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Everything posted by Vero

  1. @JohnDoe Yes, the more current versions of Alfred's newsletter signup accepts these domains. It's likely you're still using Alfred 1.2 from the Mac App Store, which pre-dates the rise of these domains, so please download Alfred 3 from https://www.alfredapp.com or sign up to the newsletter via our website footer. Cheers, Vero
  2. @owlasea Welcome to the forum. Please fill in your Powerpack email address in your forum profile before asking workflow-related questions. This is only visible to admins and allows us to confirm your registered user status. Cheers, Vero
  3. @Moody You can find out how to perform file actions here: https://www.alfredapp.com/blog/tips-and-tricks/file-actions-from-alfred-or-finder/ By default, this is the order of the file actions so Delete is Cmd + 9, but you can 1. remove file actions that aren't relevant for you, and 2. allow the sort order to change based on the file actions you used the most, so if you mostly use Delete, it'll come to the top of the list. Cheers, Vero
  4. @Moody This is a Powerpack feature - Could you please fill in your Powerpack email address in your forum profile? Cheers, Vero
  5. @BSackett Welcome to the forum! Could you please provide more details as to where you were syncing your preferences (e.g. Dropbox, iCloud, etc...)? We recommend Dropbox as the most reliable way to sync your preferences. iCloud and Google Drive are not recommended. If you tried to use iCloud, the first thing to do is to disable Apple's Optimised Storage, which is a feature where iCloud tries to intelligently move files to cloud-only access when it doesn't think you need them locally - which isn't suitable for Alfred and many other apps. Here's how you can disable it: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT207236 We'd then recommend switching to Dropbox for reliability. If you're using another service, provide more details and we'll take it from there. Cheers, Vero
  6. Rather than maintain its own index (which would be less efficient), Alfred relies on the macOS index, so you'll need to keep the metadata indexing in order to find files using Alfred. Is there any reason in particular you want to switch off Spotlight indexing? On modern versions of macOS, once the first indexing has been done, it uses very little CPU. You may also find that numerous other apps rely on the Spotlight indexing for presenting you with results and may not work as expected with indexing turned off. You can disable or change the Spotlight hotkey if you just want to avoid seeing its search window in the system prefs > Spotlight. Cheers, Vero
  7. @TheBloke As per the help knowledge base, you need to put the entire path in quotes. Not to worry, the easier way is to download the Alfred Metadata Tool below and drag your MacVim app onto it. This will show you the metadata, and you'll be able to paste it in your reply here so I can take a look https://cachefly.alfredapp.com/tools/AlfredMetadataTool_v1.1.zip Cheers, Vero
  8. @RomanSimak Welcome to the forum. Could you please fill in your Powerpack email address in your forum profile before taking part in Workflows discussions? It's only visible to admins but allows us to confirm your Powerpack status Cheers, Vero
  9. @TheBloke Alfred doesn't index symlinks, but adding the path location of MacVim app to Alfred's search scope under Features > Default Results should be sufficient. Make sure that you then type "reload" into Alfred to refresh the application cache once you've added the new search scope and the app should appear in results If the app isn't being returned once it's in the scope, try performing an mdls on the MacVim app to make sure its metadata is complete. Cheers, Vero
  10. @Ywaismann In order to use the workflow, you'll need the Powerpack. Please fill in your Powerpack email address in your forum profile to allow us to confirm your registered Powerpack user status. Cheers, Vero
  11. @asales1 Welcome to the forum! If you're having issues with the "define" keyword, I assume you're using the Alfred 1.2 from the Mac App Store. Discard this version and install Alfred 3 directly from our website, which is also free. Not only will the "define" keyword work as expected, but you'll benefit from a much-improved and more current version of Alfred Cheers, Vero
  12. @hansvveen I've had a look and it appears that Evernote 7 was released two days ago. As it's brand new, there's a good possibility that something in Evernote has changed (e.g. how/where the data is stored), which could require an update to @Carlos-Sz's workflow. As I haven't yet updated to Evernote 7, I can't check what's changed directly. First, could you check whether your Evernote data is still stored in ~/Library/Application Support/com.evernote.Evernote/accounts/ which is where my Evernote 6 data appears to be stored? This would be a helpful starting point.
  13. @BullFlag This is intentional as, otherwise, if you were to re-enable another workflow that uses the same hotkey without realising it's in use twice, pressing one hotkey combo will suddenly trigger two workflows, with unexpected results. You can clear a hotkey by popping up the Hotkey object, focusing on the hotkey field and pressing the backspace. The hotkey combo will then be free for use elsewhere. Cheers, Vero
  14. @macalcoholic Welcome to the forum. As per my response to you by email and starting with your first issue, the best place to start when you can't see certain files/folders in your results is the Indexing troubleshooting page, which covers all of the usual reasons why Alfred may not be returning the results you're looking for: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/troubleshooting/indexing/ Often, step 4, rebuilding your Mac's metadata index, is the best way to resolve indexing issues, but please carefully follow all steps. If these steps don't resolve the issue for you, please provide details: - Where is the file located? Is this within the search scope as per the screenshot in #2 of the Indexing troubleshooting page? - Did the file appear when using the "open" keyword? - What are you typing into Alfred when searching? The more details you provided, the easier it is for me and the Alfred community to help you out Cheers, Vero
  15. Hi @Colin - Are you on a restricted network (corporate network, coffee shop, etc), or using an app like Little Snitch that may be restricting your network access? This simply means that you're unable to access the CacheFly content delivery network, so trying a different internet connection should allow you to access CacheFly Cheers, Vero
  16. @woowoo To be more precise, this is what Apple includes in the metadata keywords for the App Store: kMDItemKeywords = "Mac App Store, Software Update" Often when apps show up for characters you don't expect, you'll find in the metadata additional keywords added by the app's creator, either including old names or nicknames. Cheers, Vero
  17. @willoneal Does this issue only arise with one contact or for multiple ones? If it's only one contact, I'd recommend deleting and re-creating the contact as it could be an issue with the data for that contact specifically. Cheers, Vero
  18. Hi @Sathya and welcome to the forum. On Alfred's General Preferences tab, you can select "India" from the dropdown menu, which will take you to the local Amazon.in instead of .com More details here: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/general/ Cheers, Vero
  19. @sots As well as providing the details @vitor mentioned, can you please check you're not using another text expander tool at the same time, or a keyboard modifier that might be interfering with Alfred?
  20. @Erik E You may be able to map hotkeys in a VM, but text expansion isn't designed for this. It entirely depends on how your VM software handles shared clipboards, which is why I said your mileage may vary and that you'll need to experiment further. Provided the clipboard works across the VM, your best bet is likely to pop up the Clipboard Viewer on your local Mac, press Cmd + C to copy the snippet or clipboard item, then focus in your VM window and paste it manually. Cheers, Vero
  21. @meites Welcome to the forum! If you're a Powerpack user (which is a requirement to use either of the workflows linked by @GuiB), please fill in your Powerpack email address in your forum profile. This is only visible to admins and allows us to confirm your registered email address If you're not a Powerpack user, including emails from Mail.app should be as simple as: Adding ~/Library/Mail/ to your search scope Unchecking "Emails" from the "Don't Show" list in Features > File Search You can then search using either the "open" keyword, or pressing the spacebar (which is the shortcut to "open"). This adds a fair amount of noisy results to your File Search, so it's preferable to use a File Filter workflow like this one to search your emails: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5h3djhw2thf8xjp/Mail.app Search 3.0.alfredworkflow?dl=0 It's worth noting that the workflow above assumes you're using Mail.app - you didn't mention which email client you're using so if you're using a different one, email data may not be stored in the same place. Cheers, Vero
  22. @notverypc @vitor You can also click on the icon (aka the Shreddies square) next to the Cancel/Save buttons to open the workflow's folder, where you'll find scripts, icons, and other files that are part of the workflow. Cheers, Vero
  23. Hi @notverypc There's a link to the .alfredworkflow file at the bottom of the page: https://github.com/frdmn/alfred-ldap/releases/download/0.1.6/alfred-ldap.alfredworkflow Once you've installed the workflow, you'll be able to edit it within Alfred's Workflows prefs. Cheers, Vero
  24. @deanishe It's only recently that we've started hearing of more frequent issues with iCloud syncing. It may be that more users are trying to use iCloud in recent times, but it's also possible that iCloud is increasing its use of Optimised Storage behind the scenes, where files are stored in the cloud to free up storage locally: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT207236 Alfred needs absolute live access to files, so if files are arbitrarily being removed because iCloud has decided they're not needed, it's inevitably going to cause issues. In short, yes, we'll be adding a notice in the next release, letting users know that these services aren't recommended, if they try to select them. Cheers, Vero
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