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  1. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from LEMONed in Option for completely disabling 'Clipboard' in Alfred   
    One other thing... Alfred doesn't use the ctrl+cmd+v combo by default, so you may have a workflow setup with this hotkey combo.
  2. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from Ddyracer in Mac App Store V2   
    The Sandbox actually prohibits OS X integration by keeping all apps separate and independent, much like an iOS app.
    Alfred uses OS X's Gatekeeper / Developer ID technology which allows Alfred to keep you safe like a sandboxed app but also allows deep integration into OS X and other applications, something which is essential for Alfred to work.
    As such, Alfred is available exclusively from our website and not through the Mac App Store.
  3. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from chendeshen in Cheeky little transparency blur hack for themes   
    NOTE!! From Alfred 2.4, the blur setting is in Alfred's Appearance > Options. You won't need to use the defaults writes, but it's still marked as experimental. I plan on implementing the native Yosemite blur at some point and make this an official feature.
    This is and always will be a hack, but I'm adding a defaults write preferences item to set the background blur of a window. This will allow you to have nice transparent themes but still readable over busy backgrounds.
    There are a few important caveats with this:
    It uses a private OS X API which means it may stop working at any point outside of my control I may take this feature out if it causes general instability and will ignore any moans of "put it back" It disables the 'Fade in Alfred Window' option because these don't play nice together It slows things down lots on slower Macs This will work in OS X 10.9 Mavericks from Alfred 2.3 onwards! To use this hack, quit Alfred and his preferences then type this into Terminal:
    OS X 10.9 Mavericks:
    defaults write com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-2 experimentalBlur -int 5
    ... the value can be anywhere from 1 to 15 for different blur radius levels, set to 0 to disable.
    OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion and below:
    defaults write com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-2 experimentalBlur -float 3.0
    ... the value can be anywhere from 1.0 to 5.0 for different blur intensity levels, set to 0.0 to disable.
    Here is what you should see:

  4. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from Tyler Eich in Transparency settings not the same as V1??   
    Tyler is correct on this, the 'cut out' in v1 was a lingering bug which I just left in v1 so didn't make it through into the v2 rewrite. The theming system is going to be enhanced over time so you may find something alternative coming back in though.
    Also, Tyler's native theme is still one of my faves... I've been using it for a few months on both my Macs
  5. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from twinpeaks in More flexible, bigger area for displaying workflow feedback/data   
    I've already got some ideas in mind for Alfred's future for this
  6. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from GamerChase in Alfred v2 reset itself   
    If you still have the Alfred.alfredpreferences, 99% of your settings are in there, so you haven't lost anything.
    1. Make sure your Powerpack is still active in Alfred's Powerpack tab
    2. Copy Alfred.alfredpreferences to where you would like it
    3. Set the sync folder to the folder containing the Alfred.alfredpreferences file
    Alfred will restart and everything will be where you left off.
  7. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from ohnefett in Alfred unable to launch on my machine   
    At this point, Alfred 2 is 10.6+ 64bit only. If there is enough interest, I may look into doing a 32bit build.
  8. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from gspot in Anyone Have One For Spotify?   
    Incredible Spotify workflow here: https://github.com/phpfunk/alfred-spotify-controls
  9. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from Tyler Eich in v1 style hotkeys windows brought to v2   
    It's also worth adding that I am going to make it easier to create simple workflows (such as hotkey to app) in a future v2 release. Hopefully make the workflow creation a single step
    I also have some ideas of how to make keywords and hotkeys which are set, more discoverable!
  10. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from noeldiego in Changing fonts in themes?   
    There is a good chance that in the future you will be able to choose any font you like, once I work through the export / import UX 
  11. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from johnjddoe in Using {query} inside "Please Wait" Subtext [Fixed b178]   
    This should now be fixed in b178
  12. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from CarlosNZ in Move file not always working   
    There are a few shortcomings due to the way AppleScript is operating (i.e. moving to an external drive, AppleScript leaves the original for safety). I aim to improve these for a 2.x release
  13. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from jasalt in How to use global hot-keys to pick applications?   
    I definitely aim to make simple tasks like this a single step again in a future v2 release
  14. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from trenchers1 in Cheeky little transparency blur hack for themes   
    NOTE!! From Alfred 2.4, the blur setting is in Alfred's Appearance > Options. You won't need to use the defaults writes, but it's still marked as experimental. I plan on implementing the native Yosemite blur at some point and make this an official feature.
    This is and always will be a hack, but I'm adding a defaults write preferences item to set the background blur of a window. This will allow you to have nice transparent themes but still readable over busy backgrounds.
    There are a few important caveats with this:
    It uses a private OS X API which means it may stop working at any point outside of my control I may take this feature out if it causes general instability and will ignore any moans of "put it back" It disables the 'Fade in Alfred Window' option because these don't play nice together It slows things down lots on slower Macs This will work in OS X 10.9 Mavericks from Alfred 2.3 onwards! To use this hack, quit Alfred and his preferences then type this into Terminal:
    OS X 10.9 Mavericks:
    defaults write com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-2 experimentalBlur -int 5
    ... the value can be anywhere from 1 to 15 for different blur radius levels, set to 0 to disable.
    OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion and below:
    defaults write com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-2 experimentalBlur -float 3.0
    ... the value can be anywhere from 1.0 to 5.0 for different blur intensity levels, set to 0.0 to disable.
    Here is what you should see:

  15. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from JorjGaidin in action selected files   
    This is because Alfred v2's selected file actioning has been enhanced to work with any application, not just finder. As such, this can only work with a hotkey as Alfred needs to know which application is focused to take the files from the focused application.
    With the 'action' keyword, Alfred was the focused application, so Alfred wouldn't know where the files are.
  16. Like
    Andrew reacted to mattgemmell in Open selected Finder items in an application (keyword)   
    Hi all,
    I missed the Alfred 1.x "action" keyword, which I usually used to open the selected Finder items in an app (more often than not Photoshop). So I made an Alfred 2.x workflow to do that.
    You can download it here: http://mattgemmell.com/files/open_selected_finder_items_alfred2.zip
    Usage is simple:
    1. Type the keyword ("fsel" by default, for "Finder selection") then a space.
    2. Type the name of the app you want to use (and/or pick it from the list), and hit Return.

    Hope someone else finds it useful. Once again, you can download it here: http://mattgemmell.com/files/open_selected_finder_items_alfred2.zip
    Matt Gemmell
  17. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from SMario in Bigger Clipboard Buffer   
    Hi Mario,
    Alfred only shows 50 items, but stores back as long as you have configured him to. Simply start typing in the clipboard viewer to very quickly filter back and find the clipboard item you were looking for
  18. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from iKahn6294 in Quick Question About v1 --> v2 Migration   
    Alfred will only show this button if you have Alfred v1 preferences to import, which are primarily stored in
    If Alfred can't find this file, he hides the button
  19. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from Amoftcoorb in Understanding argument types in keywords and Script Filters   
    For the last few weeks, I've been refining how optional arguments, specifically in Script Filter workflow objects work. This is now what I hope to be the final format. The most interesting one is Optional Argument with Space
    You can grab b64 with these changes on http://media.alfredapp.com/v2beta/ so make sure your workflow Script Filters work with below
    No Argument
    - You script is only run when the typed keyword is matched
    - Pressing return or tab will autocomplete keyword
    Optional Argument [no space]
    - Your script is run as soon as the typed keyword is matched
    - Pressing return or tab with a partial keyword will autocomplete keyword
    Optional Argument [with space]
    - Your script is run as soon as the typed keyword is matched, regardless of space
    - Pressing return or tab with a partial keyword will autocomplete with suffixed space
    Required Argument [no space]
    - Your script is run after the typed keyword is matched AND you start typing an argument
    - Pressing return or tab with a partial keyword will autocomplete keyword
    Required Argument [with space]
    - Your script is run after the typed keyword is matched with a trailing space AND you start typing an argument
    - Pressing return or tab with a partial keyword will autocomplete with suffixed space
  20. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from Tyler Eich in More flexible, bigger area for displaying workflow feedback/data   
    I've already got some ideas in mind for Alfred's future for this
  21. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from cprovenc in Can't open contacts with Cobbok (default contacts app)   
    Alfred 2 works directly with the much more reliable Contacts API, and when you want to open in address book, it calls the URL scheme addressbook:// with the person's UID. As Contacts.app opens this fine with the contact, it could be a bug in cobook - it may be worth raising the issue with them
    Maybe a contacts metadata filter will work better as this works more like v1. I've thrown a basic workflow together for you:
  22. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from Weaselboy in So How Do I Upgrade from V1?   
    Glad to be of service... it's taken a bit of a sleepless marathon night and day, but with your feedback in this thread, we're pretty pleased with how things have turned out
  23. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from Weaselboy in So How Do I Upgrade from V1?   
    I am not using marginalising language, the data is in the sales figures. +95% of the sales since Alfred v2 was released a few days ago are new users who didn't need a migration. These are the users who have been holding off from buying Alfred because they have been waiting for Alfred v2, this is part of the pressure which has pushed Alfred 2 to be released because without the sales or income, Alfred couldn't exist.
    Added to this, we have had an overwhelming amount of excited feedback from upgrading users via email and tweets praising the new workflows, with people sharing with us how they have managed to enhance their workflows during the migration process.
    This thread and a handful of tweets on this subject represent the only negative feedback I've really ever had about Alfred. I fully understand where the issue has been, I have said I'm sorry and I'm definitely going to take that into account in moving forward, but for now, I'm going to step out of this thread.
  24. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from tombigel in Rant: Bad Upgrade experience   
    Hi there,
    I have already replied to your bug report as soon as I saw it. Alfred was created by me and Vero alone, so the reason we are holding back on the press and the big blast is to help us spread the v2 release over a longer period rather than a huge peak at the beginning. We do all the support ourselves and want to provide this with the highest quality possible to every single user.
    Over the coming weeks, the v2 site will get much more clear, v1 will be updated to give an easier license migration path, we will be launching new microsites with curated workflows and themes and we will be sending out a newsletter to our subscribed users. Ultimately, we are trying to do our very best!
    I understand that it's nice to vent some steam, but I just truly hope that once v2 settles for you, that you enjoy him as much as v1
  25. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from a--m in Theme editor flock background colour   
    If you update to b68 from http://media.alfredapp.com/v2beta/, you can now click the flock wallpaper in the theme editor to see your theme against different background colours
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