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  1. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from tombigel in Rant: Bad Upgrade experience   
    Hi there,
    I have already replied to your bug report as soon as I saw it. Alfred was created by me and Vero alone, so the reason we are holding back on the press and the big blast is to help us spread the v2 release over a longer period rather than a huge peak at the beginning. We do all the support ourselves and want to provide this with the highest quality possible to every single user.
    Over the coming weeks, the v2 site will get much more clear, v1 will be updated to give an easier license migration path, we will be launching new microsites with curated workflows and themes and we will be sending out a newsletter to our subscribed users. Ultimately, we are trying to do our very best!
    I understand that it's nice to vent some steam, but I just truly hope that once v2 settles for you, that you enjoy him as much as v1
  2. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from a--m in Theme editor flock background colour   
    If you update to b68 from http://media.alfredapp.com/v2beta/, you can now click the flock wallpaper in the theme editor to see your theme against different background colours
  3. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from DJay in Safari bookmark search   
    I've just thrown together a little workflow for you:
    Use 'sb' to search safari bookmarks and 'sh' to search safari history. Take a look at the search scopes set for each type which is where I found the files to drag into the 'types' field
  4. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from James in Help V2 doesn't open any applications   
    Alfred should work fine with CleanMyMac - MacPaw were also very quick to respond to Vero for our recent whitelist request for an upcoming release
  5. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from ngocphamm in Alfred2 Workflow VS Alfred1 Global Hotkeys speed performance   
    This area isn't quite finished in Alfred 2 - try right clicking in the hotkey input field and selecting the "fastest" option in 'Trigger behaviour'. This should make things instant
  6. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from caiman in Running Shell script   
    This has now been added to b148 if you update.
    Simply click the [+] button and select the "Essentials > Keyword to Terminal Command" template, set a keyword (set as no argument) and paste in your terminal command.
    Simples *Squeak*
  7. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from altryne in Typeface options   
    Don't worry chaps, I'm already aware that people would love to use bespoke fonts and I'll very likely look into this during a v2.x... I could just make exporting / importing more aware of this
  8. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from Weaselboy in So How Do I Upgrade from V1?   
    I am not using marginalising language, the data is in the sales figures. +95% of the sales since Alfred v2 was released a few days ago are new users who didn't need a migration. These are the users who have been holding off from buying Alfred because they have been waiting for Alfred v2, this is part of the pressure which has pushed Alfred 2 to be released because without the sales or income, Alfred couldn't exist.
    Added to this, we have had an overwhelming amount of excited feedback from upgrading users via email and tweets praising the new workflows, with people sharing with us how they have managed to enhance their workflows during the migration process.
    This thread and a handful of tweets on this subject represent the only negative feedback I've really ever had about Alfred. I fully understand where the issue has been, I have said I'm sorry and I'm definitely going to take that into account in moving forward, but for now, I'm going to step out of this thread.
  9. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from JuanCab in ~/Dropbox folder syncing issue [In Progress]   
    Alfred simply watches the Alfred.alfredpreferences folder and doesn't care where this actually is. He locally stores where he should be looking in com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-Preferences.plist but other than that, he doesn't even know syncing is happening.
    Check the preferences plist to see if the correct location is being read by using
    defaults read com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-Preferences
    look for "syncfolder".
    If the files are being messed with outside of Alfred's control (i.e. dodgy sync clashes etc), there isn't much he can do!
  10. Like
    Andrew reacted to R4z3r in So How Do I Upgrade from V1?   
    I think that while some are upset, and I was at first, it's because they resist change personally. At the end of the day, re-examining how you use the app is worthwhile. With new additions, tons of changes, and whatnot, it was a refresher for me on what Alfred could do. While I was annoyed, it has added to my knowledge and increased my usage. Was it "a waste of time"? No. Basic settings are easy to copy over. Open both preferences next to each other and it takes like...20 minutes? More if you have more custom searches. But basic migration can be done by users, combined with David's scripts, I think it's a great decision that was made. Don't attack the developer for releasing a quality product that is significantly redesigned. You don't have to update today. You can do it when you have time.

    Great work to the developers. Keep it up.
  11. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from chendeshen in Cheeky little transparency blur hack for themes   
    NOTE!! From Alfred 2.4, the blur setting is in Alfred's Appearance > Options. You won't need to use the defaults writes, but it's still marked as experimental. I plan on implementing the native Yosemite blur at some point and make this an official feature.
    This is and always will be a hack, but I'm adding a defaults write preferences item to set the background blur of a window. This will allow you to have nice transparent themes but still readable over busy backgrounds.
    There are a few important caveats with this:
    It uses a private OS X API which means it may stop working at any point outside of my control I may take this feature out if it causes general instability and will ignore any moans of "put it back" It disables the 'Fade in Alfred Window' option because these don't play nice together It slows things down lots on slower Macs This will work in OS X 10.9 Mavericks from Alfred 2.3 onwards! To use this hack, quit Alfred and his preferences then type this into Terminal:
    OS X 10.9 Mavericks:
    defaults write com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-2 experimentalBlur -int 5
    ... the value can be anywhere from 1 to 15 for different blur radius levels, set to 0 to disable.
    OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion and below:
    defaults write com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-2 experimentalBlur -float 3.0
    ... the value can be anywhere from 1.0 to 5.0 for different blur intensity levels, set to 0.0 to disable.
    Here is what you should see:

  12. Like
    Andrew reacted to ctwise in So How Do I Upgrade from V1?   
    Andrew, you've made a great product and I'm quite happy with what you created. The workflows are a huge improvement over Alfred v1 and so are the rest of the improvements you've made. Personally, I feel that the increase in capabilities means that people need to re-examine their settings for Alfred v1 in light of Alfred v2. Even the little things like Google web search now have far more capable workflows that show suggestion results. I feel you did the right thing by releasing now. Many thanks.
  13. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from Sam Miller in Typeface options   
    Don't worry chaps, I'm already aware that people would love to use bespoke fonts and I'll very likely look into this during a v2.x... I could just make exporting / importing more aware of this
  14. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from Jono in Duplicate workflows?   
    I'm going to add a 'duplicate' option in at some point pretty soon... the quickest thing to do for now is reveal the workflow in finder, give it a nice name (instead of the random uid) and then just copy/paste in finder until you have the number you need. Alfred will pick up on these and load them into the prefs
  15. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from rosenkrieger in How to use arguments with keywords?   
    If you are using two separate flows across like this, simply set the keywords for those two inputs as mambo on and mambo off and mark the argument as "No Argument" in the keyword configuration
  16. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from Tyler Eich in Trigger Actions sequentially in Workflow   
    Wiring actions sequentially into other actions is definitely in Alfred's future, but v2 is an absolutely huge change already so this is going to wait
  17. Like
    Andrew reacted to Tyler Eich in Colors—convert color formats & access the OS X color panel   
    Colors v2.0.0
    Get it from Packal (Recommended)
    Quick Summary:
    This workflow can process and convert all CSS color formats and several Objective-C formats, namely NSColor (calibrated and device) and UIColor. It also provides an interface to the OS X color panel for easier color manipulations.
    It's written in native code (i.e. it's really fast).
    Quick Preview:

    You can find a full description on Packal.
    Direct download • source code on Github
  18. Like
    Andrew reacted to sphardy in Alfred Applescript Dictionary installed multiple times   
    ta da!!

    Seems to be similar issue that causes apps to be listed multiple times in the "Open with..." menu - fixed by:
    /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/LaunchServices.framework/Support/lsregister -kill -r -domain local -domain system -domain user
  19. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from Weaselboy in Amazon Suggest Workflow   
    It uses Alfred's default amazon web searcher, so if you have your locale in Alfred's General preferences set to Canada, then it will load Amazon Canada.
    It's also worth noting that this and David's Google Suggest workflow will both be part of Alfred's default examples as they are, to me, essential workflows
  20. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from drking in Amazon Suggest Workflow   
    It uses Alfred's default amazon web searcher, so if you have your locale in Alfred's General preferences set to Canada, then it will load Amazon Canada.
    It's also worth noting that this and David's Google Suggest workflow will both be part of Alfred's default examples as they are, to me, essential workflows
  21. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from Tyler Eich in Workflow ablility to have delay timers and triggers.   
    You might want to take a look at Tyler's solution as this is a more robust solution without a 'guessed' delay, and more how workflows should be created.
    I'm moving this thread to the workflow help sub-forum
  22. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from Enhorn in AlfPT - Alfred Package Tools (Workflow Installer/Updater)   
    Hey chaps,
    I thought I'd quickly chime in briefly about a repositories / package tools, why Alfred hasn't created one [yet] and what you can expect if you create something for this purpose.
    Fundamentally, workflows can do anything, including potentially naughty things. Alfred provides the platform for these wonderful workflows, but due to the higher level of trust a non-experienced or non-technical user would have when browsing workflows originating from us, we can only currently provide a 'curated' stream of workflows (as per v1 extensions). Basically, the ones we promote are ones we are able to test and thoroughly trust.
    I have some ideas to address this situation in the future (similar to Apple's Gatekeeper certificates), but for now, Alfred isn't going to host an 'official repository'. This isn't to say we won't create, maintain and foot the cost for a reliable unofficial workflow repository (or appcasting style auto updating system) at some point though.
    If you are creating your own repos such as AlfPT, that's great! It's good to spread the bandwidth and server load, and also provide different or advanced features for the various repositories cropping up. However, it's worth noting that Alfred has a significant number of users (v2 will have even more so), so if you create a repository, expect huge peaks of bandwidth and server load around release times and when popular workflows get updated. Alfred can't help users with the cost of bandwidth as this opens the floodgates for others wanting the same.
  23. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from phyllisstein in AlfPT - Alfred Package Tools (Workflow Installer/Updater)   
    Hey chaps,
    I thought I'd quickly chime in briefly about a repositories / package tools, why Alfred hasn't created one [yet] and what you can expect if you create something for this purpose.
    Fundamentally, workflows can do anything, including potentially naughty things. Alfred provides the platform for these wonderful workflows, but due to the higher level of trust a non-experienced or non-technical user would have when browsing workflows originating from us, we can only currently provide a 'curated' stream of workflows (as per v1 extensions). Basically, the ones we promote are ones we are able to test and thoroughly trust.
    I have some ideas to address this situation in the future (similar to Apple's Gatekeeper certificates), but for now, Alfred isn't going to host an 'official repository'. This isn't to say we won't create, maintain and foot the cost for a reliable unofficial workflow repository (or appcasting style auto updating system) at some point though.
    If you are creating your own repos such as AlfPT, that's great! It's good to spread the bandwidth and server load, and also provide different or advanced features for the various repositories cropping up. However, it's worth noting that Alfred has a significant number of users (v2 will have even more so), so if you create a repository, expect huge peaks of bandwidth and server load around release times and when popular workflows get updated. Alfred can't help users with the cost of bandwidth as this opens the floodgates for others wanting the same.
  24. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from Weaselboy in AlfPT - Alfred Package Tools (Workflow Installer/Updater)   
    Hey chaps,
    I thought I'd quickly chime in briefly about a repositories / package tools, why Alfred hasn't created one [yet] and what you can expect if you create something for this purpose.
    Fundamentally, workflows can do anything, including potentially naughty things. Alfred provides the platform for these wonderful workflows, but due to the higher level of trust a non-experienced or non-technical user would have when browsing workflows originating from us, we can only currently provide a 'curated' stream of workflows (as per v1 extensions). Basically, the ones we promote are ones we are able to test and thoroughly trust.
    I have some ideas to address this situation in the future (similar to Apple's Gatekeeper certificates), but for now, Alfred isn't going to host an 'official repository'. This isn't to say we won't create, maintain and foot the cost for a reliable unofficial workflow repository (or appcasting style auto updating system) at some point though.
    If you are creating your own repos such as AlfPT, that's great! It's good to spread the bandwidth and server load, and also provide different or advanced features for the various repositories cropping up. However, it's worth noting that Alfred has a significant number of users (v2 will have even more so), so if you create a repository, expect huge peaks of bandwidth and server load around release times and when popular workflows get updated. Alfred can't help users with the cost of bandwidth as this opens the floodgates for others wanting the same.
  25. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from CarlosNZ in b137: Workflow updating & bundle IDs   
    It's worth also adding to this that in the not too distant future, I am going to look at adding hotkey and keyword migration to the workflow updating, which means that if you setup a workflow to your liking, the keywords and hotkeys will remain through an upgrade.
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