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    cands reacted to dfay in Yosemite Dark Mode Toggle (With Alfred Theme Toggle)   
    My latest updates for TaskPaper 3 and OmniFocus:
    do shell script "cd '/Users/username/Library/Application Support/TaskPaper/'; cat day.less > theme.less" tell application "OmniFocus" set value of preference id "OFIColorPaletteIdentifier" to "builtin:OmniFocus Light" end tell Same code but with night.less and OmniFocus Dark for night.  You need to create a day.less and night.less TP3 theme.
  2. Like
    cands reacted to RodgerWW in Yosemite Dark Mode Toggle (With Alfred Theme Toggle)   
    DOWNLOAD: Yosemite GUI Mode Toggle Workflow
    With either a shortcut or hotkey you can toggle between normal and dark mode in Yosemite AND thanks to the recent Alfred update, the Alfred Theme!
    To make the workflow universal this switches between the Yosemite themes included with Alfred 2.
    To change to your own "Normal" and "Dark" Alfred themes, be sure to modify the script lines accordingly:
    For Normal Mode change the name:
    tell application "Alfred 2" to set theme "OS X Yosemite" For Dark Mode change the name:
    tell application "Alfred 2" to set theme "OS X Yosemite Dark"
  3. Like
    cands reacted to deerawan in Dazzling Yo Alfred V3 Theme (Dark and White)   
    Introduce my new v3 theme for Alfred, Yo Alfred
    Alfred main color (dazzling purple) Dark and light theme Blur Transparant Large Icon  
    How to Download
    Click the download link below the theme name Save as the file (keep the extension to be .alfredappeareance)  
    Dark Theme

    Light Theme

    Interested in Material Design Theme?
  4. Like
    cands reacted to stuartcryan in Advanced Google Maps and Apple Maps Search Workflow - Version 2.0.2 Release 12 February 2018   
    Howdy all,
    I have put together a new beta release and I am hoping a couple of people could test this out for me please prior to releasing a full update:
    https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/9093155/Advanced Google Maps Search 1.2.0beta.alfredworkflow 
    Changes in this beta include:
    I have added a Workflow Environment Variable for setting your Google Locale: It is quite rudimentary at the moment, but in essence if you (for example) set the variable to the domain for your locale. For example 'com.au' it will use google.com.au if you use 'com.tw' it will use google.com.tw. Changed to use Alfred's native 'Open in' functionality rather than relying on the 'open' command for native configurability in Alfred (if you wish to force a particular browser, other than the default). If a couple of people would like to test and report back OK, I will happily release a full update.
  5. Like
    cands reacted to jeffsui in ICAO / IATA Airport Searching   
    This workflow will let you search the ourairports.com airport database based on IATA or ICAO or local Airport codes.  
    * Initialize with:  aptinit
    * search with: apt
    * load specific details with: aptd
    Workflow available here:

  6. Like
    cands reacted to h2ner in Workflow Request: Searching sections/bookmarks in pdfs   
    It's not so bad, and as I've had the same wish as mbigras to search and navigate PDFs by section, and his idea of searching all sections of all PDFs in one command is amazing, I started working on it right away upon realizing it's possible with a workflow. There's nothing else like it yet, and for those, academics or otherwise, that try to read 1000 page books or books with a TOC of 1000 entries, it's quite necessary. Being able to search by TOC entries and then jump to any of thousands of PDFs, to the exact page, who wouldn't find that useful. Most of the basics are already done; just gotta figure out full text search since I switched from SQLAlchemy to SQLite. As the DB grows and let's say you have hundreds of thousands of indexed TOC entries, searching and ordering by relevance becomes more relevant. Just need to figure out that, fix it up a bit, see if there's any other initial needed changes before it becomes ready for everyday use, and hopefully that's enough to then let others then take a look. Indexing Skim notes, self added bookmarks, or PDF annotations, that might come later.
  7. Like
    cands reacted to vitor in Snippets: search snippet content as well   
    When filtering snippets with the Keyword of Viewer, it only searches the snippet’s information (and inconsistently). Ideally, the snippet’s contents should also be considered when filtering, as sometimes we remember part of the content but not the snippet itself.
  8. Like
    cands reacted to jneug in Support dynamic placeholders in "Arg and Vars" utility   
    It would be nice to have an easy way to access the clipboard in a workflow. It's not that hard using script actions, but it would be nice to have an utility for that. I would suggest to add dynamic placeholders to the "Args and Vars" utility. This way we could not only access the clipboard with "{clipboard}" but also combine it with the current query or easily use date objects. 

  9. Like
    cands reacted to dr-adrian in Airmail workflow   
    Changed the workflow a bit so it works with airmail 3 now. Here: https://github.com/dr-adrian/alfred-airmail
  10. Like
    cands reacted to vitor in Clipboard inputs append to .txt   
    If you want a workflow that will automatically add to a text file anything that is on your clipboard, it can’t be done. Alfred (by design) needs to be specifically called. What you can do, is this:

    Here’s a download to that workflow.
  11. Like
    cands reacted to deanishe in Default Folder X   
    Updated to v0.3 which uses Alfred 3.2's awesome new re-run feature, so it does update results live when the cache is updated.
    Turned this off, too!
    Sorry the update took so long. As noted, DFX 5 hasn't been working for me. Alfred 3.2's new re-run made it irresistible, though.
  12. Like
    cands reacted to Carlos-Sz in Recent Items 4.3 beta 2 for Alfred 4: Finder Recent Items   
    It's not possible because Finder does not have an AppleScript command for that.
    I have made a test with the current version for Alfred 3 (4.2) and it seems to be working fine.
    I'll make more tests but note that the workflow depends on Spotlight and, sometimes, it may be a good idea to delete the workflow and install it again. Note, however, that you will lose your customization.
    Finally, make sure to update Alfred 3 and use version 4.2 of the workflow.
    There is not easy way to do that. I'd have to change some scripts.
  13. Like
    cands reacted to deanishe in Calendar Workflow Request   
    Forget about messing about with calendar data directly. Use icalBuddy instead (brew install ical-buddy).
    The problem with data from Calendar.app is that it if you naïvely ask the app for today's events, it won't return any repeating events unless today is the first occurrence in the sequence.
    Instead, you have to grab every event that starts on or before today (which is horrendously slow), and then calculate the actual occurrences yourself based on the recurrence rule and excluded dates. Recurrence rules are not simple things.
  14. Like
    cands reacted to deanishe in Movie and TV Show Search   
    You can do that by adding the appropriate copytext argument where the items are generated.
    For example, I've modified my copy of the workflow to copy the title in CouchPotato's preferred format (use CMD+C on an item to copy the copytext):
    wf.add_item(title=title, subtitle=get_subtitle(omdb_info), valid=True, copytext="{:s}.cp({:s})".format(title, omdb_info['imdbID']), # icon = "poster.jpg", arg="file://" + urllib.pathname2url(wf.cachefile('item.html')))  
  15. Like
    cands reacted to Andrew in Allow cursor placement in snippet expansion   
    Just to let you know, {cursor} will be making it into Alfred 3, possibly even the next release  
  16. Like
    cands reacted to jeffsui in Today View for Google Calendar and Microsoft Exchange   
    So if somebody is tech savvy it would probably be pretty easy to get the workflow working internally.  In fact pyexchange (the package i'm using) initially works only with internal servers - as opposed to external servers.  The problem is I dont have a server to test against.  
    If you are so inclined I can work with you to figure out what kind of authentication your internal server supports - and see if we can get it working that way. 
    With regards to other calendars - should be doable.  Might take some time to get around to it but I'll def look into that as an enhancement.  
  17. Like
    cands reacted to deanishe in I Sheet You Not: Plug Excel into Alfred   
    I Sheet You Not
    Create auto-updating workflows from Excel worksheets. Works like a List Filter but using an Excel file as the data source.

      I Sheet You Not is a workflow generator/template for Alfred 3. It reads data from an Excel workbook and displays them in Alfred. You can specify which rows and columns the data are read from, and changes to the data are picked up automatically by the workflow.   Download and installation   Download the workflow from Packal or  GitHub releases and double-click the downloaded I-Sheet-You-Not-X.X.X.alfredworkflow file to install in Alfred.   Usage   Use keyword isyn to create a new copy of the workflow. You can either create an empty copy or search for an Excel file to base the workflow on.   See the documentation for detailed usage/configuration instructions.   Source code   The source is hosted on GitHub.   Bugs and feature requests   Bugs and feature requests should ideally be submitted via GitHub issues, but asking in this thread is cool, too.
  18. Like
    cands reacted to deanishe in Default Folder X   
    No, I haven't changed anything since the initial proof-of-concept. Unfortunately, DFX 5 didn't work on my main Mac, so I had to uninstall it and re-install DFX 4, which isn't 100% compatible in terms of what the workflow does, so I didn't want to change anything and risk breaking the workflow for DFX 5 users.
    I've just installed DFX 5.0.5, and that runs acceptably well (mostly), so I can continue working on the workflow now.
    So, feature requests:
    Get rid of the notifications. …?
  19. Like
    cands reacted to raguay.customct in Search History in Alfred Browser like in zsh   
    I have a set of workflows that I use to process videos on our website and attach SRT files to them. Usually I just up arrow to the one before the last command to recycle through them. But, I some times have to execute other commands in the middle. Then, I either have to retype the older command or up arrow until I find it. It would be nice to type in the first two letters and then up arrow through the history that only starts with those two letters. Just like I have my zsh configured to do.
    For example: My History has:
    The first two commands are the two that I cycle through, but I then disabled DwellClick with the dc:disable. To do the dp:next file, I would have to retype it or up arrow 3 times. But, with this feature I am proposing, I would type 'dp' then one up arrow and it will jump to the dp:nextfile command. In this example, it doesn't really save much time. But in other situations, it will.
  20. Like
    cands reacted to Vero in Emailing files with Airmail not working   
    You can update to the Alfred 3.1 pre-release (by going to the Update tab and choosing "pre-releases" from the dropdown menu at the bottom) which offers support for Airmail 3
  21. Like
    cands reacted to Andrew in "Email To" action using wrong email client   
    I'll be updating the AppleScript in the next release to recognise Airmail 3 by default
  22. Like
    cands reacted to Acidham in Drop   
    Updated to version 1.0.
    Added config workflow for Dropbox Token and Target Folder
    Thx charlie999 for the feedback 
  23. Like
    cands reacted to Modi34 in Sidekick - workflow for OmniFocus   
    if you mean alt+shift+a shortcut it was created to quickly add tasks in to selected project.
    I have just uploaded the latest version of the workflow - I've added a lot of new features and fixed all bugs ( I hope  )
    In a few minutes I will update topic description
  24. Like
    cands reacted to MuppetGate in Yet another date calculator   
    Hello, I've updated the workflow following a twitter request.
    You now have a new date format to struggle with (the wordy format) which looks like this:
    dd mmm yyyy
    So you can now use abbreviated (three characters only!) month names in expressions.
    dcalc today - 23 apr 2016
  25. Like
    cands reacted to PhilippN in Dict.cc offline translator   
    Ah yes, great idea. I hate databases, so they were out of my mind
    Anyway, I pushed a new release which uses a SQLite database. Depending on the query search is faster now. But even if it is slower sometimes, I think the database solution is much better.
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