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Everything posted by Vero

  1. Hi @anandsunku, Check Alfred's Mojave getting started guide to make sure you have allowed the correct permissions: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/getting-started/macos-mojave/ Specifically, you'll need to grant Alfred Automation permissions in order for Empty Trash to work as it did in previous OS versions Cheers, Vero
  2. Hi @breadncup, welcome to the forum. These icons are provided directly by macOS to Alfred, so if they're not showing in Alfred, it could be one of a few things: First, please quit Alfred and manually delete it from your Applications folder by dragging to Trash. Reinstall Alfred from https://www.alfredapp.com (and never from a third-party source) to ensure there's no corruption. It could be a temporary permissions quirk, as Mojave has completely overhauled permissions, so it's possible that it's stopping Alfred from accessing the image data. A restart of your Mac may fix this. It may be a deeper permissions quirk, that could be caused by a botched upgrade from the previous macOS or from a Mojave beta to your current version. Try creating a new user account temporarily to see whether that's resolved. Do these applications actually exist in the Applications folder? Or are they stored in a different location and linked in? If it's the latter, this may be causing an issue. In any case, please let us know how you get on and whether a new user account resolves the issue for you. Cheers, Vero
  3. @Cacao As with the users earlier in this thread, could you please install the Alfred metadata tool and drag one of your apps to it? https://cachefly.alfredapp.com/tools/AlfredMetadataTool_v1.1.zip Please paste the results here so that we can help you establish whether there's a metadata issue. Cheers, Vero
  4. @ryqiem Alfred's snippets text expansion is quite straightforward, so there's likely some interference from a third-party somewhere. When the issue occurs, does it occur for any/all snippets or only some specific ones? And how many times is "multiple times"? Twice or more? In terms of what the interference could be: Could you check the macOS built-in text expansion for any snippets there? (System Prefs > Keyboard > Shortcuts) Do you use a non-Apple keyboard? Do you use keyboard modifier apps like remappers, etc? Let me know how you get on with the above Cheers, Vero
  5. @qydxyx Did you follow the recommendation to delete the Spotlight-V100 when beginning the rebuilding of your Mac's metadata index? Spotlight may have some files/apps cached even while the file system needs to be rebuilt. If you've followed all the steps, please provide more details: - Which files can't you find (file types, file path) - For apps, did you type "reload" into Alfred to refresh the application cache and see whether they become available? - Which version of Alfred and macOS are you using? Cheers, Vero
  6. @terryzx You should be able to have as many Macs set up to connect to your Remote as you like, but your Alfred Remote can only be connected to one Mac at the time. Take a look at the troubleshooting guide if you're not sure why your second Mac might not be connecting: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/troubleshooting/remote/ Let us know how you get on Cheers, Vero
  7. @stephenmcleod Could you please take a look at Console and see whether there are any error messages relating to Alfred or Finder that might shed some light? Also, have you at any point used a Finder alternative like TotalFinder, Pathfinder, etc? This could result in an issue where macOS doesn't actually know what should be performing the action. Cheers, Vero
  8. Hi @Ken - As it's common that you'll want to create a snippet from a piece of text you've just written or copied to your clipboard, you can select the text you want to save as snippet from your Alfred Clipboard History and press Cmd + S. This will pop out a half-populated snippet window so that you can add a name, shortcut, choose a category and save it. Quick and easy! Cheers, Vero
  9. @Bret Fisher That's fantastic news! Can you confirm you can find your Google Drive files using Spotlight? If so, adding Google Drive to your search scope (or creating a File Filter workflow to specifically search Google Drive) should be sufficient. If you still can't find files as expected, could you please install the Alfred Metadata tool and drag one of the Google Drive files to it? It should provide some insight into whether all the metadata is complete. https://cachefly.alfredapp.com/tools/AlfredMetadataTool_v1.1.zip Cheers, Vero
  10. @Gordano For future users who might encounter a similar issue, did you need to add a particular permission? Or were the permissions correct and you just needed to restart your Mac? Cheers, Vero
  11. @Gordano Have you restarted your Mac since granting permissions? I've only seen one other user so far with this kind of error message, and restarting his Mac caused macOS to finally recognise the permissions. If you can also confirm which permissions you've granted from this list, it'll be helpful in establishing if there's anything else missing for Alfred to be able to 1. launch Evernote, 2. search the relevant files: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/getting-started/macos-mojave/ Cheers, Vero
  12. @Gordano Download the correct version of the workflow from the first post (Version 9.3) and you should be all sorted. Cheers, Vero
  13. @Gordano Take a look at the first post and check that you're using the right version of Evernote. As per the post, you must use Evernote from Evernote.com and not from the App Store. If you could also let us know which version of Alfred, Evernote and macOS (the specific Mojave build) you're using, it'd be helpful Cheers, Vero
  14. @pasta Have you tried popping up Alfred's clipboard, doing Cmd + C on the snippet you want, then using the iOS Simulator app's Edit > Paste command? I believe that particular Paste uses the macOS clipboard. If that works, you could try automating that with a workflow. Since the beginning, Alfred has contained as few edge-case "work differently for this app/scenario" modifications as possible. Quite simply, edge cases for individual apps require constant monitoring of the app for any changes, and we'd end up chasing every app with fixes every time the third-party app changes. Part of why Alfred works so smoothly and consistently is that there are as few of these edge-cases as possible built into Alfred. Given our active involvement with the community, we can get a pretty good feel of what features would be beneficial for a sufficient volume of users to warrant investigating an edge case, and I don't think it's the case here. Cheers, Vero
  15. @WilliamGallagher Could you please install the Alfred metadata tool and drag one of your apps to it? https://cachefly.alfredapp.com/tools/AlfredMetadataTool_v1.1.zip If you could please paste the output here so that we can take a look, I'm curious to see whether the file types are correct for your apps. Cheers, Vero
  16. @pasta Welcome to the forum! I see you've met a few of our regulars already *grabs the reins and steers topic back on course* Looks like you've tried a few things already, but what happens when you manually copy something to your macOS clipboard and use Cmd + V to paste it in the iOS simulator? Given you say it's now pasting "V" when trying to expand snippets, it looks like it's trying to pass the Cmd + V through but isn't succeeding. First, you can try slowing down key events in Alfred, in case the iOS simulator is being slow but can receive the paste from the macOS clipboard: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/troubleshooting/snippets/#partial Next, take a look at whether you might've changed the default macOS paste hotkey to something else, or use keyboard remapping/hotkey modifying software that could be stopping Alfred's pasting from happening normally. Having said that, it may very well just be a limitation of the iOS Simulator... Let me know how you get on. Cheers, Vero
  17. @vorax From Alfred's bowler hat menu, choose "Request macOS Permissions" and ensure that Alfred gains Automation access. This will then allow AppleScript actions, such as telling macOS to lock your Mac, to happen
  18. @vorax As per my reply, take a look at Console.app to see if you get any particular error messages when trying to use the keyword. Are there any? If so, please paste them here so that we can help you further... Cheers, Vero
  19. @needalfredhelp Welcome to the forum! First, which email client do you use? This particular workflow is for Mail.app only, as the workflow is a file filter that searches for com.apple.mail.emlx files in the ~/Library/Mail/ path. If the location or file type is different, this File Filter won't apply. If you do use Mail.app, could you confirm which version of macOS and Alfred you're using? We can then take it from there Cheers, Vero
  20. @vorax Welcome to the forum. Which build of Mojave are you using? And which version of Alfred? Lock should work as expected, so take a look at Console.app to see if you get any particular error messages when trying to use the keyword. More information about permissions needed in Mojave: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/getting-started/macos-mojave/ Cheers, Vero
  21. @deanishe @dfay As Apple added Full Disk Access in at quite a late stage in the beta, this isn't yet well documented, but it's something we're very aware of and keeping an eye on. To help users understand the permissions in Mojave, we've created an FAQ here that indicates what each permission type is for: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/getting-started/macos-mojave/ Cheers, Vero
  22. @eightohnine Alfred won't allow multiple instances to be launched, but certain workflows might manually launch the Alfred application. As such, the best place to start is to take a look at the workflows you're using which include scripts that could be launching Alfred. Let me know how you get on Cheers, Vero
  23. @WillDon @Wally S Welcome to the forum In addition to what Vitor has already said, keep in mind that we offer the Mega Supporter license precisely for users who like to buy software once and never pay again. You can either choose the Single User license, which is valid for Alfred 3 and where you'll be offered a discounted upgrade to future versions, or opt for the Mega Supporter, which includes free updates to future versions of Alfred for Mac. Cheers, Vero
  24. @jmknoble The "eject" keyword only shows results when there are results to be shown so 1. ensure there is something ejectable either connected or mounted on your Mac, and 2. you've selected the appropriate volume type from the dropdown below the "eject" keyword. Cheers, Vero
  25. @Michael S @MIchiel H With workflows, you can create pretty much any clipboard history paste and dispatching of key combos to move to the next line, etc... Take a look at the documentation on Clipboard History dynamic placeholders here to get started with how to paste multiple clipboard items: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/features/clipboard/dynamic-placeholders/#clipboard Cheers, Vero
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