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Everything posted by politicus

  1. If you are looking for a workflow that hides any opened applications here If you are talking about Alfred Remote, I do not remember of any workflow that can do that.
  2. 1°) I've found this very interesting thread as I was trying to learn how to merge clips. The way this feature is explained I thought I had to double tap C as I still were in Clipboard History Viewer. I understood how to make it work with a tut on how Launchbar's clipboard feature is working 2°) +100 to the fourth point of datacharmer (would be very useful). 3°) Another idea would be to able to merge the last clipboard with one clipboard but not the way datacharmer thought of it. In terms of workflow, I was more thinking about something like - I launch the Clipboard History Viewer then - I search a specific clip then - I hit a key or a combination of keys Done! The last clipboard is merged with the clip I searched in the Clipboard History Viewer.
  3. I am working on 2 macs (macbook pro / mac mini (2 displays)). Thanks to synergy/teleport I can switch between the two computers quite easily. The problem is one of my 2 Macs, has 2 displays. In that case, switching from my macbook pro to the second display of the second mac is way more "painful". I have seen one window manager app that lets you do switch between any display/computers via a keyboard shortcut (but decided not to use/buy it for so many reasons. Main reasons are I found it not 100% reliable + you must buy a licence for every computer you use => more than 50$). Synergy has a feature that let you switch between computers (not displays) but I could not make this feature work. As of today. I would like to keep the number of applications I simultaneously use as low as possible. So, I thought Alfred might be of any help. If I only could move the mouse to the center of the display the application is opened/activated. I couldn't switch between computers but that would be way better than what I can do now. My trackpad and middle finger would thank you
  4. A workflow to search in your Notes.app notes? Here HTH.
  5. You could use witch.app. It is like a second Alt-Tab (Apple built-in applications switcher). Pros: - You can browse through the windows of an application. - Customizable. (i.e. you can exclude applications). Worth take a look.
  6. @Carlos-Sz When I tried the workflow, I didn't read the version specific requirements as I thought I would/should find this info in the title's thread
  7. @deanishe I meant left Cmd vs right Cmd, left Shift vs right Shift, left Alt vs right Alt. For example if you use the right Cmd key as a keyboard shortcut to launch a specific workflow, pressing the left Cmd key will also launch the same specific workflow.
  8. Is there a way Alfred differentiates cmd,alt,shift right and left keys? Many Mac applications do, so why not Alfred? Would be Christmas for keyboard shortcuts freaks
  9. @Carlos-Sz please add in the OP, it is a workflow for the Evernote DESKTOP APPLICATION not the web version. Add to browse through too many posts to only find it was for the application
  10. @deanishe Absolutely. Problem is when I hit enter, I get http://libgen.org/bla_bla_bla urls (ie http://libgen.org/get.php?md5=43814CDF41779BA10F384BAC64DBABBD for the query "rails").
  11. Output in Alfred debugger: ERROR: alfred.workflow.input.scriptfilter] Code 0: 16:45:22 workflow.py:940 DEBUG Loading cached data from : /Users/User/Library/Caches/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-2/Workflow Data/com.hackademic.libgen/rails..cache 16:45:22 workflow.py:970 DEBUG Cached data saved at : /Users/User/Library/Caches/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-2/Workflow Data/com.hackademic.libgen/results.cache I can't access libgen.org (tested in Google Chrome 39 and Firefox 34). -> "This webpage is not available"or "Server not found".
  12. The workflow seems to be working (I get search results). But I get "page not available" errors when using the workflow. When searching on http://gen.lib.rus.ec/ I get the results I want. No more "page not available" errors.
  13. If by output, you mean "what do I see when I type the workflow's keyword", I see that everything looks like to be working well I can use every feature of the workflow. Case closed?
  14. Thanks for the clarification. I red the instructions BUT was not sure how stackoverflow worked ( Did they use tags, titles, both ?). And yes, I have plenty of results using .osx .apple
  15. Reinstalled the workflow and it seems to be working well. Thank you.
  16. How do you explain I got zero results to the query "osx apple" using your workflow while I got 9659 results using stackoverflow.com?
  17. Reinstalled the workflow. Still having the issue, but changed my notifications settings. Have no more annoying banners.
  18. Tried the lasted version (1.1.0) from Packal. And got this error : [ERROR: alfred.workflow.input.scriptfilter] Code 0: 2015/01/05 11:11:30 Using config file /Users/user/Library/Application Support/Alfred 2/Workflow Data/com.jason0x43.alfred-toggl/config.json 2015/01/05 11:11:30 Using cache file /Users/user/Library/Caches/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-2/Workflow Data/com.jason0x43.alfred-toggl/cache.json 2015/01/05 11:11:30 loaded config: {ec6de4eadf2b2e243b4cc304e3b55751 false} 2015/01/05 11:11:30 loaded cache 2015/01/05 11:11:30 args: []string{"./alfred-toggl", "tell", "timers"} 2015/01/05 11:11:30 op: 'tell' 2015/01/05 11:11:30 kind: 'timers' 2015/01/05 11:11:30 query: ''
  19. Tried the 1.4 version (from Packal). 1°) The cm:reset action is working like a charm. 2°) I couldn't perform a delete action on a directory list item. In Alfred's debug mode, I got the error: Starting debug for 'Files Copy/Move to' [ERROR: alfred.workflow.action.script] Code 0: 2015-01-05 11:02:10.482 osascript[5157:307793] warning: failed to get scripting definition from /usr/bin/osascript; it may not be scriptable.
  20. @deanishe Great workflow. Thanks for sharing! Got this error message when typed the query "osx apple": Starting debug for 'Web Dev StackOverflow Search' [ERROR: alfred.workflow.input.scriptfilter] Code 0: 10:09:55 workflow.py:2194 DEBUG Update check not due 10:09:55 workflow.py:1945 DEBUG Workflow version : 1.0.0 10:09:55 workflow.py:1598 DEBUG Loading cached data from : /Users/user/Library/Caches/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-2/Workflow Data/net.deanishe.alfred-stackoverflow/__workflow_update_status.cpickle 10:09:55 workflow.py:2142 DEBUG update_data : {u'available': False} 10:09:55 so.py:127 DEBUG query : u'osx apple' 10:09:55 so.py:58 DEBUG Cache key : u'osxapple' [] -> u'osxapple' 10:09:56 so.py:92 DEBUG [200] https://api.stackexchange.com/2.2/search?sort=relevance&pagesize=50&site=stackoverflow&order=desc&intitle=osxapple&page=1 10:09:56 workflow.py:1634 DEBUG Cached data saved at : /Users/user/Library/Caches/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-2/Workflow Data/net.deanishe.alfred-stackoverflow/osxapple.cpickle 10:09:56 so.py:158 DEBUG 0 answers for u'osxapple', tagged [] 10:09:56 workflow.py:2124 DEBUG Set last run version : 1.0.0 10:09:56 workflow.py:1969 DEBUG Workflow finished in 0.407 seconds. Workflow version: 1.0 (downloaded from Packal).
  21. @Carlos-Sz I sync my Alfred Preferences in a Dropbox folder. Almost every time I use the workflow (at least 10 times a day) I have a notification that says list_sizeup.scpt has been updated. Less often, I have the same kind of notification with run_sizeup.scpt.
  22. @raguay.customct After I installed the latest version of the workflow, some of the "saved destination directories" ( = directories I added to to Copy/Move locations...) of the previously installed version of the workflow were still there. Looks like they are cached somewhere and not purged yet. The delete command of the cm:fav command didn't help me delete them as it threw an error message "strpos(): Empty needle i...". I didn't log out from OS X Yosemite.
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