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Everything posted by politicus

  1. If you have the same "problem", there is a solution/trick Once your "Related Apps" panel is opened, fire Alfred's Bar and type "/", the Applications folder will appear. From there, drag and drop the applications you want to include/exclude.
  2. If what you are looking for is being able to search all your accounts (cloud storage+mail) from Alfred in ONE query the answer is no. Just like with Spotlight, you can't launch Spotlight, type your query and get results from all your local+online accounts. Or I missed something. What is important is you can't do it in ONE time. BUT if you want to search your in your Dropbox files, you can do it. There is a workflow for that. BUT if you want to search your in your Gmail account, you can do it. There is a workflow for that. What I mean is if you want to search in your Dropbox and in your Gmail accounts you will have to use two workflows one AFTER the other. I haven't seen any Alfred workflow for Yahoo mail.
  3. Will you be able to create an Alfred client for Dropbox+Yahoo+Gmail+... without any dev skills I wont gonna lie to you, no you won't be able to do it. The last company I heard of that did what you are looking for hit the deadpool.
  4. The workflow is not working anymore for me at least. At first, I had to reinstalled the workflow because I could use every features except the create a new snippet. When I hit enter+cmd, I just had a notification saying a new snippet has been created but no snippet had been created. After I reinstalled the workflow, when I typed ?snip to create my first snippet, I just got the fallback searches. Brew list -> Tag is installed. From Alfred's debugger : [ERROR: alfred.workflow.input.scriptfilter] Code 0: --: /opt/local/bin/tag: No such file or directory --: /opt/local/bin/tag: No such file or directory --: /opt/local/bin/tag: No such file or directory --: /opt/local/bin/tag: No such file or directory --: /opt/local/bin/tag: No such file or directory --: /opt/local/bin/tag: No such file or directory --: /opt/local/bin/tag: No such file or directory --: /opt/local/bin/tag: No such file or directory --: /opt/local/bin/tag: No such file or directory --: /opt/local/bin/tag: No such file or directory --: /opt/local/bin/tag: No such file or directory --: /opt/local/bin/tag: No such file or directory --: /opt/local/bin/tag: No such file or directory --: /opt/local/bin/tag: No such file or directory --: /opt/local/bin/tag: No such file or directory --: /opt/local/bin/tag: No such file or directory --: /opt/local/bin/tag: No such file or directory --: /opt/local/bin/tag: No such file or directory
  5. Hi, tl;dr I almost never really used Spotlight (even before I bought Alfred). As a Alfred user I use Alfred all the time (2 days ago, I used it 1045 times in single day. Yes, I did very repetitive thing that day. On a normal day I use it about 85/90 times). My answer is based on my experience with the Alfred Power Pack (OSX Mountain Lion). Tow things to remember. 1°) Alfred is based on Spotlight (for the search part). Many features are similar (file search, calculator, dictionary,...). 2°) There is a free version of Alfred. And a paid one. The paid one let you unlock the true power of Alfred thanks to the workflows (little programs you or the awesome community members create (ruby, bash, zsh, applescript, python are supported). Do you remember "There is an app for that"? Well, in Alfred, it is (almost) "There is a workflow for that". Workflows range from admin to case converter, url shortener, web searches, files management, and so on. Alfred's forum, Packal.org and Github and great places to find awesome little workflows you will use everyday). The main difference between Alfred and Spotlight, for me, is that it fits perfectly well in my workflow (makes me WAY more productive and is so easy to use) I find Alfred is a step breaker. Wanna delete 5 files in an obscure folder? Hit Cmd+Space, type your query, select the files in a buffer via a keyboard shortcut, hit tab, start typing delete then enter. And your done. 5 sec. Can you do that kind of thing with Spotlight? This is a basic example. You can do so MUCH more. Faster and in a easier way than with Spotlight. For a more visual answer, check these videos on Vimeo. HTH.
  6. @vero Thanks. I, at one moment, thought I would watch the Vimeo videos. The problem is I didn't know what I really was looking for... The documentation is getting better and better Awesome.
  7. Awesome! One more dfay workflow I will use 10x everyday Feature request : If you could add a mix of the Camel case and the Pascal case (First letter of the word is a capital letter / space between words are replaced by an underscore --> My_Great_Variable_Name), I would be the happiest. (I name my files/folders using this case).
  8. Thanks Vitor! This is awesome. (Yesterday, before trying to make this action work, I tried to create a keyboard shortcut to open "Recent Documents" in Skim. Failed. No need for a keyboard shortcut now ).
  9. Hi deanishe! As I was trying to make the workflow work I got this log in the console: [ERROR: alfred.workflow.input.scriptfilter] Code 0: 21:06:40 ff.py:974 DEBUG wf.args : [u'manage', u''] 21:06:40 ff.py:975 DEBUG args : {u'<dir>': None, u'<profile>': None, u'<query>': u'', u'add': False, u'alfred-browse': False, u'alfred-search': False, u'choose': False, u'keyword': False, u'load-profile': False, u'load-settings': False, u'manage': True, u'open-help': False, u'remove': False, u'search': False, u'settings': False, u'update': False, u'update-setting': False} 21:06:40 ff.py:310 DEBUG dirpath : None query : u'' I finally can use the workflow but I thought you might be interested in this feedback.
  10. @Vitor Sorry for the misleading tittle. Unfortunately, I can't edit it. In Alfred preferences, I have 15 actions. All checked. So I think I "have" this action. But I can't use. What am I suppose to do to use it? Select a folder via the file selection keyboard shortcut? Or do something from the Alfred bar?
  11. I discovered there was a "Recent Documents" action in the “Default Actions" in Actions (Features). I wanted to test it but it looks like there no "Recent Documents" in my actions...
  12. From a Mac OS X 10.9.4 user thank you very much! What a very useful workflow... that finally works for me. Previous versions were not very stable -> makes me even happier to be able to use this one Presets and preview -> Awesome !
  13. Without the cdm key any file is moved to the Trash. Great. The cmd modifier key doesn't do what is says. With the cmd key the Downloads/Trash should be emptied and they aren't. My test file is just moved from Downloads to Trash. Didn't test the workflow with throw a particular folder in the Trash.
  14. This is awesome and way more secure I tested it and after clicking on "God no!" there is a notification "Files deleted successfully".
  15. Not working for me either. Get nothing in the console.log.
  16. @hboon Is there a way the workflow show "Network Name" as an argument? I would type the workflow keyword, Alfred's Bar would appear with the list of the wi-fi networks available. That would be cool. Thank you.
  17. @Clinton Strong Nice workflow ! I can't make it work anymore. Here is the log : Starting debug for 'Recent Folders' [ERROR: alfred.workflow.input.scriptfilter] Code 1: /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/2.0/usr/lib/ruby/2.0.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:55:in `require': cannot load such file -- alfred (LoadError) from /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/2.0/usr/lib/ruby/2.0.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:55:in `require' from get_recent_folders.rb:1:in `<main>' Tested the workflow this morning with Alfred 2 v2.4 (279) Mac OS X 10.9.4 (13E28). Version of the workflow tested: I downloaded the workflow from the link in your last post.
  18. This workflow is a great start if you want to create a new one/request a new feature to Vitor . There is also this one. HTH.
  19. @Vitor Thanks for your answer. @shawn I totally agree with your first paragraph. Users with no programming skills (me ) have no idea how much time/efforts are required to create a great workflow. I will follow your wise advices.
  20. @dfay This is an awesome workflow! Some feedback: - I have some problems with arrow based keyboard shortcuts. (Error reading Hotkey : Try re-enter ...). -Iin the results, I think it would be better to display modifier keys (cmd,option,ctrl,shift,fn) first, then letters, numbers. Better readability (to me). Feature request : (When using wfp, wfc, wfg) Would be awesome to be able to filter results by starting typing the workflow's keyword. For example, "wfc Category Name g". (When using hot) Would be awesome to filter workflows by keyboard shortcut. What do you think?
  21. Adding double quotes to 1-775-555-1212 displays "1-775-555-1212" as large type.
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