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    Andrew got a reaction from cands in How to "open with" in Alfred   
    Alfred only applies fuzzy matching to Apps, everything else is keyword or word based throughout the rest of Alfred which is why the actions panel doesn't employ fuzzy matching. This has been by design in Alfred since the start (at a framework level), so is unlikely to change any time soon, but I'll make a note of this thread for possible considerations in the future.
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    Andrew got a reaction from bivalvegruff in How to "open with" in Alfred   
    @dgbeecher you can actually do this without any configuration using the file selection hotkey under Features > File Search > Actions > File Selection.
    I have set this to alt+f. I select a file in Finder, hit alt+f which shows Alfred's action panel. You can select "Open With" from there
  3. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from FroZen_X in How to delete Last Clipboard entry   
    @FroZen_X you can delete individual items manually using cmd+backspace in the clipboard history viewer.
    If you could set Keyboard Maestro to use a transient marker when populating the clipboard, then Alfred's history will ignore this. Alternatively, you could setup an Alfred workflow to do a similar task, and Alfred's Clipboard output object can set the text as transient.
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    Andrew got a reaction from Sam_ in How to include workflow results in default search   
    @vitor pretty much sums up the reasoning behind this. Essentially, Alfred is extremely lightweight on a user's Mac, having minimal CPU and battery impact at all times. This is essentially achieved by only running the internal logic paths required which lead to the user's desired result at any one time, not running any unnecessary code. This becomes more significant when [non-native] workflows may take a decent amount of CPU or network traffic.
    Added to the fact that this is a rarely requested feature, it's unlikely that this will be implemented into Alfred's default results.
    Having said that, and having a think about this, there is one aspect I would consider. You can already create a workflow and attach it to an input filter (such as a file filter, script filter etc). At this point, it's a 1 to 1 mapping for hotkey to input filter. If there was interest, I'd look at enhancing this so that one hotkey could connect to multiple input filters, and results from all filters would be shown. This would essentially allow you to build a workflow which shows a custom version of Alfred with the specific, highly customised results you'd like.
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    Andrew reacted to m3adi3c in Hang when opening non-MAS app [Fixed pre-release 3.3.1 b806]   
    @Andrew Thank you very much, sir! Top quality support, as always!
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    Andrew got a reaction from m3adi3c in Hang when opening non-MAS app [Fixed pre-release 3.3.1 b806]   
    @m3adi3c that's enough info thanks! I can see where that is happening now - I'll have this fixed today thanks
  7. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from michaelwills in Using selected text as input, possible?   
    @Overload119 The easiest way to achieve this at a generic level is to have a single separate hotkey defined to show Alfred with the currently selected text in macOS, and place the cursor to the left.
    i.e. my Alfred hotkey is alt+space, but I have ctrl+alt+space (workflow hotkey trigger by itself) setup as the following, which puts Alfred in a state (cursor to the left) ready for me to type the keyword:

    This way, you only need to remember two hotkeys - One for Alfred by default, and one for Alfred with selected text.
  8. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from deanishe in Is there a way to not copy file names with file search action   
    Alfred 3.3 now has this option in the Alfred's advanced prefs - set Selection Hotkeys to "Restore previous clipboard item".
  9. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from zachx08 in Quit/minimize application hotkey   
    @zachx08 There are a few ways you could do this.
    Firstly, if you are using the "Launch Apps / Files" action, there is a checkbox at the bottom which toggles visibility. This will allow you to, for example, have one hotkey connected to this action with a single app, then use the hotkey to toggle between the app showing and hiding.
    Alternatively, you could use some AppleScript to hide or minimise specific apps in the "Run AppleScript" action, e.g.
    Hope this helps
  10. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from deanishe in Fuzzy not working in Open With [Fixed pre-release 3.3.1 b804]   
    @dennis.a It looks like you've actually spotted a bug - if you have fuzzy set to "Fuzzy capital letters" in Alfred's Advanced prefs, this works as expected, but when set to fuzzy from word boundary, the behaviour doesn't match the default results as intended.
    I'm going to move this to the bugs forum and have it fixed for the next release
  11. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from FroZen_X in how to use "in" with file filter   
    @Srisri You'll need to configure the search fields for the filter to look at text content. Select the Advanced tab of the file filter config sheet and from the + button, select kMDItemTextContent. Remove the other items so it looks like the following:

    Then, just use the file filter's keyword and search terms.
    Hope this helps!
  12. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from Srisri in how to use "in" with file filter   
    @Srisri You'll need to configure the search fields for the filter to look at text content. Select the Advanced tab of the file filter config sheet and from the + button, select kMDItemTextContent. Remove the other items so it looks like the following:

    Then, just use the file filter's keyword and search terms.
    Hope this helps!
  13. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from FroZen_X in Using selected text as input, possible?   
    @Overload119 The easiest way to achieve this at a generic level is to have a single separate hotkey defined to show Alfred with the currently selected text in macOS, and place the cursor to the left.
    i.e. my Alfred hotkey is alt+space, but I have ctrl+alt+space (workflow hotkey trigger by itself) setup as the following, which puts Alfred in a state (cursor to the left) ready for me to type the keyword:

    This way, you only need to remember two hotkeys - One for Alfred by default, and one for Alfred with selected text.
  14. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from vitor in When actioning a selection, don’t overwrite the clipboard   
    @vitor perfect use case for clipboard history placeholder, and in fact, better than the new option I added in the Advanced preferences to buffer and restore in the Advanced prefs which can have minor memory implications.
  15. Like
    Andrew reacted to vitor in When actioning a selection, don’t overwrite the clipboard   
    My use case can now be accomplished in Alfred 3.3 b787 pre-release.
  16. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from S. Sasaki in Force Keyboard acts slow in macOS Sierra   
    @S. Sasaki If you set the focus mode to compatibility in Alfred's Appearance > Options preferences, it works around this macOS bug.
    Hope this helps!
    [moving to help]
  17. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from vitor in Why the current trashing behaviour? [Fixed 3.3 b787 pre-release]   
    The Alfred 3.3 pre-release b787 has now had some work done on the file actions, so this should be sorted
  18. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from Misha in Search for full sentences?   
    I've just been having a bit of a play to see if this is possible with a file filter, but it looks like it's possible with a direct metadata query in Terminal such as:
    mdfind "kMDItemTextContent == '*This is a sentence*'"
    I'm going to take a look to see if there are some improvements to the file filter, as this should theoretically be possible.
  19. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from abbood in How to mass change alfred custom searches   
    Hi @abbood,
    Alfred stores thes in a plain text plist in Alfred.alfredpreferences/preferences/features/websearch/info.plist so should be pretty easy to batch edit / change... but if you are doing lots of custom searches with the same / changing domain, it might be worth creating a workflow instead and using a variables for the domains.
  20. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from vitor in When actioning a selection, don’t overwrite the clipboard   
    Ah yeah, this has slipped down in my tickets... I'll re-target it
  21. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from ghui in Is there a way to notify user to do some config just after the workflow was installed.   
    @ghui there is no way at this point to automatically show variables which need filling. The best thing to do for now is put some info in the "About this Workflow" section to say something along the lines of: "Set your API token in the variables panel".
    I'll add a note to have a think about "required variables" for a future release of Alfred
  22. Like
    Andrew reacted to deanishe in Latest Alfred Tutorial   
    Time to get passive-aggressive and submit a tutorial on how to convert smart quotes to dumb ones.
  23. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from vitor in Why the current trashing behaviour? [Fixed 3.3 b787 pre-release]   
    I agree with this and I actually raised a ticket the other day to look into reverting this and the other file actions (copy / move) back to telling Finder and using AppleScript. It would also re-sort the issue of moving apps to /Applications/ where permissions need to be elevated, and App Translocation fettling by Finder to take place.
    Leave it with me, this is likely to be sorted.
  24. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from Will-i-am in Play Sound Output   
    @Will-i-am not right now, but there will be in a future release of Alfred 3  ^A
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    Andrew got a reaction from Mikeatalfred in Snippets not expanding in NValt - if first character [Fixed 3.2.1 b763 pre-release]   
    @deanishe thanks for working that out - I'll get that sorted in the next release
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