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Everything posted by xilopaint

  1. Alfred Gallery is exciting news for non-coders, but a vscode extension for Alfred would mean an incomparable boost for developers imho. Vscode and Alfred are my top 2 favorite macOS softwares. Integrating both experiences would be amazing news. Please @vitor, come to the rescue! πŸ˜„
  2. No need Telegram for you. I just use it to make communication easier for non-coders. Big Sur is not a problem as well. I'm sending you a PM.
  3. Hey guys, @vitor gave me a good hand but he's currently busy with Alfred 5 development and I still need someone with a M1 Mac for a few minutes. Anyone willing to help me testing a build on Telegram? You don't need to be a coder or having any especial knowledge, just an Alfred user.
  4. @vitor could you test the bundle for me? I just want to know if you get the macOS warning prompting the user to allow some unsigned binaries.
  5. I need a volunteer for a quick test in a build. Anyone willing? maybe @katie?
  6. Workflow support depends on its creator not Alfred.
  7. Update (v4.0.1) β€’ Added cleanup procedure for when the Optimize file action fails. β€’ Fixed notification with error message not being fired by the Optimize file action.
  8. Never tried to do this, but there are some methods like PdfMerger.add_bookmark and PdfWriter.add_bookmark that might be helpful.
  9. You should see a new enhanced file with the same name of the original one with an [optimized] tag appended. If the file is big the optimization can take some time to finish. You can track the progress using the progress keyword. If the file is not being created I need the output of the Alfred Debugger and, if possible, the original PDF file to investigate the reason. You can send me the file by PM.
  10. Sorry, but I can't change the outline structure for a whole user base just to suit one person's way of organizing their own PDF files.
  11. It should be but I’ve been facing issues with some PDFs so I avoided to import bookmarks to the files created with the workflow. It can change in the future as I’ve opened an issue about this on PyPDF2 repo. Sorry, I don't get you here.
  12. As PyPDF2 development resumed after a long hiatus I decided to rewrite the workflow again using it. This represents a noticeable gain in performance, a more lightweight installation file and a more maintainable codebase as PyPDF2 is a pure Python library.
  13. In Alfred environment /usr/bin/python3 is the same of python3. You don’t need the full path.
  14. I love Alfred but the worst part of it is debugging. I would love to have a vscode extension which outputs in the console's editor the same content as Alfred Debugger. It would make the development experience much less annoying as we can focus in a single app (vscode). @Vero @Andrew
  15. The thread is not clear to me. I'm not familiar with this workflow and my fork doesn't use cPickle. It's a Python 2 module.
  16. @zjn0505 I need steps to reproduce the issue and you should tell me what you're getting and what you want to achieve.
  17. @zjn0505 if you face any issues using my fork, please let me know.
  18. @vitor I contacted the maintainer of k2pdfopt and he told me how to disable the interactive mode. That was enough to, at the same time, passing the arguments to subprocess.Popen as an array and removing both the echo command and shell=True. The only issue now is that double quotes are still an illegal character, but this is an issue with k2pdfopt that I already reported to him and he promised to look into.
  19. Update (v3.1.3) β€’ Improved fix for the shell injection bug.
  20. It’s possible to send data to STDIN via subprocess.Popen.communicate but it's not an option for me because this method waits for the child process to finish to return and I can't read from STDOUT meanwhile.
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