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    zeitlings reacted to vitor in Where’s the Binary — Get the full path to executables in your PATH   

    Search for executables in PATH via the whereis keyword.

    ↩ Copy original path. ⌥↩ Copy resolved path if original is a symbolic link.
    ⤓ Install on the Alfred Gallery | Source
  2. Like
    zeitlings got a reaction from dscox in Calendar++   
    I am working on the next evolution of the workflow. The major changes involve the addition of an agenda, the possibility to create new events using natural language, improvements of the week view and an overall redesign. For now, the search function stays true to what it was, except that it is handled internally.
    I'm announcing this, because I'm looking for some of you to beta test the workflow as I'm somewhat pushing the limits of what can be achieved with Alfred's plain text result items, and would appreciate knowing that it works well on different machines with different configurations. 
    For the potential beta tester:
    I am using the same tricks to right-align the icons that I use to create the tidy block calendar, and would like to know if the layout of the results (e.g. a listed calendar event) succeeds with your custom theme and configuration. One of the key challenges is to present all the relevant information clearly, given Alfred's limitations in displaying data, without making the view feel cluttered and distracting.  I'd like to get your feedback on how well this works, and your suggestions on how to possibly improve the views. Especially the agenda.  I'd also like you to test the new features and let me know if they (a) work for you as expected, (b) are intuitive for you or not, (c) are buggy in any way or broken due to your locale. Permissions authentication has changed recently, and I am wondering if you are having problems granting access to your calendars, and if so, how you may have resolved them. Note that the workflow requires Apple's SF Symbols to be installed for the icons to show.
    Please let me know if you're interested!
    Here are some previews:

    (Creating an event, you can adjust the day using > and <, as well as the time using + and -)

  3. Like
    zeitlings got a reaction from TomBenz in Calendar++   
    I am working on the next evolution of the workflow. The major changes involve the addition of an agenda, the possibility to create new events using natural language, improvements of the week view and an overall redesign. For now, the search function stays true to what it was, except that it is handled internally.
    I'm announcing this, because I'm looking for some of you to beta test the workflow as I'm somewhat pushing the limits of what can be achieved with Alfred's plain text result items, and would appreciate knowing that it works well on different machines with different configurations. 
    For the potential beta tester:
    I am using the same tricks to right-align the icons that I use to create the tidy block calendar, and would like to know if the layout of the results (e.g. a listed calendar event) succeeds with your custom theme and configuration. One of the key challenges is to present all the relevant information clearly, given Alfred's limitations in displaying data, without making the view feel cluttered and distracting.  I'd like to get your feedback on how well this works, and your suggestions on how to possibly improve the views. Especially the agenda.  I'd also like you to test the new features and let me know if they (a) work for you as expected, (b) are intuitive for you or not, (c) are buggy in any way or broken due to your locale. Permissions authentication has changed recently, and I am wondering if you are having problems granting access to your calendars, and if so, how you may have resolved them. Note that the workflow requires Apple's SF Symbols to be installed for the icons to show.
    Please let me know if you're interested!
    Here are some previews:

    (Creating an event, you can adjust the day using > and <, as well as the time using + and -)

  4. Like
    zeitlings got a reaction from vitor in Keyword followed by variable not working   
    The script filter expects a specific JSON object as a result that contains information about what to display. Instead of echoing the argument directly, you have to wrap it in this format if you want it to "see" what you typed. Otherwise Alfred will jump to the default fallback because it doesn't know what to do. There is a script filter example under the "getting started" section when creating a new workflow that lets you inspect the format.
    In short, you would want to do something like this:
    local input="placeholder" [[ ! -z "$1" ]] && input="$1" cat << EOB {"items": [ { "title": "$input", "subtitle": "$input", "arg": "$input" } ]} EOB  
  5. Haha
    zeitlings reacted to Stephen_C in An explanation of the "Simple Ideas” posts   
    <Drowning noises off>
    I, too, moved from TextExpander the moment it went subscription. But, really, I'd be hard put to abandon Typinator: I have so much in it, including "mini-programs" that Do Things™️.
    While my brain is certainly small enough to fit in a Snippet 😁 I have reason to suppose you might be well qualified to prepare some sort of presentation on Snippets. 😉
  6. Like
    zeitlings got a reaction from Grug in Color Picker   
    v1.2.0 implements the new grid view for the color history

  7. Like
    zeitlings got a reaction from yinan in Color Picker   
    v1.2.0 implements the new grid view for the color history

  8. Like
    zeitlings got a reaction from poirpom in Color Picker   
    Pick a color to get its hex, rgba, hsl representation or NSColor initializer.

    Activate the Color Sampler with the keyword (default: cp) and pick the desired color.

    Color History
    To review previously picked colors, activate the workflow with the keyword preceded by a colon (default: :cp).
  9. Thanks
    zeitlings got a reaction from yinan in Color Picker   
    Pick a color to get its hex, rgba, hsl representation or NSColor initializer.

    Activate the Color Sampler with the keyword (default: cp) and pick the desired color.

    Color History
    To review previously picked colors, activate the workflow with the keyword preceded by a colon (default: :cp).
  10. Like
    zeitlings got a reaction from devalias in Simple LaTeX ⟷ Markdown converter using Pandoc   
    LaTeX ⟷ Markdown Alfred Workflow
    Quickly convert Markdown to LaTeX or vice versa from your clipboard with Pandoc.

    A simple routine to convert snippets of markdown to LateX from your clipboard or vice versa. The workflow creates either a *.md or *.tex file relative to your input and at the location you choose. The file is converted with Pandoc by calling it from the terminal. The converted file subsequently gets output at the same place. Existing files will be overwritten.
    Pandoc is key and has to be installed:
    $ brew install pandoc GitHub: 
    github.com/zeitlings/alfred-latex-md/raw/master/LaTeX-MD.alfredworkflow (direct download) 
      Alternative Method: Clipboard only
    An altered version that removes all created files and copies the converted output back to your clipboard:
    Convert markdown to LateX from your clipboard or vice versa. The workflow creates either a  *.md or *.tex file at your ~/Documents folder. The file will be converted with pandoc by calling it from the Terminal. The contents of the converted file will be copied to your clipboard. Both files will be moved to your trash bin.
    github.com/zeitlings/alfred-latex-md-direct/raw/master/LaTeX-MD-direct.alfredworkflow (direct download) 
    The workflow is piggybagging off these two:
  11. Like
    zeitlings got a reaction from devalias in Configuration Builder Improvements   
    Hey, two suggestions for the configuration builder:
    Drag-and-Drop to reorder the fields (please) Add option-sets as a new base type   
    What I have in mind is very similar to "Popup Selection". You can define a set of items, but instead of allowing only one of the options to be selected, all options can be added as needed. What can be added is predefined, which prevents the user from passing incorrect values to the workflow. Take, for example, the language options in the OCR workflow. Instead of copying and pasting "es-ES, pt-BR, zh-Hans", the NSTokenField would autocomplete to the appropriate option (based on the item label).

  12. Like
    zeitlings got a reaction from TomBenz in AlfredOCR - Optical Character Recognition   
    Added to version 1.2.0

    OCR Light v1.2.0
    Add File Action to extract text from images Fix for macOS Sonoma (Compiles the script en passant to compensate for the failure to link objc symbols on macOS 14).
  13. Like
    zeitlings reacted to Belfong in Define Word - A Better Dictionary   
    Ah, I must have done that unknowingly. This is fixed. Thank you so much for this great workflow! I really like that I could increase the font size of the Preview window. That really helps this pair of old eyes!
  14. Like
    zeitlings got a reaction from Belfong in Define Word - A Better Dictionary   
    @Belfong try to make it a habit to press Shift ⇧ to preview, as this will work for anything that can be previewed. Pressing return will always either pass an argument or cause an autocomplete. It is possible to show a quicklook preview this way, but it will open in a new window that has to be closed manually. At this point you can just open the dictionary application, which I think defeats the purpose.
  15. Like
    zeitlings got a reaction from Belfong in Color Picker   
    Pick a color to get its hex, rgba, hsl representation or NSColor initializer.

    Activate the Color Sampler with the keyword (default: cp) and pick the desired color.

    Color History
    To review previously picked colors, activate the workflow with the keyword preceded by a colon (default: :cp).
  16. Like
    zeitlings reacted to emuell in Logseq Workflow   
    THANK youi!
  17. Like
    zeitlings reacted to pseudometa in Alfred Homebrew search   
    Search for a Homebrew package via the `bi` keyword. ⏎: Install the package (`brew install`) in the Terminal. (Uses the terminal app you have configured in your Alfred settings.) ⌘⏎: Open the package's homepage (`brew home`). ⌥⏎: Copy the package's homepage to the clipboard. ⇧⏎: Show package information (`brew info`) in Large Text. Reinstall a package already installed on your system via the `br` keyword (`brew reinstall`). Uninstall a package via the `bu` keyword (`brew uninstall`). Optionally, use the `--zap` option for a clean uninstallation. Search and install fonts available in the Homebrew font tap via the `bf` keyword (`brew install font-…`).  
    ➡️ https://github.com/chrisgrieser/alfred-homebrew

  18. Like
    zeitlings reacted to luckman212 in Showing Script filter icon at the top right of Alfred's window   
    @zeitlings I finally got it. Yes, I see your technique - very clever! Thanks for the tip.
  19. Like
    zeitlings got a reaction from TomBenz in Extract Keywords   
    Hey @TomBenz, that sounds like a job for a different workflow and somewhat niche.
    If you want to adapt the workflow to do that, I'd start with passing (a) the text file location $loc and (b) the keywords, i.e. the query as $1 for zsh argv to a “Run Script” object that runs your python script.
    The script should look something like this (not at all tested):
    import os.path import sys from docx import Document from docx.enum.text import WD_COLOR_INDEX from nltk.tokenize import sent_tokenize filename = sys.argv[1] keywords = sys.argv[2] search_words = keywords.splitlines() matches = [] sentences = sent_tokenize(text) for word in search_words: for sentence in sentences: if word in sentence: matches.append(sentence) doc = Document(filename) for para in doc.paragraphs: for items in matches: start = para.text.find(items) if start > -1: pre = para.text[:start] post= para.text[start+len(items):] para.text = pre para.add_run(items) para.runs[1].font.highlight_color = WD_COLOR_INDEX.YELLOW para.add_run(post) # Save the output in new doc file at selected file location root, extension = os.path.splitext(filename) output_filename = root + "_KeySent_Highlights_C1" + extension doc.save(output_filename) sys.stdout.write(output_filename) # e.g. to reveal the file with Alfred  
  20. Like
    zeitlings reacted to giovanni in alfred-hubHub – A customizable Alfred hub for your GitHub repositories   
    you are right, @zeitlings, thanks for spotting! That does look like a bug in the API. 
    Should be fixed in the latest release.
  21. Like
    zeitlings got a reaction from giovanni in alfred-hubHub – A customizable Alfred hub for your GitHub repositories   
    I just noticed that the watchers count is identical to the stargazers count (cf. your screenshot). I checked your code and some Github API responses and it looks like all is fine. 
    So, is this intended? I expected to find the number of people actually watching a repository:  
    That seems to be reflected in the key subscribers_count rather than watchers_count for whatever reason.
    # simply changing the key panics for me # I see it via `curl ... "https://api.github.com/repos/{OWNER}/{REPO}"` though myGithubHub [myRepo["name"]]['myWatchers'] = myRepo['subscribers_count']  
  22. Like
    zeitlings got a reaction from Floating.Point in Do Slower Part of the Script Later in Script Filter   
    You may want to have a look at the "rerun" key.
    On the first run, return the results that are loaded quickly, immediately rerun, then execute the slow script and return the results. If the Alfred window is still open, the first results will be replaced. (You could pass a variable that acts as a token to indicate that the slow script should be run now).
  23. Like
    zeitlings reacted to mayuzumi in ImmeGPT — Yet another ChatGPT Workflow for Alfred   
    You can install the workflow from the releases page at the workflow Github repo.
    Description & Sceenshots:
    The free ChatGPT api is from https://chat.aizs.eu.org

  24. Like
    zeitlings got a reaction from cands in Extract Keywords   
    Extract Keywords
    Extract keywords and keyphrases from articles, books or any other document with YAKE!

    Send PDF, docx, doc, rtf or txt documents to the workflow’s File Actions Pass the text from your selection in macOS on to the workflow’s Universal Action Use the keyword and paste your text (default: kw) 
    The extracted keywords are presented in a dialog.

    The workflow relies on Python3 to install the YAKE standalone.
    pip install git+https://github.com/LIAAD/yake  official installation guide
    brew install poppler  formula on brew.sh

    Yake has internal stopword handling that cannot be influenced from the command line. However, you can still define a list of words that will be flat out purged from the input text. To set up a ‘purge word’-list, create a text file named as the language identifier for a corresponding language in the workflow root folder: assets/stopwords/de.txt.

    The workflow checks if the file exists and if it does, the words are removed.

    The purge-word files can be quickly accessed through Alfred by prefixing the keyword with a colon (default: :kw).

    YAKE! is a light-weight unsupervised automatic keyword extraction method which rests on text statistical features extracted from single documents to select the most important keywords of a text.
  25. Like
    zeitlings reacted to pseudometa in Reddit Browser   
    - Browse subreddits, switch between subreddits.
    - No reddit account needed. 
    - Save scrolling positions, mark posts as new, old or visited.
    - Can also browse hackernews.
    - Minimum upvotes to display posts, customizable sorting method.
    - Optionally open posts in old reddit.
    - Due to smart caching, this workflow should never hit API rate limits (under normal usage).
    ➡️ Download: https://github.com/chrisgrieser/alfred-reddit-browser/releases/latest

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