necessary to make Outlook show the corresponding message. No need to run huge server programs. And yes, it is an entirely new application. Not a big one, but the links can't work without it because Outlook doesn't support the standard message:// URI scheme.
  12. That's writing an entirely new application. What does node have to do with anything?
  13. There's a Python API library. You'd be crazy not to use it. Yeah. I already posted the script for that… Like I said, Outlook doesn't support that.
  14. Can't be done as best as I can tell. Outlook's AppleScript API doesn't give you the message ID you need to create a link, nor does it support the message:// URI scheme needed to link back to your email app. If this is really important to you, and you're not using Exchange, I suggest you check out MailMate, which has Todoist support out of the box. Apart from that, the script I posted can be plugged into the Todoist Python API pretty simply.
  15. This script returns information (subject, text, sender, data) about the selected message in Outlook. You should be able to plug it into one of the older workflows. // Display an error dialog if no message is selected var showDialogOnError = true ObjC.import('stdlib') outlook = Application('Microsoft Outlook') sa = (outlook.includeStandardAdditions = true, outlook) // Return the first selected object that's a message function getSelectedMessage() { var selection = outlook.selectedObjects() for (i = 0; i < selection.length; i++) { var obj = selection[i] if (obj.class() == 'incomingMessage') { return { 'subject': obj.subject(), 'text': obj.plainTextContent(), 'sender': obj.sender(), 'date': obj.timeSent(), } } } return null } // Return JSON object containing the selected message function run() { var msg = getSelectedMessage() if (!msg) { if (showDialogOnError) { sa.displayDialog('No message selected', { buttons: ['OK'], defaultButton: 'OK', withTitle: 'Error', withIcon: 2 }) } $.exit(1) } return JSON.stringify(msg) }
  16. Try unchecking the "Only show enabled searches" box just above the listbox.
  17. It will also only work via Hotkeys, not Keywords. If you have Alfred's window open, then Alfred is the frontmost application.
  18. Not sure if this is a bug or a feature. At any rate, the behaviour is inconsistent. Preceding spaces are maintained so long as there is at most one trailing space. With 2 or more trailing spaces, the trailing spaces are reduced to one and all preceding whitespace is trimmed. I'd say "bug", so that's where I'll move it…
  19. The lack of audio support is actually the main reason I don't use DownVid and/or WatchList. If I'm at the computer, I generally just stream the video in mpv, and most of the stuff I save, I actually want as audio, so I can listen while I'm out and about.
  20. The only real reason you'd want to use Terminal Command is to launch an interactive terminal application, such as an SSH session or the like.
  21. You'll need to update the URL to my library, as I've renamed the server to git.deanishe.net now I'm using Gitea, not Gogs: https://git.deanishe.net/deanishe/awgo
  22. It's a dict. Use the dict API. del wf.settings['key']
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