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samvlu last won the day on July 29 2020

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  1. @tuxtux00 I updated the link for you. Sorry for the link not working. I had the workflow with droplr before and I was unaware the link stopped working. I've moved the workflow to my dropbox so it should stay up moving forward. Thanks Vitor for taking the time to make an awesome video.
  2. Hi, I saw on the forum that you made a workflow for coda 2. Is it available somewhere for me to download it ?

    1. tuxtux00


      Kind regards

    2. samvlu


      Yes. I just updated the link in the forum. Here's a direct link:


      Thanks for letting me know the link was down. And sorry for any inconvenience.

  3. Great work! I love being able to quickly open all iCloud tabs. Thanks!
  4. Awesome work. Just what I was looking for. Thanks for contributing. =)
  5. Works perfectly! Finally, Chrome Bookmarks done right! Good work sir.
  6. Thanks. This lets you eject dmgs (install files) Saving the time to find the volume to drag to trash can. Good work!
  7. Duplicating finder windows is so fast and easy now. Thanks for sharing!
  8. This works perfectly for me! Thanks for sharing!
  9. Very Cool! Good work and thanks for sharing!
  10. Glad you like it. =)
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