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Everything posted by deanishe

  1. That's an issue with symlinking and Dropbox, not Alfred. If the symlink exists on both machines, Dropbox will keep the link. If not, it creates a directory instead.
  2. This doesn't really have very much to do with Alfred. You need to start with whichever email program you're using and look into scripting/automating that. If that's possible, then you can start to think about how to trigger it via Alfred. I can't comment on whether it is possible or not because you haven't actually said which email program you're trying to automate.
  3. It's possible, but it's not easy. The data aren't stored locally, so you'd need a workflow that uses the Google Drive API and OAuth and all that crap.
  4. No, there isn't. If you want to do something like that, you have to manage the state and flow yourself.
  5. That should work. Looks like it may be a bug in Alfred. Those are screenshots of your script. Post the workflow.
  6. You guys are probably going to have to upload the actual workflow, not screenshots and code. The most likely reason an external script would fail is because you haven't set its executable bit: chmod +x script.sh
  7. If you don't need them any more, yes. Alfred 3 keeps all its stuff in its own directory.
  8. Here's an example how to create submenus in Alfred 3.
  9. How are you calling the external script?
  10. Nope. it appears to be a simple substring search. In addition, the query is anchored to the start of words, so "avi" will match "Avi Smith" or "Boeing Aviation", but not "David Smith".
  11. deanishe

    OS X → macOS

    I have the same 2008 Mac Pro 2x2.8GHz as Siracusa No way I'm buying a desktop with a built-in monitor. A monitor usually lasts twice as long. I still have my 30" Cinema display (2006 vintage). And when that goes, I'd rather have a Dell/Asus I can plug a Playstation into, tbh.
  12. deanishe

    OS X → macOS

    New OS isn't compatible with my machine. I'm totally gutted I really wanted to hold onto this machine for another 2 years. I don't know what to do. All of Apple's current desktops are crap
  13. The following AppleScript simulates ^+⌘+SPACE: tell application "System Events" to key code 49 using {command down, control down} Put that in a Run Script Action with Language = /usr/bin/osascript (AS) and connect it to a Keyword.
  14. Alfred snippets work fine in Neovim in iTerm for me. Do you have any other apps that expand snippets (Dash, Keyboard Maestro)? Could you test if they work in iTerm+Neovim? FWIW, have you considered UltiSnips? As a vim plugin, it's way more powerful than Alfred.
  15. You can delete any Web Searches that don't have a padlock next to them by selecting the search and hitting Backspace. For the defaults you don't want, select "Only show enabled searches" and uncheck the searches in the Enabled column. Go and check out the Share your Workflows forum or Packal to see some workflows and what they can do.
  16. Alternative Actions are what you mean. Here's a workflow that uses modifier keys to do different things. The relevant code starts here.
  17. Best thing to do with Python libraries is to install them in the workflow directory alongside info.plist. Right-click on your workflow in Alfred Preferences and select Open in Terminal. Now you're in the workflow directory. This is the working directory when Alfred runs your workflow, and you can import any Python packages/modules in it directly. So, in Terminal just run: pip install -U --target=. tld [<package2>...] Note: That probably won't work if your pip is installed in a Homebrew Python due to a pip bug. You need to install pip in the system Python.
  18. You don't need to launch Dictionary.app. Connect your Hotkey directly to an Open URL Action and set the URL to: dict://{query}
  19. What workflow/library/code/repo are you talking about?
  20. In the case of a Run Script Action, the {query} of the following element is whatever the script prints to STDOUT. In this case, ping's output + Online/Offline. Post Notification treats {query} differently in each field. Title shows only the first line. Text shows more. If you don't want to see the output of ping, use: ping -o -t 2 google.com > /dev/null
  21. The shell command ping -o -t 2 google.com will succeed if it can connect to Google and fail if not (-t 2 means 2-second timeout, so you might need to increase that). Here's a simple bash script: ping -o -t 2 google.com if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then echo "Online" else echo "Offline" fi Put that in a Run Script Action (Language = /bin/bash) and connect it to a Post Notification or Large Type Output.
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