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Everything posted by Vero

  1. @HRD First, let's set aside the Bookmarks feature; What you seem to be reporting is that your preferences are not saving, correct? If you change a keyword, quit Alfred and reopen, is that keyword saved? Where are your preferences set to sync to? If you've picked an unusual sync location or Alfred is unable to save changes in the location you've set, preferences will appear to be reset when you relaunch. Once we've confirmed that you're once again able to save your preferences, then we can take a look at why Chrome bookmarks aren't showing.
  2. Seconding @Chris Messina's suggestion here; Anyone using 1PW 8 and experiencing issues, or wanting the 3rd party integration to be added, make your voices heard on 1Password's beta forum, as they're the ones who can take action on any issue their new version is causing you.
  3. @hobbes444 If you take a look at the change log for the latest release, you'll see this addition has already been made in Alfred 4.6.3. However, for anyone who has modified their search scope in the past, you'll need to add the ~/Library/CloudStorage path manually.
  4. @foxytrot Welcome to the forum! Currently, we recommend Dropbox, but the key features you need if you'd like to use another service are: Files stored locally (not as a representation of an online-only file) Available instantly at startup We're continuously evaluating alternatives, and re-assessing services as they change (e.g. iCloud has gotten somewhat more reliable over the past few years, but still requires Optimised Storage to be disabled). Some users have had success with other services I believe, so just make sure you keep a Time Machine backup of your preferences if you opt for something else.
  5. @Dominik Welcome to the forum With a hotkey modifier, you can reveal the file in Finder even when using the "in" keyword; Cmd + return will reveal the file in Finder. To see the actions or customise them, open Alfred's preferences to the Advanced tab, and on the right side, you'll see three dropdowns, which allow you to set what action you want to perform when you press a particular hotkey modifier plus the Return key. However, for even more awesomeness, take a look at Universal Actions; Pressing the right arrow from a result will show you a whole list of actions you can perform on the item. This can save you steps if your intention was to copy, email, etc the file(s). You can also create your own actions and save even more time.
  6. @alexxhenry Welcome to the forum Step one for this would be to work out whether there is AppleScript to run those commands, as that's the most reliable way to perform any action / manipulate Finder. Once you've worked a way for macOS to do what you have in mind, you'll be able to set a hotkey trigger for your script from Alfred.
  7. @aaf Take a look at this blog post where I share how to use a single keyword for multiple snippets via a list filter workflow: https://www.alfredapp.com/blog/guides-and-tutorials/single-keyword-for-multiple-snippets-workflow/
  8. @emorisse Welcome to the forum What are you trying to do with the email address once you have it? The simplest way to pick an email address and perform an action on it is to pop up Alfred, type the name of your contact. Once you see the contact card, choose the email address you want to take action on and press the right arrow to show the Universal Actions* panel: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/features/universal-actions/ You can add your custom workflow as a Universal Action from there - If you need any help with the next part, please share what you want to do and we'll be happy to help! [* It's worth noting that Universal Actions are much newer than the thread from 2015, which is why there's no mention of Universal Actions in that original thread ] Cheers, Vero
  9. Have you experimented with using the Dictionary "define" keyword, and setting your Dictionary to the Thesaurus tab? If you set it to that tab (or any of your choice), when Dictionary relaunches, it'll open to that tab again You can open Dictionary's preferences to order the dictionaries as you prefer too.
  10. If you transferred your files using Migration Assistant, you'll be encountering the Monterey bug described here. Please take a look at step 2 and update your search scope according to this: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/troubleshooting/indexing/monterey If you need further help, please provide all of the information outlined at the bottom of the Indexing page, as you currently haven't provided enough information about your individual setup for us to be able to help you.
  11. @nammin Have you tried setting a different hotkey combo in Features > Universal Actions to see whether your choice of hotkey conflicts with something else? What happens when you use the hotkey? Do you hear any error sounds? If you'd like further help, please provide as much information as possible.
  12. @bitt3n Could you please share more information? Alfred version (please be specific with version numbers) macOS version Did you recently upgrade? Have you given macOS enough time to rebuild/refresh its index after install? Please take a look at the indexing troubleshooting guide and follow the steps carefully: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/troubleshooting/indexing/ If your issue persists, please ensure you provide as much information as possible so that we can help you further
  13. As an update for anyone on the macOS Monterey 12.3 beta (or for future users who come across this once 12.3 goes to general availability): Python 2 is no longer included from macOS Monterey 12.3 onwards, so if a workflow you're using is affected, take a look at the Python 2 & Monterey Knowledgebase here. @vitor has also created a thread where you can suggest workflows that would benefit from being updated to work on Monterey 12.3+: A better solution is certainly for the original workflow creator to update their workflow, but understandably, not all workflows are actively maintained, so Vitor is there to help. Cheers, Vero
  14. @Koen_73 Could you please go to Alfred's Features > Default Results, and follow the instructions in step 2 here to widen your search scope? https://www.alfredapp.com/help/troubleshooting/indexing/monterey
  15. @iJemz Where do your files go when downloaded? Always in the Downloads folder? You could create a two-objects workflow to open your Downloads folder in Alfred's File Navigation, sorted by Last Modified (keyword + browse in Alfred) Or you could create a File Filter with a few paths in the search scope, sorted by Last Modified and perhaps with the date range limited to today so it's most focused? You could then type your keyword followed by either part of the name of the file if you remember what you're looking for, or just a space to get all relevant results from the most recent one. Let me know if you need help creating either of these workflow options As for Google Drive, an update by Google a few months ago has caused Spotlight and macOS to stop indexing the files. This workflow is an excellent workaround to this decision by Google and allows you to find your Google Drive files: https://www.alfredapp.com/blog/guides-and-tutorials/google-drive-workflow/
  16. @splitpersonality Which Contacts app do you have in mind? If it has a URL handler, you should be able to set it here to open contacts: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/features/contacts/#preferences
  17. @ADeeJay When you type just "bm", do you see the "Search Bookmarks..." prompt before it goes to your fallback searches? Could you also please remove and re-grant Alfred Full Disk Access? It may be that your permissions have been corrupted in Monterey, and re-granting will allow Alfred to access your bookmarks data once again: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/getting-started/permissions/#full-disk Let me know how you get on. Cheers, Vero
  18. @jmonda A helpful step forward would be to make a list of your most-used workflows that rely on Python 2 and currently don't work, with links to their original source or the name of the workflow & developer, so that we can help you further
  19. @jmonda @RCL @dtoub As you may know, Apple only officially announced that Python 2 was being removed last Friday, less than a week ago. While it was on the cards for a long time, Apple doesn't give developers advance notice on changes like these, so it was as much of a surprise for us as for you. There's no need to worry at all though; We're here to help. We'll be keeping an eye on which workflows need updating and, where it's needed, we'll help update them or create new alternative workflows where possible.
  20. @jmonda Here's our knowledge base help page on this: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/kb/python-2-monterey/ If you need any help with specific workflows, you can either pop a post in the thread for the workflow, or let us know here and community members will be able to help you get back up and running Cheers, Vero
  21. @Vinny If you add the location and ensure that OneDrive re-downloads all files locally, other users have reported it's working for them since the OneDrive change. To help keep the discussion in one place, I'll close this thread and ask you to please add any further comments in the thread below: If you're still having issues, try dragging some of your files to Alfred's File Troubleshooter and sharing the results in the thread so that we can help you further. You may also need to rebuild your Mac's index if you're having other issues in parallel.
  22. @justaboutdavid Do you have any files within Alfred's search scope with any of the tags you've typed? If you use a tag that does exist and is within the search scope, it'll be found, e.g.: If you'd like further help, could you please provide the following information: Which version of Alfred and macOS you're using (with version numbers, not just "latest") The File Troubleshooter output for files you're looking to find by tag A screenshot of your Default Results > Search Scope The more information you provide, the easier we can help you out Cheers, Vero
  23. @maikfrank If you update to the 4.6.3 pre-release, the new location for OneDrive has been added by default. If you have modified your search scope in Features > Default Results, this won't be added automatically, but you can add in ~/Library/CloudStorage/ which will include the new OneDrive path. To avoid splitting the discussion, I'll close this thread, and you can continue in the existing OneDrive thread if you have any questions Cheers, Vero
  24. @yosifz Yes it is, you can take a look at the sync page here for more details: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/advanced/sync/ Note that you'll still need to activate your license on each Mac individually
  25. @yosifz Yes, you can use your Mega Supporter license on up to four Macs concurrently, provided these Macs are for your own use and not shared workstations. Cheers, Vero
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