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Tyler Eich

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Everything posted by Tyler Eich

  1. Have you seen David Ferguson's post on chaining script filters? Demo 1 seems to answer your question.
  2. There are two reasons this could occur: Your script is returning results in the wrong order. If your results don't have Unique IDs (UID), Alfred will sort them in the order they are given by your code. Your results have Unique IDs. Alfred will remember these UIDs and put frequently-used results at the top. Could you post the workflow? That would make debugging simpler. I'm 99.9% sure this is not a bug. I've been using Alfred's intelligence for a while and never had any issues.
  3. Replace spaces with dashes in the shell (sh, bash, zsh, etc.): echo "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet" | tr " " "-" # --> "Lorem-ipsum-dolor-sit-amet" If you only want the date to be dash-free, do: $( date '+%Y %m %d ' ) The open command doesn't seem to like "\ " combinations. Try telling Alfred to leave spaces unescaped:
  4. These themes look great! Great work! One note: the serif font used for the subtitle is out of place. Perhaps a sans-serif font (like Helvetica) would be better?
  5. You can use Alfred's history feature to accomplish this. First, make sure you have it enabled in the preferences: Then, after pressing your Alfred hotkey, press the up arrow key (or press Control+P, which is the emacs binding for up arrow). You can use this trick to see the past 20 things you typed into to Alfred.
  6. Hmm...It's not a bad idea. Several other developers have done this. Pros and cons of each system: Always return all results, sorted — GoodPro: Easy to maintain Pro: 'Just works' Con: May return more results than necessary; bad for some users' aesthetic Separate functions into multiple workflows — Too many disadvantagesPro: Unnecessary results are excluded Pro: Unnecessary script filters are excluded Con: More work to maintain Con: Larger workflows (each one would work independently, so each would contain the binary) Configurable workflow settings — Best choicePro: Easy to maintain Pro: 'Just works', no extra work necessary Pro: Allows user to disable results (s)he doesn't want Con: Script filters are left behind; messy workflow At this point, I know I won't use multiple workflows. Too many cons for too few/insignificant pros. A configurable workflow appears to be the best option. The extra script filters should return results as well. For example, a user disables 'NSColor' and 'UIColor' results. The user types 'ns 0.3 1 .9' into Alfred; Colors processes this input as an NSColor, but still returns only CSS colors (since the user doesn't care about anything else). Simple to code, and flexible for the end user. Any thoughts/confirmations are welcome
  7. At the moment, there isn't I did consider this during development. I ultimately came to two options: Create multiple workflows, one for CSS, one for NSColor, one for UIColor. Let the workflow scan the 'info.plist' in every workflow folder, looking for the other workflows. (For example, if the CSS workflow is installed, it would look for the Objective-C workflows. If not found, it would return only CSS results. If found, it would return additional results according to that workflow.) Create one workflow that intelligently sorts results before Alfred learns your preferences. (For example, for each input listed, the results will be ordered as follows (by default; Alfred will sort them into your preferred order as you use them)):'rgb 200 70 80'CSS NSColor UIColor 'ns .1 .2 .5'NSColor UIColor CSS 'ui hue .8 .7 .4'UIColor NSColor CSS I opted for the second choice because it allowed me to put the hotkey into a single workflow. If there were multiple workflows, I'd need to figure out how to handle the multiple hotkeys. The multiple workflows would be messier. I'm open to recommendations, especially if more people say they prefer a 'more concise display'. It would be more work, but it might be fun
  8. +1 The icon is similar to the subtext: it provides extra information, complementing the result's main text. For this reason, I think icons should be optional. I personally use subtitles and wouldn't turn icons off, but it should be an available choice.
  9. Yes. Workflows alone are worth the money. Even if you don't want to make them yourself, there are hundreds of free workflows available on these forums. For example: I use a workflow full of hotkeys to launch my favorite apps (e.g. Command-Option-Control-S opens the Safari, Command-Option-Control-P opens Pages, Command-Option-Control-R opens Pixelmator, etc.) Clipboard history and snippets are one of my favorite features. If I want to copy 4 different items and paste them in a different order, I can do that. If I can't remember the URL I copied a few minutes ago, Alfred is happy to help. For example: I use snippets to hold my 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet' dummy text, which I use when I develop websites. File Navigation is always faster than Finder. I use it whenever I want to navigate folders quickly to grab what I need. For example: I use File Navigation for Save dialogs. Finder can take a good 15 seconds to load folder contents; Alfred takes less than a second, always. Quick Look is incredibly handy for file results and File Navigation. It's a small thing, but I can't imagine Alfred without it. For example: I use Quick Look to see how large a file/folder is, the last time I used it, etc. Alfred is all about saving extra steps, simplifying, and speeding up. I am completely satisfied with my purchase. Personally, I recommend the 'Mega Supporter' license; that way, you get free updates for life Learn about the Powerpack on Alfred's website
  10. That's a tough one! At first I would recommend using AppleScript to simulate keystrokes, but this won't help anything at all. As far as I know, Alfred will always capture his assigned hotkey (just like anything else with a global hotkey ) My only recommendation is that you give Alfred another hotkey; sorry
  11. Not exactly; you can include the other workflow's scripts in your collective workflow, but one workflow cannot call another.
  12. You can type /Volumes/ into Alfred. This is where OS X represents the mounted volumes on the system. You'll also find your startup disk here. Cheers
  13. Let me see if I understand you correctly: you have workflow(s) for Omnifocus. When Omnifocus is active, you want to know which workflows are available for Omnifocus? If this is the case, I don't know any way to accomplish this. However, there has been a feature request for 'scoped' workflows.
  14. Backslash is found above the return key. Shift + Alt + 7 is this character: ‡.
  15. Under Alfred Preferences > General > Where Are You:, try changing the country to 'United Kingdom'
  16. Update released: fixes an issue with RGBA and HSLA outputs. I originally forgot the 'a' (e.g. rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5)) in the format string, meaning invalid CSS notations.
  17. For what it's worth: I've been running Mavericks since the day it was released. Alfred 2 was on my system long before that. I've had no hiccups. If you run Alfred from a new user account, can you replicate this behavior? For reference, here's the thread you mentioned in your P.S. Also, thanks for all your debugging information
  18. This is just an educated guess (based on an earlier post): try a full low level OS X reindex.
  19. Note that iTunes' method of displaying images is not documented (as far as I know). There's an issue in terminal-notifier about this. Aside from this, I agree that there should be greater control over notification outputs.
  20. @twinpeaks @Florian Thanks guys! I'm happy you liked v1. In true Alfred spirit, I want this rewrite to greatly improve the existing workflow. Though bug fixes and polish are the focus, feature requests are always welcome
  21. Update released: fixes an issue with [NSColor colorWithDeviceHue: ... ]; inputs.
  22. Beta testing is strictly voluntary. Workflow improvements include speed, ability to ⌘C results, and opacity slider in OS X color panel.
  23. Colors 2.0 is currently in the works. Improvements include: Speed (written in Objective-C; near-instantaneous results) Full support for NSColor and UIColor Better preview images (uses a different, higher-contrast transparency background) ⌘C will copy the result's text Opacity slider in the OS X color panel Hotkey for revealing the OS X color panel Download • View on Github Looking for the stable release? Check out the main Colors thread You can run the beta parallel to the stable release; it uses a different BundleID (until v2.0 is stable, at least). Beta testing is strictly voluntary, with no obligation to myself or the beta tester. I'm mainly trying to stabilize the code (e.g. removing bugs, fixing performance issues, etc.), but feature requests are welcome! Here are some images of the workflow in action: And the workflow editor: Cheers, and many thanks for your help
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