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Everything posted by Vero

  1. Alfred 2.0.3 b184 is now in pre-release from the in-app auto-updater, including a fix for this, so please update to test
  2. Alfred 2.0.3 b184 is now in pre-release from the in-app auto-updater, including a fix for this, so please update to test
  3. Alfred 2.0.3 b184 is now in pre-release from the in-app auto-updater, including an improvement for this, so please update to test
  4. Alfred 2.0.3 b184 is now in pre-release from the in-app auto-updater, including a fix for this, so please update to test
  5. Alfred 2.0.3 b184 is now in pre-release from the in-app auto-updater, including improvements for this, so please update to test
  6. Alfred 2.0.3 b184 is now in pre-release from the in-app auto-updater, including improvements for this, so please update to test
  7. Alfred 2.0.3 b184 is now in pre-release from the in-app auto-updater, including a fix for this, so please update to test
  8. Vero

    App Localization issue

    Could you please rebuild your Mac's metadata? If no applications are showing, it's likely that OS X is unable to feed the information to Alfred. You can rebuild your Mac's metadata by going to Alfred's advanced preferences and clicking "Rebuild OS X Metadata". This can take up to an hour to complete. Once completed, type "reload" into Alfred and let me know what results you're seeing.
  9. I've had a look at this, setting my hotkeys to exactly the same as yours, and I'm able to use the language switch correctly. It's possible that you've installed another application or created a workflow that clashes with this combo, so do check whether that hotkey is in use somewhere else (by a workflow, another application or a menu bar app). I'll move this to Closed as this is not a bug in Alfred.
  10. Hi Rafe, We've only come across this with one user before and his issue was fixed with one of the early v2 beta builds. As such, I'd love to get some more information from you, which might help us identify what could cause this in this instance: - Are you using the latest version 2.0.2? - What are your Mac's specs, including graphics card (from the About This Mac menu) - Do you have any third-party background apps that may have an impact on graphics? - If you create a second profile on your Mac, do you see the same behaviour? Any other information you might think is relevant would be helpful Thanks in advance, Vero
  11. Glad you're all sorted, and pleased that you enjoyed ScreenCasts Online's tutorial - I watched it today and will definitely recommend it to anyone who's new to Alfred!
  12. Have you had a look at this knowledge base entry? It may be reserved by the language switching feature: http://support.alfredapp.com/kb:cmd-space Alfred would only be unable to use it if it's reserved by another app or by OS X, so have a look at the above
  13. Hi Tim, I've tried to replicate this using the apps, and cannot repeat what you're describing. Having said that, this is likely to be outside of Alfred's hands since the eject command tells OS X to eject a drive but doesn't instruct OS X on how to do it, or what to do after it completes the task. Personally, I've noticed behaviour relating to using full screen apps to be a little inconsistent in OS X. I can only assume OS X tries to fall back to the next focused app and its logic isn't quite what you expected. As such, there isn't really anything Alfred can do to change OS X's behaviour here. Edited to add: I'm moving this to the Closed forum as this isn't a bug in Alfred. Cheers, Vero
  14. You can manually download Alfred from our website (http://www.alfredapp.com/#download) and update this way. There shouldn't be any issues updating from recent builds, but you may be on an older version. Installing the latest version from the URL above will resolve that.
  15. Could you check my other question: Are files stored in a standard way on Google Drive?
  16. Looks like there is a user-created workflow here to do this: http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/1531-create-new-folder-version-10/ I'll move your question to the Workflows help & questions as you're more likely to find an answer there
  17. Hi Arnaud, Let's run through a few things that may seem obvious but are worth checking: - Where does Google Drive store its files? Is it definitely the same folder on both Macs? - If you navigate to that location manually on each Mac, can you see the Alfred.alfredpreferences file? (And not an alias or symlink file?) I don't know of any other Alfred users who chose Google Drive for syncing so don't have any reports of whether it should be working successfully or not. However, this user reports that Google Drive adds its own filename extension. If GD modifies the file names or changes what they are, then Alfred won't be able to recognise those as the correct preferences file: http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/1037-alfred-cant-find-files-in-google-drive/ We recommend Dropbox as it doesn't modify your files in any way, ensuring the integrity of your Alfred preferences file. Let me know how you get on.
  18. There are a few reasons this could happen. If you're using the website version of 1Password (as opposed to the App Store version), go to 1Password's Advanced preferences and click "Rebuild data file" to ensure that 1PW's database isn't the issue. With the App Store version, this isn't available so skip to the next step Have a look in 1PW at the records for the logins that are not showing up; Do they have a URL beginning with http:// or https://? Alfred will include all bookmarks that contain valid URLs so just add a URL if it's missing, and the bookmarks will appear in Alfred. And finally, open up Alfred's preferences to the 1Password pane. Have you changed your keyword away from "1p" or ticked the "Show in default results" box? Let me know how you get on
  19. Hi Peter, If you're using the website version of 1Password (as opposed to the App Store version), go to 1Password's Advanced preferences and click "Rebuild data file" to ensure that 1PW's database isn't the issue. With the App Store version, this isn't available so skip to the next step Have a look in 1PW at the records for the logins that are not showing up; Do they have a URL beginning with http:// or https://? Alfred will include all bookmarks that contain valid URLs so just add a URL if it's missing, and the bookmarks will appear in Alfred. I'm moving this out of the bugs forum and to Discussion & Help - let me know how you get on! Cheers, Vero
  20. Have a look at the steps on this knowledge base entry and let us know how you get on http://support.alfredapp.com/kb:safari-bookmarks
  21. Love it when a problem resolves itself Glad you're all sorted!
  22. I'm sure it's something simple, so if you can answer the few questions below, I'll help you out First, what files or file types you are searching for? You may just need to include the file types to your search. Secondly, are the files you're looking for in your search scope in the Default Results preferences? And thirdly, can Spotlight find the particular files you are searching for?
  23. I've just tested this in 10.6 as well, and can't replicate the issue. Have a look at this knowledge base entry as you might be encountering some permissions issues on your Mac, resulting in Alfred being unable to save the setting. http://support.alfredapp.com/kb:persisting-preferences Having said that, as you noticed, Alfred knows to fall back to Growl in 10.6 as Notification Centre doesn't exist.
  24. This is likely to be because no relevant items are returned; if there are no results at all, it'll switch to fallback searches. Basic question but do you use Mail.app for your email? If you navigate to ~/Library/Mail/, what does it contain? The file filters need to be pointing to the right place, so if you have no emails stored there, you'll get the behaviour you're seeing.
  25. You're probably thinking of the old "play" keyword. This is now available as a workflow, so pop open the Workflows preferences and choose Examples > Find and Play Music. You'll then be able to search and play The Sandman in your default music player by typing "play sand"
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