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Everything posted by politicus

  1. Thanks Vitor. @vero That's the kind of information I would like to see in the note in the "Related Apps" pane
  2. I am trying to set app based keyboard shortcuts. Here is what I tried. I set up a keyboard shortcut for the first workflow (the keyboard shortcut is available when TextExpander has focus). Then I tried to set the keyboard shortcut up with one new workflow. The keyboard shortcut is not available anymore... I can't type it. It looks like one keyboard shortcut can be used by different applications (Alfred, Excel, Google Chrome, ...) but not by more than one workflow. Am I right?
  3. @David It makes perfect sense and this is awesome. Just created the workflow to expand some snippets in... TextExpander. Time saver+way easier.
  4. This morning I needed some help on one of the workflows I use. Simply said, the developer said "I've published all my workflows on Github, but I will longer support/update them. Bye." While it is developer mere freedom, I am kinda frustrated. Workflow is dead. My question is, in a particular case like this, what is the best thing to do? Posting a comment on original workflow's thread ( = waiting for a good samaritan ) Starting a new thread with my error log + link to original thread. What do you think?
  5. Alfred 2.4 here and it is working fine Never had the problem you mentioned (popclip not appearing). Another user case is right after selecting text, hit the keyboard shortcut to activate popclip. So that you can navigate through it extensions with the arrows keys. Awesome.
  6. More and more often, when using a keyboard shortcut action + the action "Show in Alfred", I want the "Selection in OSX" argument to be inserted between my prefix and some more information. For example: "bl (keyword) Alfredapp (selection in OSX), Black Themes only (more information)" This is similar to {query} for web searches. What do you think?
  7. Awesome. Even easier than I ask for. As you said deleting files + Alfred'speed + lack of attention can be dangerous. So adding a pop-up "Are you really sure?" could be life-saving...
  8. It happens to me too sometimes but Alfred is always a keyboard shortcut away.
  9. How to add a confirm option to a workflow just like for the System commands (log out, restart, ...) in Features > System ?
  10. Awesome workflow. Some feedback: I think the preferred google maps domain should be .com not .de. No big deal as it is very easy to modify in the workflow settings. (Just did it).
  11. I wish I where that good at programming
  12. App-based keyword shortcuts are awesome. Adding "Related Apps" can be "time consuming" (repetitive task, boring). Problem 1 : There is n o way to add more than one app at the time. Solution : Wouldn' it be great if we could create groups of apps. For example with a group of apps named "browsers". I would type a keyword that I would have previously defined and "browsers" in Alfred's bar, then would hit enter. All the browsers in my group "browsers" would be added in "Related Apps". We could also define "Related App" by workflow and not by Hotkey. No need to add the "Related Apps" in every hotkeys of the workflow. Problem 2 : Solution : Once the setting is set to "have focus" or "don't have focus", let the user add the app by selecting in Alfred's bar + hitting "Enter". For this to work, the focus has to be moved from the drop down menu to the panel right under. What do you think?
  13. Let's keep in touch. I added a ton of workflows lately. Time to digest now
  14. It is working very well. Thank you. Would love to see something like this: I type "throw" in Alfred's bar, then one keyword I would have previously defined, then hit enter. (The keyword represent the path of a folder). After hitting enter, All/Some the Files/Folders of the aforementioned folder would be moved to the trash/deleted. Could be very powerful Just a thought.
  15. What a great workflow! Could we only search against the unread messages? That would be awesome.
  16. What a great improvement compared to older versions I know this is not the goal of this workflow, but is there a way to display the associated keyboard shortcut to the menu entry? For example in Alfred Preferences: "Select All" -> "Cmd-A".
  17. "It's not a bug, it's a feature" Got it. I just founded this alternative workflow might be useful (if you prefer black/white).
  18. None of these are working for me. OSX 10.9.3.
  19. @AxelPeigne. Great workflow. Is there a way to modify the folder? For example, if I would like to set it to ~/Downloads/ToBeDeleted folder?
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