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Everything posted by Vero

  1. @Paul Rowe That's quite a vague report so a little tricky for us to help. First, could you let me know which version of Alfred you're using? Next, if you manually launch Alfred's preferences by clicking the bowler hat in the menu bar in the top right of your screen, is your hotkey still set to Option + Spacebar? What happens if you temporarily change the hotkey to something obscure (which allows you to check whether the Option + Spacebar combo might be intercepted by another app that is also using it) If you use any other hotkey-based apps or keyboard modifiers, make sure these aren't interfering. You can check in the Accessibility preferences (System Prefs > Security & Privacy > Privacy > Accessibility) for other apps that are allowed to control your Mac. And finally, if you've recently upgraded, have you restarted your Mac? Cheers, Vero
  2. @georgexsh Welcome to the forum. If you launch Console.app and try to eject your external drive, do you see an error message? It may indicate why macOS is not allowing the disk to be fully ejected. Cheers, Vero
  3. It’s extremely rare for a thread to be removed from the forum, but the thread you’re referring to was a particular case where the discussion was unnecessarily negative, repeating the same statements ad nauseum, and veering off-topic. We allowed the discussion to come to its natural conclusion, and left it for long enough for all parties involved to read it, then removed it. I have a copy of the thread in the logs, so @nikivi, if you need any more specific information from that thread, let me know and I’ll be able to recover this for you. (thanks @deanishe for re-posting some of it) From our community guidelines: “The forum is a place for helpful questions & answers and improving your knowledge of Alfred. It is not a place to vent if you feel Alfred isn't the butler for you. By all means, do ask for help with things that you'd like to do, but please don't use the forum as a soapbox as these posts will be moderated.” Hope this clarifies why this thread was removed, and we can put this matter to rest. Cheers, Vero
  4. @Anoir Welcome to the forum. Before asking for further help with workflows, please fill in your Powerpack email address in your forum profile. This is only visible to admins but allows us to confirm your Powerpack status. Cheers, Vero
  5. You'll find the download link in the first post of this thread, where all the information from the workflow creator is contained. Be sure you download the right version as there's also a legacy version for Alfred 2 listed there. Cheers, Vero
  6. @Voeltz Could you please ensure that you are using: Alfred 3.5.1 (I can see the update tab appears in your screenshot) The latest version of Evernote from the evernote.com website (not from the App Store) The latest version of the workflow You can confirm the version of Evernote by going to Evernote > About Evernote. I'm assuming here that "Direct" stands for directly from their website and if you have the MAS version, you'll see "App Store" and no "Check for Updates..." under the Evernote menu. You can confirm the workflow version by launching Alfred to the Workflows tab, taking a look at your workflow where you should see version 9 beta 2: When using this combination, if Evernote isn't running, when you type "ens", Evernote should launch. Once Evernote is running, type the keyword again and let me know if you're getting any results. Let me know whether using the right version is sufficient to get you back up and running Cheers, Vero
  7. @Alain Thanks for filling that in I think @deanishe will be in a better position to help you as it's his workflow, but in the meantime: - Check if there are errors reported in the debugger - Let us know whether you're using the default Contacts app in High Sierra, or a third-party contacts manager, etc Cheers, Vero
  8. @Voeltz Welcome to the forum. Could you please first fill in your Powerpack email address in your forum profile? This is only visible to admins, and allows us to confirm your Powerpack status. Once you've done this, please pop a post in the Evernote thread; Rather than start a new thread, this allows all discussion relating to the Evernote workflow to happen in one place, where you have more chance of your post being seen by fellow users and by the workflow creator. Cheers, Vero
  9. @Alain Welcome to the forum. Could you please fill in your Powerpack email address in your forum profile? This is only visible to admins, and allows us to confirm your Powerpack status. Cheers, Vero
  10. @chrtz Here's a new workflow that should perform the same task for you: https://www.dropbox.com/s/gtvz2hlf2ox9j3s/Convert Clipboard Contents.alfredworkflow?dl=0 Take a look at the workflow itself for more details, but essentially, copy your argument in the format outlined above to the clipboard (e.g. §123 §abc §bunnies) and type "clipstrip" into Alfred, and the argument will be pasted as 123, abc, bunnies. Of course, feel free to fiddle with it and modify it to work as you like Cheers, Vero
  11. @JohnG According to the creator of an even better Apple Notes workflow than mine, in High Sierra, Apple has changed the way notes are stored, storing them all in a single database rather than as individual files. @surrealroad mentioned he would be investigating how to work with this new format: In the meantime, I noticed that fellow Twitter users suggested the Evernote workflow. This is a brilliant workflow, and a great way to search synced notes (and in my personal experience, I've found more reliable than Apple's Notes), so may be a suitable stop gap until a Notes workflow is updated for High Sierra. Cheers, Vero
  12. @Bob46 Welcome to the forum! You can delete a single entry by pressing Function + Backspace, or use the keyword "clear" to delete the latest 5 or 15 minutes. Cheers, Vero
  13. @DanP Welcome to the forum When you're clicking on a link in Outlook, macOS will just open it in your default browser, and Alfred plays no part in the interaction. Doesn't Outlook allow you to set the browser it should use? That would be the most direct way to do it. If you wanted to use Alfred, you could create a hotkey workflow so that the link selected in macOS or copied to your clipboard is opened using a specified browser, but it'll require either selecting or copying the link. To use Alfred as I described, create a workflow with a Hotkey where the argument is either "selection in macOS" or "Clipboard Contents", connected to an Open URL object, where you can specify which browser you want the query to be opened in. I'll move this to Workflows Help & Questions, so if you need any help with your workflow, you can pop a reply in and get some workflow-relevant help. Cheers, Vero
  14. @oliver.gierke Looks like you're searching only within this particular thread; See the "Showing results for "faw" in content posted in Process named "faw" etc..." message above your search term. When you're within a thread and want to search forum-wide, you either need to go back to the main page of the forum, or choose "All content" from the dropdown menu next to the search box, as it defaults to searching within the thread you're in. This catches me out as well. I'll be flagging this up to IPBoard as something that should be customisable, as I'd prefer the search to always be forum-wide unless the user specifies otherwise. Cheers, Vero
  15. @t3k Take a look at the built-in workflow in Alfred, under the + button in the bottom left > Examples > Simple To-Do List. In this example, I'm using two variables; The first is typed (the task I want to do) and the second is picked from a List Filter (the list to which I want to add it), each of which is saved in an Arg & Vars utility, then called later in the "Append to file" object to form the name of the list to which I want to add the task. If you need further help, your best bet is to have a play with workflows, then post your own work in progress workflow if you have questions on how to complete it. Cheers, Vero
  16. @bjelakrez To keep the other thread clean, I've removed the post there. If you keep all replies in this thread, it makes it easier to respond in a single place. As Andrew stated, while we haven't been able to replicate this issue, we recognise that there is a small number of users who are experiencing indexing issues in macOS High Sierra. The file results are provided to Alfred by macOS, and if results are missing altogether for certain search terms, there's nothing Alfred can do to to intelligently sort these using his own algorithms. As Andrew said in the other thread, he has raised bugs with Apple about this, and we are hoping that this behaviour will improve in the next few releases of High Sierra. In parallel, he is also working on ideas to mitigate the issue. The next step is for you to please create a new user account on your Mac temporarily to see what behaviour you see there. Also, as per my earlier post, please fill in your Powerpack email address in your forum profile. This is only visible to admins but allows us to confirm your Powerpack status. Cheers, Vero
  17. @bjelakrez You need to be using the most current version for us to be able to help you out, so please update to the latest version of Alfred 3 (3.5.1 b883) downloaded from https://www.alfredapp.com first. Cheers, Vero
  18. @bjelakrez Jumping from Yosemite to High Sierra is a big upgrade skipping quite a few versions, so there's a reasonable possibility that there's some corruption or legacy libraries/files on your Mac playing havoc with the metadata search itself, which then manifests itself in Alfred. Before we go any further, could you please go through the reindex again from Alfred's Advanced prefs, clicking "Rebuild macOS metadata", and this time, ensuring that you check the "Delete /.Spotlight-V100" when the checkbox pops up. Then follow the instructions in Terminal, and check for any error messages in Terminal itself. You'll then need to leave it up to an hour to complete, then have a play again to see whether results are behaving more as expected. Also, if you're a Powerpack user, could you please fill in your Powerpack email address in your forum profile? This is only visible to admins, and allows us to confirm our users' status. [Edited to add: I've hidden your duplicate message in another thread. There's no need to post the same question in two different threads.] Cheers, Vero
  19. @Yourname Given that the crash is happening in Evernote itself, I would suggest contacting Evernote with this information. In normal conditions, a workflow might not return results if an app isn't working as expected, but it shouldn't cause an app to crash. Your best bet is to send the crash logs to Evernote, with as much detail as possible (e.g. is the app already launched when you search using the workflow, or does it crash on launch) etc... Cheers, Vero
  20. @harlock Please fill in your Powerpack email address in your forum profile. This is only visible to admins, and allows us to confirm your Powerpack user status. Cheers, Vero
  21. @godot When updating, you can always find details of what's in the latest update on the Update tab, which shows you a change log. In 3.5, the big highlight was the new Bookmarks feature. You can find out more about the new feature on the blog as well: https://www.alfredapp.com/blog/releases/alfred-3-5-released-bookmarks-high-sierra/ Cheers, Vero
  22. Thought I'd share the workflow I created for the latest Alfred blog post. It's a very simple workflow where each stream only contains two objects; A Hotkey and a Web Search. By setting the hotkey trigger to pass through either the selection in macOS or the clipboard contents, I can quickly launch a Google search for that text. Take a look at the whole tutorial here: https://www.alfredapp.com/blog/tips-and-tricks/tutorial-fastest-hotkey-based-search/ You can download the workflow itself below. However, if you're new to workflows, it's worth creating it yourself by following the tutorial, as you'll benefit from learning how it works. https://www.dropbox.com/s/99he5q9583mvw64/Google Search selected text or clipboard content.alfredworkflow?dl=0 Enjoy Cheers, Vero
  23. @captainpslurge Welcome to the forum, and sorry to hear about your lost password. Alfred only begins logging clipboard content after the Powerpack is activated, and the Clipboard History feature is manually enabled, in order to protect your privacy. As such, Alfred won't be able to help you recover a password that was copied prior to the Clipboard feature being activated. Good luck recovering your data. Cheers, Vero
  24. @Vinny Following up on @vitor's recommendation to take a look at the indexing troubleshooting page, a full reindex should solve things for you. Referring to the email you sent: "I am shown older files instead of the newer resume file which I have been editing for the past few weeks." Alfred doesn't cache files, so if you're seeing this kind of behaviour, it'll be down to indexing issues. When reindexing, be sure to check the box for "Delete /.Spotlight-V100" when Alfred shows you the checkbox, as this ensures that the index is built from fresh, then follow instructions in Terminal. Cheers, Vero
  25. @CocoCoding Welcome to the forum! Could you please fill in your Powerpack email address in your forum profile before asking for workflow-related help? Your details are only visible to admins (Andrew and myself) and it helps us confirm your Powerpack status. Cheers, Vero
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