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Shark.Formax got a reaction from el3men222 in SwitchAudio - Yet Another Audio Device Switcher
# 🔈 SwitchAudio Alfred Workflow
Yet another audio input/output switching interface for SwitchAudioSource
Tested with Alfred 5 and macOS Monterey.
## Motivation
All the other workflows I tried were incompatible with macOS Monterey, so I
figured it would be easier to just build my own
## Prerequisites
You need to have both SwitchAudioSource and JQ installed on your mac. This is
most easily done via Homebrew:
brew install switchaudio-osx jq
Also you will need Alfred Powerpack. This workflow was tested with Alfred 5 only.
## Installation
Download the workflow from GitHub the latest release page and open it
## Usage
In Alfred type
;so — to switch output device
;si — to switch input device
## Screenshots
Output selection
Input selection
Shark.Formax got a reaction from kenanmike in SwitchAudio - Yet Another Audio Device Switcher
# 🔈 SwitchAudio Alfred Workflow
Yet another audio input/output switching interface for SwitchAudioSource
Tested with Alfred 5 and macOS Monterey.
## Motivation
All the other workflows I tried were incompatible with macOS Monterey, so I
figured it would be easier to just build my own
## Prerequisites
You need to have both SwitchAudioSource and JQ installed on your mac. This is
most easily done via Homebrew:
brew install switchaudio-osx jq
Also you will need Alfred Powerpack. This workflow was tested with Alfred 5 only.
## Installation
Download the workflow from GitHub the latest release page and open it
## Usage
In Alfred type
;so — to switch output device
;si — to switch input device
## Screenshots
Output selection
Input selection
Shark.Formax got a reaction from Leftover-Waffle in SwitchAudio - Yet Another Audio Device Switcher
# 🔈 SwitchAudio Alfred Workflow
Yet another audio input/output switching interface for SwitchAudioSource
Tested with Alfred 5 and macOS Monterey.
## Motivation
All the other workflows I tried were incompatible with macOS Monterey, so I
figured it would be easier to just build my own
## Prerequisites
You need to have both SwitchAudioSource and JQ installed on your mac. This is
most easily done via Homebrew:
brew install switchaudio-osx jq
Also you will need Alfred Powerpack. This workflow was tested with Alfred 5 only.
## Installation
Download the workflow from GitHub the latest release page and open it
## Usage
In Alfred type
;so — to switch output device
;si — to switch input device
## Screenshots
Output selection
Input selection
Shark.Formax got a reaction from mhenrixon in SwitchAudio - Yet Another Audio Device Switcher
# 🔈 SwitchAudio Alfred Workflow
Yet another audio input/output switching interface for SwitchAudioSource
Tested with Alfred 5 and macOS Monterey.
## Motivation
All the other workflows I tried were incompatible with macOS Monterey, so I
figured it would be easier to just build my own
## Prerequisites
You need to have both SwitchAudioSource and JQ installed on your mac. This is
most easily done via Homebrew:
brew install switchaudio-osx jq
Also you will need Alfred Powerpack. This workflow was tested with Alfred 5 only.
## Installation
Download the workflow from GitHub the latest release page and open it
## Usage
In Alfred type
;so — to switch output device
;si — to switch input device
## Screenshots
Output selection
Input selection
Shark.Formax reacted to godbout in Wooshy: Window to the Foreground!
yes, that's the name of the Workflow.
so i build 2 Mac apps (kindaVim and Wooshy) and for the latter more specifically i want to be able to bring any Window foreground. the Wooshy apps allows you to click anywhere through searching on the Dock, the Menu Bar, and the Frontmost Window. but sometimes the Window you want to get is not foreground and you can't bring it foreground with Alfred. so i made this Workflow.
i saw there are already 2 workflows out there but 1) one is a tad slow to my taste and grabs tabs which i have no interest about 2) another one is way too slow for me to be usable. so here you go: Wooshy — Window to the Foreground!
it's blazing fast. below you can see that you can reach bring stuff front like the Accessibility permission prompt (finally).
currently it's done for my needs, so it lists the Windows that are visible, not the hidden or miniaturized ones. if you use the Workflow and need those let me know. also it should work with any app but at the same time i've been dealing with the macOS AX for the past two years and i know from experience that there's always some surprise. so please report if you find apps with which it doesn't work. was made in a day so no heavy real life testing yet.
downloadable on GitHub: https://github.com/godbout/WooshyWindowToTheForeground
hope this helps!
Shark.Formax got a reaction from Hiphopapotomous in Fill-ins in snippets (textexpander replacement!)
Gotta throw my +1 in here. This is the only reason I am keeping TextExpander on my machine. (and the fact that it can run javascript snippets, but that's something I don't use as much). Thanks for your consideration.
Shark.Formax reacted to Chris Messina in Standard Workflow Object + Alfred-UI for obtaining API tokens
Just dropping more evidence of a pattern I'm seeing in cloud-connected software... this time in Linear.app.
Shark.Formax reacted to Chris Messina in Standard Workflow Object + Alfred-UI for obtaining API tokens
I've been exploring Raycast and one of its benefits is its deeper integration with SAAS like GitHub, Jira, Zoom, G Suite, Asana, and others.
Given that all of these providers require authentication, I think it could be incredibly powerful if Alfred made it easier for Workflow developers to get API tokens from the most popular providers using a standard Workflow Object (either an Action (i.e. Sign the User In) or Utility (i.e. Get Access Token)).
I realize this would require that Workflow developers would need to get API keys and do some extra leg work, but what I would like to see are Alfred-provided UIs like these:
Once the authentication/authorization flow is complete, the Workflow Object would create an Environment Variable for the retrieved API token.
Shark.Formax reacted to foogywoo in Homekit workflow
With Big Sur it's now officially possible to create a macos HomeKit application. Which means SIP doesn't need to be disabled.
Still, I think Alfred would actually need to add an option to request user permission for HomeKit access.
I'm getting the following error when trying to run my little HomeKit helper tool through a script filter node.
Refusing authorization request for service kTCCServiceWillow and subject Sub:{com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred}Resp:{{ID: com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred, PID[19281], auid: 501, euid: 501, responsible path: '/Applications/Alfred 4.app/Contents/MacOS/Alfred', binary path: '/Applications/Alfred 4.app/Contents/MacOS/Alfred'}} without NSHomeKitUsageDescription key
Shark.Formax reacted to gandalfsaxe in [DEPRECATED] Netflix Search Workflow
That's fully understandable :-)
Perhaps you should edit the thread title to say it's deprecated now.
Shark.Formax reacted to Sampayo in Switch Between audio input and output
Audio Switch
Switch between your input sources and output devices.
To install just download (or my github) and doble click the .alfredworkflow file.*
To change your input source type input (it could take a little bit to load your sources), then select the one you desire
The same for the output device, just type output then select your choice
Since I don't have any audio device or source connected to my laptop only 1 (the default) device and source are shown.
Shark.Formax reacted to deanishe in Corona Time - Workflow for tracking local cases of COVID-19 / Coronavirus
It's the way you've set up your workflow and repo. Don't put your Ruby code in the Script box. It's a poor editor and having all your code in info.plist isn't very compatible with git. Use an external script in the workflow directory instead, and put the contents of the workflow in your repo, not just the zipped .alfredworkflow file.
That way, people can clone the repo and symlink the src subdirectory to Alfred's workflow directory, making it pretty easy to make PRs.
Shark.Formax got a reaction from Alfraid in Corona Time - Workflow for tracking local cases of COVID-19 / Coronavirus
@Schneppi Thank you! I actually added this feature yesterday but didn't have time to publish it until now. It is now out in 1.2.0.
I wish Alfred workflows were easier to collaborate on for developers... I've added the source code in a separate file so that I can take PRs in the future, if you have further improvements please open a PR.
Shark.Formax reacted to dfgh in Exclude filters for file search (node_modules, *.pyc) etc
I would love to be able to add exclusion filters in alfred so that alfred dont index any dir named node_modules or any compiled file like*.pyc
Shark.Formax reacted to drgrib in New Bear Alfred Workflow
I've created a new Bear Alfred workflow here:
It is faster compared to the current Bear Alfred workflow because it is written in Go instead of Python and has optimized SQL queries. It also adds tag searching and autocompletion, link pasting, and clipboard content to note on creation. I do appreciate the author of the original Bear Alfred workflow because I started mine from his design.
Shark.Formax reacted to deanishe in Firefox Assistant
Like Safari Assistant, but for Firefox.
Download from GitHub.
Search Firefox bookmarks Search Firefox browsing history Run bookmarklets Activate & close tabs Add you own custom scripts
The workflow requires you to install a corresponding Firefox extension in order to communicate with Firefox.
After installing the workflow, run ffass > Install Firefox Extension to get the extension. Once the extension is installed, everything should just work.
The workflow is fairly customisable. You can add your own URL actions via scripts, set custom icons, and assign URL & tab actions and bookmarklets to alternate hotkeys.
See the documentation for details.
Shark.Formax reacted to squatto in Find 2Fa/two-factor auth codes in Messages
Safari automatically reads your text messages and asks you to auto-fill any two-factor codes it finds:
I don't use Safari (I use Chrome) and I was sick of having to manually type the codes from my messages. This workflow reads your message history and finds the most recent 5, 6, 7, or 8 digit two-factor codes. When you select a code and press <enter> it is copied to your clipboard, or you can press <⌘+enter> and it will copy the code to your clipboard and paste it into the active application.
Keyword: 2fm
Download the latest version: https://github.com/squatto/alfred-imessage-2fa/releases/latest/download/iMessage.2FA.alfredworkflow
GitHub: https://github.com/squatto/alfred-imessage-2fa
Packal: http://www.packal.org/workflow/imessage-2fa
Shark.Formax reacted to nicooprat in OCR: extract text from snapshot
Hi there,
Just sharing my first workflow. Some OCR workflow already exist but are relying on some obscur chinese API with exposed personal credentials... This one use your system own installation of `tesseract`. Just take a snapshot and paste the text. The script usually takes no more than a few seconds.
PR welcome.
Hope it helps!
Shark.Formax reacted to Jonathan in Fill-ins in snippets (textexpander replacement!)
Agree, fill-ins would be incredibly useful.
Shark.Formax reacted to ian_989 in Alfred Maestro - Keyboard Maestro Integration For Alfred
Alfred Maestro
Possibly the last workflow you will ever need for system tasks
I recently started using Keyboard Maestro (KM), and so far I love it. So I made this workflow to allow you to execute any KM macro straight from Alfred.
- My Site: http://iansinnott.com/blog/integrating-alfred-and-keyboard-maestro/
- GitHub: https://github.com/iansinnott/keyboard-maestro-alfred
Basic Usage
Type 'km' followed by the name of the macro you want to trigger.
Keyboard Maestro
More Info
Check out the readme in my Github repo linked above. Also, check out my blog post about these two apps if your interested in how I actually use it. That's also linked above as the first download link.
Quick Note: I only tested this on the latest version of php (5.5.5 as of this writing). This is not the standard installed version that comes with new Macs, so if you have any trouble with the workflow let me know.
Shark.Formax reacted to Colin in Dual Finder windows
I dislike have to manually resize and position Finder windows, so after a little research I came up with this solution
This workflow produces two Finder windows side by side, any size any position.
Modify the script to suit your needs. Hope someone finds it as useful as I do.
Shark.Formax reacted to wandering in Fill-ins in snippets (textexpander replacement!)
The new snippet feature is great. Would be even greater to have fill-ins in snippets.
Especially since Text-expander has become very expensive; this will be the perfect textexpander replacer!
Shark.Formax reacted to hanieldanson in Import TextExpander snippets into Alfred v3
Anyone know how to get this type of script from TextExpander working in Alfred 3 snippets?
%filltext:name=test% -
Shark.Formax got a reaction from ChristianOlsen in [DEPRECATED] Netflix Search Workflow
It seems from your screenshot that Netflix is using a different subdomain for Europe.
It may be possible to implement in my API. I will investigate further and let you know.
Shark.Formax got a reaction from katie in [DEPRECATED] Netflix Search Workflow
@katie - I've added support for switching the country on the latest version which I will publish today, hope you'll like it.
@Sebastian Daza - sorry, I am working on a new version of both the API server and client and managed to break it for users with older version of the workflow. That being said, the good news is that the new version is done! I will upload it today by end of day.
Definitely need a better workflow and API versioning to support legacy versions for future releases.
If you downloaded the workflow using the Packal workflow you should get the update automatically tonight. Otherwise, watch this thread and I will update when it's ready.
Here's a teaser: