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Everything posted by deanishe

  1. Your description of the issue was not … ideal. I can't try it because I have no idea what an equation field in Word is, nor how to make one. That may be just me, but I doubt it. I suggest you make a Word document that demonstrates the problem, upload it somewhere and post a link. People are much more willing and able to help if they can see the problem for themselves.
  2. Can't test it, so this may not work, but usually with AppleScript you use & quote & to if you need to add " to a string, i.e.: click menu item "Take " & quote & "GMAIL" & quote & " Offline"...
  3. Are we talking about Safari here? I have a workflow for Safari that handles bookmarks amongst other things. It understands bookmarklets, although I haven’t implemented the front-end yet.
  4. That doesn't sound like it has anything whatsoever to do with Alfred. You should definitely buy the Powerpack, but I don't see how it could possibly help with something that sounds like 100% a problem with Word…
  5. I can live without that, but by the gods, is the post editor in this software a bug-ridden piece of rubbish.
  6. This is not the right forum: this post belongs in the "Workflow Help & Questions" forum. Furthermore, you haven't followed the instructions on reporting problems. Specifically: You wouldn't expect your mechanic to diagnose your engine trouble from a couple of photos of your car, so why do you expect us to do that for your workflow? Unless you've done something really obviously dumb, we can't help you.
  7. I did say the application bundle…
  8. Applications’ icons are in the application bundle. Usually in the Resources directory.
  9. exclude works fine with depth. depth=5 is in itself not ideal because you will end up searching a lot of directories. Try “*/node_modules/*”.
  10. I use Spotlight when I have no real idea where what I’m looking for is. Usually to search for some string within a non-text file.
  11. Your question isn't very clear. Are you asking how to make Alfred search your Outlook address book, not your Contacts address book?
  12. Try adjusting the sliders in Alfred's Snippets' configuration's "Tweaking" tab.
  13. Not a simple one, no. In all likelihood, that was a bug with Sierra rather than an intended feature.
  14. True to form, you haven’t thought this through. Firstly, everybody’s idea of what’s awesome is different. Or more precisely, their idea of what’s useful is very different. Not everyone uses the same software and services. Secondly, you have some very strange ideas about how workflows should be run, and it’s doubtful that many would want a copy of your prefs, where every workflow has had its keywords stripped, and can only be run via Hotkeys or some other application (using External Triggers).
  15. I think you should remove this check. The info.plist one should be sufficient. A lot of developers keep their workflow source code in ~/Code or similar and symlink the directory to Alfred's workflows folder. Also, the smart ones name the symlink (or indeed all their workflows' folders) after the bundle ID instead of using Alfred's meaningless, random folder names.
  16. It’s not anything Alfred is doing: Alfred simply asks the system to open the specified app. The normal behaviour is as you describe: if the app is already running, it merely activated. It actually takes additional effort to get two instances of an application to run. This is almost certainly an issue with the application, not Alfred.
  17. @pacifist Yeah, that sounds like the default behaviour of the mv command. I agree that smarter behaviour would be preferable, especially not silently overwriting existing files.
  18. Search the forum for “node_modules”. This topic has come up several times.
  19. Sorry. I was having a bad day yesterday. If it’s only a dumb list of numbers, you can write them to a text file. Then you can just write another line on the end. But if you save the numbers as a set via the data API, then you don’t have to worry about duplicates. When you do have so many data it’s not feasible to load them all every time, you likely want to use SQLite.
  20. No. Why is that even as issue? You said it was a matter of dozens of phone numbers, not megabytes of data.
  21. Well, that's kind of the whole point… The system makes network volumes look like normal, local volumes to applications. You might be able to get the source of the volume using a command like df or system_profiler SPNetworkVolumeDataType.
  22. That would explain why it still works for me. It's possible that the workflow just needs recompiling.
  23. No, that's not possible. Alfred sorts results based on your past behaviour. Sorting by type only makes sense for a "dumb" algorithm that doesn't learn, like Spotlight's.
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