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Everything posted by politicus

  1. @AndrewThanks for your fast answer ! This is what my script looks like. /usr/local/bin/shuf shuf -n 1 ~/Downloads/One_Liner_Harvey.txt And it still doesn't work. I just do not understand how to use this object.
  2. I am trying to create a workflow that would display a random line from a .txt file. In other other words, use the shuf command to pick a line and display it with a "Large type" object. My problem is I can't find a way to run the command "shuf -n 1 ~/Downloads/NameOfMyFile.txt". I tried to use a "Run script object" wit no luck. Here is the link to the workflow https://www.dropbox.com/s/0io9515ijeepixt/00_One_Line_Picker.alfredworkflow?dl=0 Thank you.
  3. Thanks @bivalvegruff but I was thinking about a case where I would merge for example the last clipboard entry with the 9th clipboard entry rather than merging the X last entries of the clipboard. Will still happily keep using your workflow 👍
  4. I also thought this feature was not working before reading @Andrew answer. Is there a fast way (a workflow ?) to merge clipboard items already in the clipboard ?
  5. I would like to be able to add modifiers keys to be able to decide in which browser I want my search to be opened when I search using modifiers keys. For example: I type "Alfred" in Alfred search bar with Google Search as the first of my Fallback searches then hit the Cmd key to open Google search in Google Chrome. Hitting Ctrl would have opened Safari. I know something similar is possible with workflows but I would prefer to not have to have to use a trigger as it adds one more step. Plus, one has to create one specific workflow for each fallback search which means more keyboard shortcuts or keywords to remember. What do you think @Andrew
  6. Hi @rodrigobdz I am testing your workflow and every time I use it (by typing "incognito"), it first opens one new tab in the already opened non incognito mode window, then one new incognito window. When I type incognito + "query" it it first opens one new tab in the already opened non incognito mode window and searches for "query", then one new incognito window. - Google Chrome v66.0.3359.181 - Mac OS X 10.12.6
  7. Alfred actions are very conveniant. It would cool to be to be able to repeat the last performed action with a keyboard shortcut. Got this idea a few sec ago as I was using an action that would allow me to move selected files in my File manager (Forklift) from one folder to another folder. As there was a file in my folder I didn't want to move, I had to activate the action two times. One too much ?
  8. @deanishe to get the workflow I wanted, I tried many options. Two of them ended up opening so many sub-folders, I had to restart my Mac. I then preferred to ask you FIRST, rather than messing one more time.
  9. It is working very well. Thank you! One more question. Let's imagine there is a folder in the folder I select, will it open. And, if yes, would it recursively open subfolders of this folder?
  10. @Guib I wanted to thank you for your time before diving into what seems like to be a masterpiece !
  11. @deanishe Ok. Thank you. I think your answer, while very helpful didn't answer my question 100% because I asked it in a to wrong way. So, here the more developed version: In my question, I was looking for a way to make the workflow work like a list filter. I would like to: 1°) trigger the workflow with a keyword 2°) be offered to choose a Folder path where the files I want to open are located in Alfred results 3°) hit enter to open all the files in their default application. The workflow that is the closest to what I am looking for is here. It lists all the potential folders but it still not working as, I guess, your code in the run script action doesn't know which folder to open. I am open to any solution, with or without environment variables
  12. You are right it is a low effort attempt. I can explain you why. I tried to create a workflow in the middle of the night while having a cold and a neighbour partying like crazy. The party was so loud I didn't understand what I was reading on my computer... I am not looking for excuses. Just explaining the context I also want to add it is Thank you for the script.
  13. Another excellent workflow from @deanishe! Thank you very much ! Is there a way to change the value of the DIRPATH variable without having to modify it in the Run script action?
  14. Yes you are absolutely right. But I do not know how to create an action that would kill the applications I added to the buffer. Here is my workflow: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ki9s2clkhteerjt/Force_Quit.alfredworkflow?dl=0
  15. @vitor I was thinking about a workflow that would help me launch some thema-based tabs. You are right, I do not need them to be pinnable a "normal" workflow will be enough.
  16. I want to create a workflow that would open a few urls as pinned tab in my default browsers. I have tried with one url and it seems there is no option to do it. Workflow's file is accessible here : https://www.dropbox.com/s/geruuw94ac1ow1g/Open_As_Pinned_Tab.alfredworkflow?dl=0 Thank you.
  17. @Diegobit I really like your theme -> using it for quite a few months now (light and dark). The only problem I have is every time I launch the Alfred search bar, I can't move it (= once invoked, its position is fixed). Is it a setting you have set, a bug? I used to use themes where I can move Alfred search bar, that is why I guess the problem is coming from your (lovely) theme. - Mac OS X 10.12.6. - Alfred 3 v3.5.1 (883)
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